
Son Of Hamas: A Gripping Account Of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, And Unthinkable Choices Quotes

Son Of Hamas: A Gripping Account Of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, And Unthinkable Choices by Mosab Hassan Yousef

Son Of Hamas: A Gripping Account Of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, And Unthinkable Choices Quotes
"Every new face on the world stage thinks he or she is going to be the one to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict. And each one fails just as miserably and completely as those who have come before."
"Before the age of twenty-one, I saw things no one should ever see: abject poverty, abuse of power, torture, and death."
"I was held captive in the bowels of Israel’s most feared prison facility."
"My unlikely journey has taken me through dark places and given me access to extraordinary secrets."
"Few Westerners can come close to understanding the complexities of the Middle East and its people."
"I am a child of Islam and the son of an accused terrorist. I am also a follower of Jesus."
"What was inside these people that made them take such delight in hurting me?"
"Even the basest animal kills for a reason, not just for sport."
"My father quietly endured the persecution, never shouting back or defending himself."
"Traditional Muslims stand at the foot of the ladder, living in guilt for not really practicing Islam."
"A moderate Muslim is actually more dangerous than a fundamentalist."
"Every day after that, I watched as more bodies were brought to the cemetery."
"We throw stones, and they shoot us down with machine guns."
"We are under occupation. The United Nations, the whole international community, every free man in the world recognizes our right to fight."
"You can never tell when a moderate Muslim has taken that next step toward the top."
"The only law respected by Muslims is Islamic law, defined by fatwas."
"Hamas now spoke with a voice of terrible resolve."
"I saw what a two-kilogram bomb packed with nails and ball bearings could do to human flesh."
"We had no Palestinian state. The only autonomy we had was over the West Bank city of Jericho—a small town with nothing—and Gaza, a big, overcrowded refugee camp on the coast."
"For decades, we fought Israel and found that there was no way to win."
"The world I knew was relentlessly eroding, revealing another world that I was just beginning to understand."
"What the Israelis were teaching me was more logical and more real than anything I had ever heard from my own people."
"Every verse seemed to touch a deep wound in my life. It was a very simple message, but somehow it had the power to heal my soul and give me hope."
"Enemies were not defined by nationality, religion, or color. We all share the same common enemies: greed, pride, and all the bad ideas and the darkness of the devil that live inside us."
"Loving and forgiving one’s enemies is the only real way to stop the bloodshed."
"I realized that the Israelis were not my enemies. Neither was Hamas nor my uncle Ibrahim nor the kid who beat me with the butt of his M16."
"Our problem was much bigger than armies and politics."
"God used the Shin Bet to show me that Israel was not my enemy, and now he put the answers to the rest of my questions right in my hands in that little New Testament."
"I was gradually adopting the standards of Jesus and rejecting those of Allah."
"It took a while to get used to the idea of being really free—free to be myself, free of clandestine meetings and Israeli prisons, free from always looking over my shoulder."
"I later exposed them as the founding cell of the ghostly Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades."
"Our eyes met and held for a fraction of a second. I was pretty sure I saw a spark of recognition there before he continued down the street."
"My public declaration of faith broke the hearts of my mother and father, brothers, sisters, and friends."
"He cried like a baby and would not leave his cell."
"No matter what happened," he told me, "you are still my son."
"Freedom, a deep longing for freedom, is really at the heart of my story."
"The message of Jesus—love your enemies—is what finally set me free."
"I am a follower of Jesus Christ but am only beginning to become a disciple."
"As long as we continue to search for enemies anywhere but inside ourselves, there will always be a Middle East problem."