
The Castaways Quotes

The Castaways by Lucy Clarke

The Castaways Quotes
"You don’t need to be scared, Erin. I’m your big sister. I’ll look after you now."
"It’s like that case, do you remember? The couple who disappeared in Panama for the life insurance."
"No one can prepare you for the lack of sleep, can they?"
"Please, leave him there until we’re through the turbulence."
"I want to find out what the pilot is hiding."
"I’ve got news," Lori announced. "Light coming on."
"Nothingness for long, undefined moments. Emptiness deepening and shallowing, dark and hot."
"Pain crashed through the front of her skull."
"A primal part of her told her she needed to move. Now."
"Smoke was thickening in the cabin, billowing from the rear of the plane."
"Lori looked up to see the long-haired man from the boarding lounge unfolding himself."
"Baby? Oh … the baby … She lurched forward, gripping the bassinet."
"Her legs gave way and she collapsed on the ground beside the bassinet."
"The air around her whispered and shimmered with heat."
"She turned. Daniel was bent over, hands just above his knees."
"We had no choice. The words echo in my head, growing louder with each footstep."
"I break into a run. I need air. I need to get out of this hospital."
"I stand for a moment, watching the doors swing emptily behind them."
"Lori made herself return to the broken carcass of the plane."
"Her stomach felt knotted, bunched too tight to feel a stir of hunger."
"We. We. We. It could so easily have been a mistake, a slip in speech."
"Lori woke to the sensation of something crawling across her cheek."
"The certainty of it settled over her skin: they would be spending the night on this island."
"Nathan Brass is standing in the lobby, his expression darkening as he stares right at me."
"Survival. That was the word that rippled beneath every action and decision."
"It seemed crazy that less than a week ago, she’d been standing in Erin’s tiny bathroom, applying a layer of fake tan over her goose-pimpled winter skin."
"Her hands circled beneath Sonny, experimenting with taking a little of his weight in her palms, giving her shoulders a moment’s respite."
"If you or I were driving a car – and it crashed because of a mechanical fault, like the steering suddenly went, how would you feel afterwards?"
"The only thing he’s thinking about is how he’s going to cover up the fact it was pilot error."
"Every time you step on a plane, you are putting your faith in the pilot – that he or she will get you safely to your destination."
"The night surrounds me, whisper-dark."
"No one makes a call at that time of night unless there’s something on their mind."
"He was a source of constant conflict between his father and me."
"Thought the rules didn’t apply to him. Always pushed things one step too far."
"If Felix hadn’t left when he did, the police would’ve been banging down his door."
"You’re the bloke who serves me my meal in a restaurant, or the one behind the till in a petrol station when I fill up my BMW, or the guy who cleans my suits."
"I’ve got to make a choice. It’s her, Felix. It’s her. It’s always been her."
"We don’t talk any more. We don’t sleep in the same room. We are strangers who live in the same house."
"We’re in the middle of the ocean. This could be one of the last islands in the archipelago."
"I may have mentioned that once or twice. Wherever you are right now, go sing some Chili Peppers for me, will you? I love you."
"The brave and the desperate have always been teammates."
"You don’t need to see the whole shape. You just need to trust it’s there."
"Emotions don’t come parcelled neatly. They’re shaken together and messy."
"Happiness laced with sadness. Hope tangled with fear. Love shadowed by loss."
"It isn’t about waiting until I’m in a better place. It’s about having a feeling life."
"I can’t see what the shape of my life looks like without her."
"I didn’t want this ending, Lori. I want you. I fucking want you!"
"I did the best I could, Lori. I’m sorry it wasn’t enough."
"I’ve looked at photos of this plane hundreds of times, yet now that solid cylinder of metal is grounded in a jungle."
"Our fingertips grip one another, as if feeling for the memory of each other’s body, pulling it out of our DNA, our history, the memories printed in each cell of our being."
"A low cry emerges from my throat, a choked sob from hers. Each other’s names are whispered over and over."
"We lean in. Our foreheads touch, tipping our gazes down to where our hands now link in the space between our bodies, still squeezing, communicating."
"I don’t understand,’ I say, staring at her, blinking hard. My heart thunders. ‘I thought you were dead.’"
"‘Dead,’ I say again, as if it’s the only word available."
"I shake my head so hard it feels like it’s rattling. ‘You survived?’"
"She presses her lips together, nods. Her eyes refill with tears."
"I stare at our entwined fingers. She wears the rose-gold bangle still, after all this time. Together."