
Love In Colour: Mythical Tales From Around The World, Retold Quotes

Love In Colour: Mythical Tales From Around The World, Retold by Bolu Babalola

Love In Colour: Mythical Tales From Around The World, Retold Quotes
"Chin slightly raised, arms and legs lean and athletic, and wide hips that swayed and exuded a femininity so innate it refused to be contained."
"She transformed the pool into a sun-dappled lake."
"Her swimming became a dance to a rhythm she was creating with the water."
"Her face held deep, striking eyes that tilted inwards slightly, as if too heavy to stay steady."
"The water beckoned her in as kin. She was a high-born; unknowable, untouchable and unable to be contained."
"Psyche opened her mouth but found that her words got stuck. Want. Ọṣun hadn’t wanted in a long time."
"She was obliged to hone her gifts. Obliged to represent the academy."
"I texted my best friends the morning after: Me: ‘God. What have I done?’ Them: ‘That bad?!!’ Me: ‘That good. Too good. I have made a terrible mistake.’"
"Let’s talk about how my toothbrush is in your bathroom."
"Of course. I’m actually talking to two other women right now."
"It wasn’t that I thought of him and smiled in public like a loon, it wasn’t that I skipped home after work on days that I knew he was coming over."
"I didn’t like doing things I wasn’t good at, but it turned out I loved learning how to love with him."
"Well, Erinlẹ won. Clearly. As you can see."
"The only problem was that now the lion-skin was stained with ash. Dyed with idiot."
"It would be my honour. What do you need me to do first?"
"I knew you would do it. Can we talk? Roof?"
"He was a hunter by trade. When his arrow was pointed towards an antelope, he was taking from the forest."
"I’m just looking for someone who sees me as I see them."
"He introduced himself to villagers, winked at the girls, drank palm wine with the men and let the mamas squeeze his cheeks."
"He had to be a shadow of himself to pass easily in and out of these villages, and so the friends he made were also shadows."
"Eyes that look like the night wrapped around the sun."
"The sweetness filled Attem up till tears pricked her eyes."
"The king is not thinking with his mind, so how can he mind?"
"A benevolent king might have waived the debt, but Offiong wasn’t a benevolent king."
"I missed you, Ituen said, as he entered Attem’s cave-quarters."
"The ground beneath them seemed to contract and draw them closer together."
"I am not that girl any more. There was a time when I could wrestle a man to the ground and dance in a pretty dress."
"In that moment she loved him as much as she hated him."
"Eyes glistening, all playfulness had vanished from his face as he took her in."
"Her voice works in this world because it is sweet and soulful."
"The fact that my dear father died on me two years ago and left me this place while I was in the middle of my degree?"
"It felt good to be using her voice in a way that wasn’t sweet or controlled."
"I wasn’t laughing at you, I was laughing at the situation."
"For the first time she felt like she didn’t need to look outward to seek guidance."
"She felt almighty and in possession of her destiny."
"Love was seen as something that should be slightly fearsome, love was Old Testament, forty years in the desert."
"In the heart of the heart, love is rich and in abundance."
"For the first two years in secondary school, he was the playful and benevolently mischievous boy who she rolled her eyes at often."
"I just wish you could skip the awkward clumsy beginning part and get to the fun part."
"You may risk being stung, but it is all the sweeter once accessed."
"Herbert McCaulay Street is a stone’s throw from Noble Street."
"Herbert McCaulay Street and Noble Street are situated in a subsection of Yaba known as Alagomeji – two clocks."
"Love has the habit of keeping a part of you evergreen, retaining within you an adolescent flirtatious giddiness."
"When you want to create a reason to be around someone."
"Their feelings mature faster than their ability to recognize them."
"If you borrowed a kobo from him, he would demand it back."
"It was a statement that made his stomach turn."
"She saw him, directly, clearly, and he’d never felt like he’d been seen before."
"A fish does not recognize its need for water until it is gasping for it."
"Time and love are intertwined, they are both measures of life."