
On Her Majesty's Secret Service Quotes

On Her Majesty's Secret Service by Ian Fleming

On Her Majesty's Secret Service Quotes
"It was one of those beautiful, naive seaside panoramas for which the Brittany and Picardy beaches have provided the setting - and inspired their recorders, Boudin, Tissot, Monet - ever since the birth of plages and bains de mer more than a hundred years ago."
"To James Bond, sitting in one of the concrete shelters with his face to the setting sun, there was something poignant, ephemeral about it all."
"What a long time ago they were, those spade-and-bucket days! How far he had come since the freckles and the Cadbury milk-chocolate Flakes and the fizzy lemonade!"
"Impatiently Bond lit a cigarette, pulled his shoulders out of their slouch and slammed the mawkish memories back into their long-closed file."
"Today he was a grown-up, a man with years of dirty, dangerous memories - a spy."
"He was not sitting in this concrete hideout to sentimentalize.about a pack of scrubby, smelly children on a beach scattered with bottle-tops and lolly-sticks and fringed by a sea thick with sun-oil and putrid with the main drains of Royale."
"He was here, he had chosen to be here, to spy. To spy on a woman."
"Already one could smell the September chill that all day had lain hidden beneath the heat."
"Then the orange ball of the sun would hiss down into the sea and the beach would, for a while, be entirely deserted, until, under cover of darkness, the prowling lovers would come to writhe briefly, grittily in the dark corners between the bathing-huts and the sea-wall."
"She had come from nowhere and was standing beside the croupier, and Bond had no time to take in more than golden arms, a beautiful golden face with brilliant blue eyes and shocking pink lips, some kind of a plain white dress, a bell of golden hair down to her shoulders, and then it came. 'Banco!'"
"Bond groaned inwardly and looked across to see how she had taken it."
"Bond knew of the stigma the girl would carry for the rest of her life."
"In some way this girl had come to the end of her tether, of too many tethers."
"He showered and got in between the cool, rough French sheets of his own bed and switched off his thinking about her."
"All he remembered, before sleep took him, was that she had said when it was all over, 'That was heaven, James. Will you please come back when you wake up. I must have it once more.'"
"What the hell? All cats are grey in the dark."
"They burn the heart out of themselves by living too greedily, and suddenly they examine their lives and see that they are worthless."
"She made what I now see was a desperate attempt to get back on the rails, so to speak."
"Actually the fifteenth. But quite respectable."
"I am now going to establish confidence with you. By the only means."
"She likes to call herself Tracy. She thinks Teresa sounds too grand."
"And I am now a much bigger target. But do not kill me, I beg of you. At least not until we have had a stiff whisky and soda and a talk."
"Don't worry about Blofeld. He has already swallowed the bait."
"If you ask me, we must help the hair to grow and flourish on his heel of Achilles until it is so luxuriant that he trips on it."
"M rarely swore and when he did it was nearly always at stupidity."
"Snobbery's a real Achilles heel with people."
"Take it away. It's a messy-looking bird's-nest of a plan."
"Swotting up heraldry at his desk instead of top-secret reports."
"He felt totally so when he was treated with the deference due to his title."
"It is very popular and brings in much money."
"He had been missing her, wondering about her."
"Feeling sorry for himself, for the miscellaneous burdens he was carrying alone."
"Encouraged by the prospect of this cosy self-anaesthesia."
"He felt completely clueless, out of his depth."
"It was the scream that triggered Bond into deciding that, above all things, he must keep fit."
"You oughtn't to say such things of the dead."
"Your arms feel as heavy as lead. Your breathing is quite even. Your breathing is as regular as a child's. Your eyes are closed and the eyelids are heavy as lead."
"You are slipping, slipping, slipping down into sleep. Your bed is as soft and downy as a nest. You are as soft and sleepy as a chicken in a nest."
"You love all chickens. You would like to make pets of them all. You would like them to grow up beautiful and strong."
"You will be doing so much good that it will make you very, very happy. But you will keep quiet about it. You will say nothing of your methods."
"People will try and find out your secret. But you will say nothing because they might try and take your secret away from you."
"Thousands, millions of chickens made happier because of you. So you will say nothing and keep your secret. You will say nothing, nothing at all."
"God rest ye merry gentlemen, let nothing ye dismay!"
"The violins sobbed into 'The Skaters' Waltz'."
"What a girl! The thought of her, of having an ally, of not being on his own, revived Bond."
"He had gathered enough strength, mostly from the girl, to have one more bash at them!"
"Kiss me all the way past the ticket-table. They're there, but I think we can make it."
"You're an angel, Tracy. But take it easy. We don't want to end up in the ditch."
"Dunlop Rally studs on all the tyres. They're only supposed to be for Rally drivers, but I managed to wangle a set out of them. Don't worry. Just sit back and enjoy the drive."
"And now, my darling James, just tell me how many of them you killed. And tell me the truth."
"You've had enough for one day. Go to sleep. I'll get you to Zürich. Please do what I say."
"This is a map showing the total agricultural and livestock resources of Britain and Eire, leaving out grassland and timber."
"Biological Warfare is often referred to as bacteriological, bacterial, or germ warfare but it is preferred over those terms because it includes all micro-organisms, insects and other pests, and toxic products of plant and animal life."
"Sorry about all this jaw-breaking stuff, but there's not much more of it."
"The nature of BW agents makes them very adaptable for covert or undercover operations."
"Defense against BW warfare is greatly complicated by the difficulties involved in detection of BW agents."
"All right, gentlemen. The prosecution rests."
"We march and counter-march about radiation and the atom bomb."
"You are a man. You can walk up the Canebiere and do it at the Noailles for nothing after lunch."
"It is difficult to step down from being Capu of the Union."
"But this Blofeld, he is too bad, too disgusting."
"You are a bloody fool, James. You are already lucky to be alive."
"And now we will go to bed stinking of garlic and, perhaps, just a little bit drunk."
"I don't know. I was walking down from Pontresina to Samaden. I came on a day excursion from Zurich and missed my bus. I was going to take a train from Samaden. Then I saw these explosions up the mountain - and I walked up there past the station to see better, and the next thing I knew was a bang on the head and being dragged along the path."
"I'm terribly sorry, but I can't tell you much. The same business as the other day. Next chapter."
"I wouldn't love you if you weren't a pirate. I expect it's in the blood. I'll get used to it. Don't change. I don't want to draw your teeth like women do with their men. I want to live with you, not with somebody else. But don't mind if I howl like a dog every now and then. Or rather like a bitch. It's only love."
"Medals are so often just the badges of good luck. If I am a hero, it is for things for which no medals are awarded."
"Too much money is the worst curse you can lay on anyone's head. I have enough. Tracy has enough. It will be fun saving up to buy something we want but can't quite afford. That is the only kind of money to have - not quite enough."