
Visions In Death Quotes

Visions In Death by J.D. Robb

Visions In Death Quotes
"Friendship cannot live with ceremony, nor without civility." - LORD HALIFAX
"Is this a vision? is this a dream? do I sleep?" - WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE
"She'd gotten through the entire evening without killing anyone."
"Unofficially, Eve labeled it death by stupidity."
"Maybe I owe you a foot rub," she considered. "You're a pretty good deal."
"For every business event or social occasion she managed to attend as his wife, there were probably three she missed."
"Witnesses, including an uninvolved Good Samaritan from a neighboring building who'd called in the nine-one-one, all stated that the individual who'd been scooped off the sidewalk and into a bag had leaped of his own volition."
"I'd give a month's pay for a goddamn pair of jeans and a normal shirt."
"It's not a hardship to be eye-to-eye with Roarke."
"The summer of 2059 had been long, hot, and bloody."
"I don't believe in suffering, particularly when it's me doing the suffering."
"To preserve the integrity of an investigation."
"You'll have a hard time working up a client list because you'd smash all their faces in."
"He's not responsible for choking the life out of Elisa Maplewood but him."
"As a cop, as a woman, I will pursue the man who took Elisa Maplewood's life, however long it takes, until he's brought to justice."
"If somebody'd been bothering Marjie, she'd have told me."
"It's hard to think that if these three women are linked, that nobody connected to them saw this guy."
"Someone controlled him, punished him. A female, and now he's showing her who's boss."
"It's not that I don't want to cooperate, but it seems I should consult with my lawyer first."
"If you need to shove somebody out, you know, to simplify? Could you give Roarke the push?"
"I want to know when you find him. I want to know. I want—"
"Women tend to do at least some of their shopping and business in their own neighborhoods."
"You lose people every day. Don't know how you get through one and into the next."
"I don't hold with rape. Man's got a hand, doesn't he?"
"It's a fine distinction. What you got there? Two seventy-five. That be about your weight?"
"We believe Elisa Maplewood and Lily Napier were both killed by one individual, acting alone and on his own volition."
"I work for Elisa Maplewood and Lily Napier, and now I'm going to get back to it."
"Truth is you stand up, and if you can't, you're no better than the one who beat and broke you."
"There is no reason for killing innocent people, for bathing yourself in their blood because someone messed you up."
"The public has a right to be protected, and we're doing everything in our power to do so."
"Morris chuckled, waved a hand in front of his face. 'Joke.'"
"Looks like he stroked out, had a big-ass brain pop."
"Yeah, one where several adolescent boys masturbated to death."
"She wore the hair in a tuft, maybe three inches high and straight up from the crown of her head."
"I don't have to talk to you. Bitch." "No, you don't have to talk to me." She sat down, hooked an arm around the back of her chair. "And that's Lieutenant Bitch to you."
"You're beautiful to me. Absolutely beautiful."
"She says, 'Hey, Mavis,' about every five minutes," she whispered. "It's cute."
"You're the only one who could have killed her. You're boxed. Stand up to it, Celina. One thing you're not, is weak."
"You know, Lieutenant, I can get through the door nearly as quickly myself as with this ram. And with more finesse, and considerably less noise."
"You know I will. Just like you knew I'd get John Blue, with or without you."
"I think I did." But because she could, she let her head lean on Mavis's shoulder a moment. "Maybe after she's better, Trina could give her the full works. Peabody'd like that. She can be a real girl."
"People don't kill for love, Celina, they just like to pretty up the mess they've made by saying so."