
Skinny Dip Quotes

Skinny Dip by Carl Hiaasen

Skinny Dip Quotes
"I married an asshole, she thought, knifing headfirst into the waves."
"Pig, she thought, submerging to shed a clot of seaweed that had wrapped around her neck like a sodden Yule garland."
"I had a feeling he didn't love me anymore, she thought, but this is ridiculous."
"We've only been married two years, she was thinking. What did I do to deserve this?"
"Please, God, don't let them eat me, Joey thought, until after I've died."
"Chaz realized he'd been gnawing on his lower lip, which actually turned out to be a fine touch."
"Admiring the silken calfskin sheaths, Chaz felt a knot of remorse in his gut. It passed momentarily, like acid reflux."
"Misplaced guilt led her into charity work and a modest lifestyle, though she had retained a weakness for Italian shoes."
"She also became acutely aware that Chaz did not regard matrimony as an exclusive carnal arrangement."
"Except for the sex, Chaz simply wasn't a very compelling fellow."
"Every scheme required seclusion and he'd nearly abandoned hope, when the rain arrived."
"The detective picked up the copy of Madame Bovary. 'Yours or hers?'"
"Chaz stopped at the hotel bar and ordered a martini. Rolvaag, the Broward detective, found him there."
"In the meantime, it was Stranahan's intention to remain in the concrete house until he was officially evicted."
"So that the searcher would conclude, as any observer might, that the woman in the sundress wasn't a castaway but obviously the wife or girlfriend of the lucky middle-aged guy at the picnic table."
"Stranahan waited until they were done before finishing his lecture."
"Rolvaag looked on thoughtfully. 'Everyone reacts different to a shock like this.'"
"All these things to remind me, I'd be too depressed to get out of bed."
"I'm willing to do anything if there's a chance to bring closure."
"Painful sometimes, but still a step forward."
"He works on the Everglades project for the state water-management district."
"Nothing gave him more joy than sitting on the porch of his farmhouse, toking on a joint and gazing out upon verdant slopes."
"I'm sure they're scared shitless down in Colombia."
"I've never seen Joey drunk, not even close to drunk."
"You'd be surprised how many people spend so little time with their ailing mothers and fathers."
"It's emotional withdrawal, that's all. Like when you try to kick caffeine, suddenly the whole damn world smells like Folger's."
"It was his idea the first time. He was so proud of himself, thought he was so darn clever."
"But then once you realized it was a mistake—Why did I stay married to him?"
"That asshole, I didn't push her. She fell." - "That's not what I saw."
"Call me over the weekend." - "Wait, Ricca—if it's about what happened at lunch?"
"You don't understand the implications. The thing is, I was out of options. If only she..."
"I'm guessing you fake the water tests to make it look clean."
"You don't understand. If she ever blew the whistle on me and Mr. Hammernut..."
"He must be very important, to need personal protection."
"I hurt my share a people, but never no women unless they lit after me first."
"You're surprised that I've done my homework."
"Life's too darn short to be dragging around that kind of a personal burden."
"It looks sort of like Joey's. Close enough anyway."
"You're such a dolt. I should triple my price."
"He could chat about his penis all night long."
"Sometimes a lie isn't a clue to anything. It's just a reflex."
"That's a hundred times better than a routine grudge fuck."
"Red Hammernut said there was never only one choice, regardless of the problem."
"I thought the whole point of having a bodyguard was to protect me from shit like this."
"You're under a great deal of stress right now."
"How do you do this every day without going mad?"
"I'm a firm believer that what goes around comes around."
"The lamb is a universal symbol of innocence, you know."
"It sure was nice of Corbett to leave us alone for the afternoon."
"We're here to celebrate the life and times of my magnificent baby sister."
"She had weaknesses, as all of us do. Impulsive moments. Blind spots. Lapses in judgment."
"She was always the idealist in our family, the dreamy romantic."
"You don't understand. Red's deadly serious when it comes to business."
"I thought you were going to rat me out for faking the water tests."
"Guess 'cause he figgered I was gone shoot him first."
"Here I go and do the decent Christian thing—which is to let the man off the hook—and what happens? He plugs me!"
"An ending," said Joey. "Maybe some peace of mind."
"Tonight I shall reunite with my beloved, so that we may embrace each other on our journey to a dear and better place."
"Don't do that." Her yowls could shatter crystal, as Chaz well remembered from their lovemaking.
"Wouldn't it be a treat, Chaz thought, to have just one goddamn day when nobody fucked with my head?"
"That boy can flat-out ruin me," he said somberly.
"It's all 'cause of you he escaped!" Red fumed. "It's your damn fault and nobody else's!"
"Because you're a man." Joey blew bubbles as she laughed.