
Wicked Lovely Quotes

Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr

Wicked Lovely Quotes
"Focus and control, that's what it's all about."
"The only way to survive was to keep that secret."
"If I could let go like that, let the years of aggression spill out onto the fey."
"There were rules. She'd lived by those rules."
"Maybe knowing wouldn't be enough to ease the panic."
"She couldn't, not really; it was the one rule Grams had insisted they never break."
"The cold poured out, answering Beira's touch, making quite clear who had the power."
"Rules made in her favor, rules he'd been trapped by for centuries."
"If he'd truly loved her enough, wouldn't she be the one? Wouldn't she be his queen?"
"It wasn't faeries that attacked her, but humans."
"If it weren't for the flowering vines slithering across their skin, they'd look human."
"Sometimes the threat of a thing is awful enough."
"She couldn't say that court faeries were following her, that one of them had donned a glamour to talk to her."
"Nothing happened, not really. Just scared me. I'm good."
"Seriously, I’m fine," she assured him. "My face hurts where he grabbed me, but it wasn’t a big deal."
"I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you…." He broke off, an unfamiliar panic in his eyes.
"So I know it’s not my imagination or your suggestions." He seemed unsure, and she couldn’t blame him.
"Maybe because you’re aware of the possibility now? I don’t know." She took a deep breath.
"Because they’re touching you." She blew out her breath in a huff and scooted further back on the counter.
"It’s worth it." He picked up the teakettle, but he didn’t fill it. He just looked at her.
"I’m sorry I wasn’t there earlier," he whispered, holding her tightly to him.
"Promise you’ll tell me if anything happens when I’m not there."
"What do I do with a staff? Hit them? And wouldn’t they know I saw them if I did these things?"
"What if I don’t have time? The rules are changing, and I don’t know why. I need to do something now."
"I’ve got nothing," Leslie murmured from across the aisle.
"Sometimes they contrived to induce, by their fair and winning ways, unwary men and women to go with them."
"No. Please," Aislinn whispered. "Not today. Just leave me alone today."
"Everything is capricious about them…. Their chief occupations are feasting, fighting, and making love."
"You can’t lessen it with that shallow phrase."
"It’s what you’re becoming already. Surely you’ve noticed?"
"For us, if we choose Keenan, there’s no walking away."
"The rules require you to make a formal choice."
"I thought you’d be angry if you woke up with me."
"Let me know when you’re done staring at me." She tried to sound blasé and failed.
"Everyone is staring." Staring at both of us. He needed to assert himself or the fey would think him weak, subservient to her. "Everyone but you."
"You are my life now. This"—he waved a hand dismissively around him at the club—"the fey, everything, it all falls into place once you accept me."
"I need you to understand." His tone was frightening, the warning growl of a predator in the dark.
"Your faeries aren’t important enough to be worth me giving up my life."
"If you accept me, you would rule them—be the Summer Queen. They would obey you as they do me."
"Is it so awful? She wavered as he looked at her so intently—seeming for all the world like he was a good person."
"I don’t want to become one of them"—she motioned to the Summer Girls—"or some ice faery like Donia."
"I don’t want to be your queen. I don’t want you. There’s someone else I—"
"I believe you’re the one. The Winter Queen fears you. Even Donia believes you are the one."