
Save Me Quotes

Save Me by Lisa Scottoline

Save Me Quotes
"When it came to the human heart, one size fits all."
"You have to let them fight their own battles."
"Nobody can blame me for going back for Melly, can they?"
"It’s not about Amanda, it’s about Melly, who almost died today."
"Things like this happened all the time. Ambulances stocked teddy bears for a reason."
"That's blaming the victim. What Amanda did was downright cruel, and you weren't even there."
"Don’t let them get to you. No one has the facts."
"She’s lost three students in her time. One to leukemia, one to bone cancer, and another died in a car crash with a drunk driver."
"Routine is really the best thing for the students, and school becomes a constant in times of stress."
"The sprinkler system is zoned. The sprinklers went off only where there was fire."
"If she’s well enough, I’d send her. We need her to assimilate into the school community."
"There’s an automatic cut-off for phone calls after ten."
"That beauty doesn't really have anything to do with what we look like. It’s who we are inside, and what we do, in life."
"You cannot do more with less, not now and not ever."
"I’ll try my best, but I can’t guarantee anything."
"We can’t control what people do or say, even if it’s dumb."
"Eat crackers every morning, first thing. Old-school Saltines. You won’t feel so sick."
"You don’t have to be a kid to be left out, huh?"
"It’s about the truth. I’m not suing anybody, or threatening to."
"Not everything that existed could be seen. Not every border was clear."
"She was amazed at how many more there were, from cell phones, flip cams, iPods, and videocameras."
"The only light fixture was the lamp over her head, casting a cone of brightness onto her crown, like Dumbledore’s peaked hat."
"The full moon lurked behind, leaving the night opaque and inscrutable."
"It’s the GC’s fault, the general contractor, Campanile."
"The Campanile Group is a cutting-edge construction corporation, a new way of doing things in an age-old business."
"She felt a twinge of sadness, and wondered if Powell was the buddy."
"Another series of what-ifs popped into her mind."
"She looked into the blackness, and all she could see was her own silhouette reflected in the window, an indistinct outline."
"He blamed himself, but it wasn’t his fault, any of it."
"You can’t play fast and loose with a forklift."
"But he’s worried about the scandal and a divorce, and there’s more than that."
"I think she needs all the things already in her life, but she loves horses and she’s not afraid of them, even the biggest jumpers here."
"We all see Melly’s problem, but she’s got to find confidence in herself."
"I mourn him, but he was your son, and I’m so deeply sorry for what I did that night."
"I shouldn’t have vetoed you with Oliver. We’ll get him to make a statement that we won’t be suing the school."
"I’d tell you how it went, but it doesn’t compare with chasing murderous senators and exposing corporate conspiracies."
"Thomas, he ran out in front of the car. It was horrible, seeing how it happened and knowing we couldn’t get there, in time."