
Hollywood Wives Quotes

Hollywood Wives by Jackie Collins

Hollywood Wives Quotes
"Cold water was best for the skin, tightened everything up."
"If Ronald Reagan could do it, how about Ross?"
"Millie was the warmest human being he had ever encountered."
"Life goes on and you never learn a goddam thing."
"Maybe his erection would return if the movie he was doing turned out to be a hit."
"He was two months overdue with his rent anyway, and money was becoming a big problem."
"Every muscle in her body was on full alert. It felt terrible."
"Disco music blared as thirty almost perfect bodies writhed across the floor on their stomachs."
""Nothing," she giggled, feeling very liberated."
""I want you to join me in a little something called the Snake.""
""I expect so," Karen answered. "All the pretty ones are nowadays.""
""Get me some ice cream. Vanilla and chocolate, with hot fudge sauce.""
""Everyone over the age of twenty-five needs a diet.""
""Screw you," she said tightly. "If making commission on you gave me my one hot meal of the week I’d starve to death."
""That’s my Buddy Boy! Always one eye on the main chance!""
"I'm sorry, man. I've been travelin' for fuckin' ever."
"I've decided to direct the tests on the actors I've picked."
"You'll never believe this, but I got me an attack of the guilts."
"I'm not some makeup girl or hairdresser you're throwing one to on the side."
"Who do you think you are speaking to? A Barbie Doll?"
"Why don't I wait for you in the coffee shop?"
"You nearly killed me. I nearly died bringing you into the world."
"I'm going to make you the hottest actress in town. When I’ve finished with you they’ll all come running."
"Who gives a frig? Who's the matter with all of you?"
"I am outraged that you could even have thought for one moment that I intended to steal that tacky bracelet."
"It's for Sadie La Salle. Let's not lose sight of the real reason we're having it."
"I want this place spotless. The tent people will be here at eight o'clock. The flowers at nine."
"I don’t need your advice, thank you. The baby is Buddy’s and my concern."
"Don’t think I won’t use this thing. Do as I say or I’ll shoot."
"I really must go," Elaine said quickly. "This whole incident is a gross error on your part."
"I hope you know what you’re doing," she screamed hysterically. "I have important friends in very high places, and you are making a nasty mistake keeping me here."
"I think I’m having an orgasm from your knee," Karen husked drunkenly into his ear.
"From now on, my dear, we are just actor and director."
"I want her followed," she said. "And get me some good photos. Explicit. Watch her twenty-four hours a day. I don’t care what it costs."
"Every one of those Hollywood starlets is a prostitute," his mother would say.
"I want to make love with you—because I like you, I think you like me—and it's something I need right now."
"You produce. You ass-lick. There wasn't a producer in town who hadn't licked his share."
"She was the one who lived her life by labels."
"I'm going to make a speech," he announced. "There were a few good-natured groans and catcalls."
"We sat side by side in a neighborhood bar, Deke sipping plain Coca-Cola, while Joey downed three rum and Cokes in a row."
"I'm not going back. C’mon, it's my best jacket. It's Armani. Besides, all my money's in the pocket."
"In my humble opinion, the pretty ones were always a vast disappointment between the sheets."
"It's important that you come, Buddy. I have a surprise for you."
"You're telling me? I arranged the appointment. You use the bathroom first while I order us some coffee."
"Why couldn’t she direct the film? Take over until Neil regained his health?"
"Nobody knew the property better than she did."
"When he recovered he would be able to just walk in and take over."
"Everything she did was for him—whether it was buying a new dress or having her legs waxed."
"Realization hit hard. She actually loved the lazy, two-timing, thoughtless son of a bitch."
"Single women were not welcome at screenings and dinners and parties, not unless they were rich and famous in their own right."
"She discovered that she had no friends. Only fair-weather acquaintances."
"It’s just business," Ross said, excusing himself from a dull lunch.
"I don’t know how I ever managed without you," sighed Koko.
"You’re hardly in a position to object," Koko retorted.
"If George’s stupid movie doesn’t start soon we’re going home and good riddance to lotus land."
"She peered at herself in the mirror and as usual was disappointed with what she saw."
"She was surprised to discover that he did not live alone in the small stylish house."
"The least you could have done is call me. I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought we had something special going."
"He knew he was not hard. In fact he knew that his schlong was probably curled up like a frightened rabbit."
"Some guys have all the luck," Pusskins sighed.
"It was difficult to believe that Oliver had signed Gina. But it was done, and there was no choice but to go with it."
"I’m afraid you will find that I am always the center of attention—whatever I wear."
"The awful truth was she couldn’t care less anymore."
"You’ve heard the phrase ‘grabbing cunt’—well, that’s what Gina is, literally."
"She should never have thrown him out. Let her suffer a while longer, then maybe he’d see."
"She can handle it. She’s not as naive as you think."
"I fancy steak and wine. Maybe even a cigar if they have anything smokable."
"You can get cancer if you want it bad enough."
"Hate is a word that is no longer a part of my vocabulary."
"It's God's way of telling you there are other ways."
"This was no long-lost son. This was some sort of maniac. And she had let him into her house."
"Elaine brushed her hair vigorously. She could feel the tingle all the way down to her toes."
"Angel reentered Buddy’s life. Not quite the way she had expected to, but she was back."
"Ferdie knew that Sadie was going to Palm Springs for the weekend."
"Ross felt surprisingly up. Things had a way of turning out for the best."
"She tried to keep her voice calm. Somewhere she had read that when dealing with a psychotic it was important to try to remain in control."
"The luxury of the house did not affect Deke as he walked from room to room."
"Sadie’s screams turned to a whimper when she saw him. His clothes were soaked in blood."