
Reluctantly Home Quotes

Reluctantly Home by Imogen Clark

Reluctantly Home Quotes
"She couldn’t be late. The judge would crucify her in front of her client."
"The situation might be salvageable. If she didn’t hit any more slow patches, she’d arrive with time to spare."
"Years of court experience brought with them a certain self-assurance."
"Her breath was coming in short snatches, as if something had sucked all the oxygen out of the car."
"The whole thing was a disaster before she’d even begun."
"She wanted to bend down and straighten it for him."
"Guilt was her constant companion, never once leaving her side."
"I want to be a star. I want people to turn and look at me when I walk into a room."
"But now I should go. I’m sorry, Rose. It’s been fun but I think we’re at the end of the line."
"Stars twinkled and then disappeared, and the moon, wafer-thin, slinked past on its inexorable path to the west."
"Whilst Pip didn’t want all and sundry knowing about her humble origins, the last thing she wanted to do was to hurt her father."
"The irony of this sentence almost made her laugh."
"You could tell a lot from someone’s handwriting, Pip knew, and this suggested a person with a zest for life, a natural exuberance."
"The books and diary could have surfaced through a house clearance after her death, but it seemed unlikely."
"Her parents exchanged glances as they sat down, and Pip knew at once there was something they wanted to say."
"In the past, she would just have hopped in her car, but obviously that wasn’t an option."
"Her lacklustre appearance had been pretty much the last thing on her mind recently."
"As she cleaned her teeth later that night she thought about Jez."
"She would never tell a living soul who the father was, though."
"I’m pregnant,’ she said in a voice so quiet she feared he wouldn’t have heard, but she could tell from his reaction that he had."
"I didn’t have you down as a one-night-stand kind of girl."
"I am pregnant and I want to keep the baby, so I can’t take the part."
"The flat spoke of independence, a determination to succeed."
"It felt like a retrograde step, a move in the wrong direction."
"I would relish the expressions on the faces of people from my past."
"I am having a baby on my own and I’m back at home to get some support from my loving family."
"I happen to think that it’s important to be honest at all times."
"It’s the memories that are the important part."
"The cheek of it. Whoever it was had shouted through her door without so much as a by your leave, Evelyn thought indignantly."
"Evelyn fancied she could just make out a pair of eyes and possibly a nose."
"Evelyn had barely left the house in years and it seemed highly unlikely that the woman really did have something of hers."
"Evelyn Mountcastle, the actress. The mere words evoked in her a nostalgia so strong that the corners of her mouth turned up a little."
"You were reinventing yourself, Evelyn said, and Pip nodded urgently. That was exactly it."
"The damage done by sudden death is devastating and irreversible."
"Scarlet had still been largely unformed when her little life had come to a halt."
"I must get on now, Evelyn said, getting laboriously to her feet."
"It’s so lovely to be out, Pip. Thank you for bringing me."
"I have really let things slide, haven’t I? But this is enough. Something needs to change here, Evelyn Mountcastle. You need to take yourself in hand."
"He sounds lovely. I could do with a Ted in my life."
"The prospect of pleasing Evelyn gave Pip a warm glow."
"You see an old woman living on her own and you think that if you befriend her there might be something in it for you."
"I went to the house to return the diary. Evelyn and I got chatting and discovered that we have more in common than you might think."
"He abused his position, he made you pregnant so that you lost your job, he took advantage of you when the balance of power was skewed."
"You either consented or you didn’t. There are no half measures."
"I shan’t be bringing any claim against anyone."
"I have no need of your aunt’s money, and I would much rather have her alive and available to talk to than otherwise."
"The best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time."
"I wasn’t sure meeting up was a good idea. My old agent Julian used to say, never look back unless you’re planning to go that way."
"Things change and move on all the time. That’s just how it should be."
"I’ll be up in town much more regularly from now on so it will be easy enough to get together."
"I shall return to London to get some head shots done very soon, and then we shall see what I can make happen."