
Rainbows End Quotes

Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge

Rainbows End Quotes
"The epidemic was at least one week old, probably originating in Central Africa, beyond the scope of hobbyist surveillance."
"Only CDD’s leadership had kept the disaster from spreading worldwide."
"Three had already been sighted that year, one just five days before, on July 18."
"The Pseudomimiviruses had an enormous genome."
"The advertisement was analyzed in every detail."
"If you watch trillions of things, you will often see one-in-a-million coincidences."
"The EU Intelligence Board assigned one of its brightest agents, a young German named Günberk Braun, to oversee a quiet reorganization at CDD."
"He was a spook, and he was paranoid even for that."
"As a child, Günberk Braun had often daydreamed of how, in an earlier time, he might have prevented the firebombing of Dresden."
"In the modern world, success came from having the largest possible educated population and providing those hundreds of millions of creative people with credible freedom."
"If you want the money, you figure out a way."
"There are many different skills. Sometimes it’s best to coordinate with lots of other people who together can make the answers."
"It’s about as likely as being a major league baseball star."
"Providence gives each of us our hand to play."
"There is always an angle. You, each of you, have some special wild cards."
"Synthetic serendipity doesn’t just happen. By golly, you must create it."
"Don’t let those skills die. You’ve been exposed to them. Use them. Improve on them."
"No Alzheimer’s, no dementia. You — people nowadays don’t know what it was like to be old."
"I’ve taken four semesters of this ‘Adult Education.’ Now my resume is out there in the ether."
"Your grandfather was way gone-dead before the doctors bring him back. No surprise he feel bad now."
"He is strange. He looks so young. Robert can be very gracious, and then suddenly cut you dead."
"In all the thousands of times that I’ve gone hunting in the stacks, I’ve seldom found exactly what I was looking for."
"The truth is, if we are careful and lucky we live to be old, and weak, and very very tired. There comes an end to striving."
"Burn me once, shame on him. Burn me twice, shame on me."
"But how’s the rest of you? You look a little twitchy."
"My thesis advisor has based her entire career on Gu’s Secrets of the Ages."
"The goal is we all cooperate to make it move. Dance around it, Xiu."
"For a moment, the monster danced in synch with the music, each gesture consistent."
"The dance got wilder as errors were corrected and overcorrected, until the tail was whacking at the heel claws."
"But everybody was laughing, and not at any particular victim."
"Juan was still laughing. 'I know, I know. But the network link was basura más odiosa."
"Robert remembered the inept international choir down at UCSD. 'We should have used a metronome.'"
"In a crowd there’d be hundreds of active realities, and bazillions potentially."
"Writing beauty that sings was something that no amount of schooling could teach."
"There came a day when he wrote something that had affect and image. It was not utter crap."
"Juan Orozco was distinctly less able than the students of Robert’s experience."
"Some of her projects were obvious to the new Robert, some he could make good guesses about."
"Robert kept his eyes on the action below. He didn’t reply to the helpful voice."
"Robert made a grumpy noise. Even something as simple as a schoolyard game didn’t make sense."
"The books were the ghosts — or maybe the avatars — of what had been destroyed."
"The biggest risk is that my results are simply bogus."
"He was aware of Miri helping to clean up after dinner and then coming up to her room."
"He took a quick glance downstairs. Nobody had been to the front John."
"Robert leaned forward, ear to the door. Nothing. Not even the mumble of circumspect speech."
"Vision returned a second after that. Bob was alone in the living room, staring at the door of the ground-floor den."
"What did that little girl do with her secrets? They were surely more significant than he had ever guessed."
"He kept an eye on the front bathroom, and another on the door to the den."
""You should know by now, Zulfi, even if you can’t create poetry yourself, that the issues can’t be separated. Beauty captures truth."
""Hell, Sharif, truth — new truth — ended long ago. We artists sit atop a midden ten thousand years deep."
""There is still beauty. I will bring it back.""
""We must find out the truth, Günberk. We could be wrong about San Diego."
""Correct, because nothing ever came of it. Before the Sino-American war, we know DARPA spent billions on the Little Helper Project."
""Don’t worry. No one will be hurt, and it’s a diversion that will be… useful."
"Altogether it was not as secure as Vaz’s milnet, but it would suffice for most regions of the contingency tree."
"The riot is sucking in the local comm resources. It’ll be a regular black hole by the time it peaks."
"I bet high-rate forwarding isn’t supported except for around the library."
"The twisty hallway was brightly lit, just what you’d expect during a network brownout."
"You can’t have everything. Hacek and Scoochi fans have done everything we could pray for."
"The wonders of nano-fluidics. A decade of old-time bioscience done in every shifting of the lights."
"They were making faster progress, mainly because Carlos and Robert had figured out the gymnastics of the operation."
"It was a fantastic claim — and manifestly true."
"Numerical estimates floated up for 'Time till stooges can reach 911' and 'Time till DHS responds.'"
"For several minutes, there was no manager-level traffic."
"Rabbit was known for its childish ego. It simply couldn’t pass up a chance to show off."
"Maybe Rabbit was a Grand Terrorist, who had used the Alliance as its stooge."
"All power in the modern world, from flying the largest aircraft to moving bytes between components in a single processor, it all came down to the exchange of appropriate markers of trust."
"Communications failures are up, but not in our core operation. Rabbit is still here, but he’s losing flexibility."
"That damned bunny. We can’t stop him. He just keeps coming and coming and coming."
"Molecular Biology of Cognition. MCog. And Alfred’s people have created the ideal animal model for their research."
"Your pdf says they only control a small part of GenGen. But I bet they can hear a long ways."
"I’m not a little girl, Robert. I don’t climb on other people’s property."
"I think someone has turned off the hillside."
"There’s a big military base just north of here."
"Tonight’s action could be something new, a Grand Terror that ran simultaneously through the U.S.A. and the Indo-European Alliance."
"The analysts were boiling with contrary opinions."
"The library was doing its best to remain standing… and on its own vast scale, it was failing."
"Damn it. Lab security would prevent that."
"The rumors contaminated everything and everyone associated with that night."
"Robert had become very good at blocking paparazzi mail, but the notoriety was blowing over."
"Most of these kids could not master the latest, cutting-edge applications."
"The vocational program was not the gem of Fairmont High."
"Robert smiled to himself. In this, his old people-sense hadn’t deserted him."
"Amazingly, that ordering also produced a pretty good show."
"Juan and Robert were last, the only part of the schedule that was really beyond Chumlig’s control."
"Juan’s lyrics climbed up, the chorus from the north singing his English version, and the one from the south his Spanish."
"Robert listened. His contribution was not perfect."