
Lady Smoke Quotes

Lady Smoke by Laura Sebastian

Lady Smoke Quotes
"I always thought that my feelings for Søren were not really mine but Thora’s, the broken, twisted girl that the Kaiser had created out of the ruins of me."
"But here I am, hundreds of miles away, and my feelings for Søren are as complicated and knotted as they were the night I left."
"It takes all I have not to order the guards to give me their keys and break him out of there regardless of the consequences."
"It isn’t as if we can put them back in the mines. At least this way, no one can abuse them."
"It’s a high cost to pay. Sometimes it seems worth it, sometimes it doesn’t."
"No one would ever doubt my legitimacy as an heir to her throne."
"It’s easy to cast doubt on the paternity of an heir, but almost impossible if you follow the maternal line."
"A deal is only as honorable as the people who make it."
"The best sort of ally is one who understands the enemy."
"It would be a mistake to consider them enemies."
"Your kindness to me will never be forgotten."
"In order for an assassin to get into Theo’s room, they would have to get past the guards at the gate, past the guards at the palace doors, and past the riser operator."
"You’re to attend a dinner with the King and his family tonight. A bath first, then we’ll try to do something with your hair."
"It’s as if they don’t see me as a person, just a rare collectible with a story attached to it."
"I survived, thanks in large part to my advisors and my aunt."
"I don’t think I will ever forgive myself for it."
"For what he’s done to you, he will surely spend an eternity suffering in the underworld."
"I’m sure there will be plenty who would rather have the money."
"It’s difficult not to feel like I’m back in the Astrean palace, where I had to constantly be aware of how I was being viewed."
"Being alone again is beginning to make the hair on the back of my neck stand on end."
"If an assassin wanted to attack, this would be the perfect moment."
"There’s a long pause before footsteps thud softly toward me."
"It’s well past midnight, so most of them are dark."
"If we’re being honest, I’m not entirely sure what he does, but everyone seems to think it’s very important."
"You decided to share your misery with me? Very thoughtful."
"The ground beneath my feet trembles so slightly that I could attribute it to the whirring of the riser down the hall."
"Walk through the fog with me, My beautiful child."
"Tomorrow you’ll make your dreams come true, But tonight, child, dream with me."
"I’ve never felt it that strongly before. My body didn’t feel like mine, I was just watching helplessly."
"I would rather have you safe on your throne without me."
"We wouldn’t stay long. By the time the Kaiser sent more troops, we’d be gone."
"Appearance is important for a female ruler—more important than it is for a male one."
"The gods have their reasons for doing what they do."
"I want to save Astrea, whatever it is that happened to me in that mine."
"It’s a shock every time I look for him, only to find Heron and Artemisia."
"I hate the palace and the shallow people who act so superior."