
Out Of Breath Quotes

Out Of Breath by Rebecca Donovan

Out Of Breath Quotes
"I don’t have to say anything, I just don’t want to know about it."
"I don’t need anything. Really. No need to bother."
"I’m not much of a phone talker. And I’m on my way to the library."
"I’m not going to lock myself in my room like you did last New Year’s Eve, are you?"
"I listen to silence. And you – you have a lot to say."
"You’re not going to pressure me into coming up with something crazy to do. We’ll just hang out – plain and simple."
"I don’t go for the surfer type. Just drop it – okay?"
"I guess I just wake up each day hoping that it isn’t the day you decide to walk."
"I’m not ready for this to be over yet, Emma."
"You can’t jump! You’ll kill yourself from this height."
"No one would be able to comprehend the overwhelming feeling of hopelessness that was slowly unravelling the threads of my soul."
"I feel like I can tell you things … things that I usually keep to myself. Most people don’t understand."
"I stared at the screen in alarm. Was he about to do something that would ruin his life … and mine?"
"I’m sorry Emma. It’s too late. Need to go. Please forgive me."
"I’m sorry,’ Cole offered with sincerity. He rose from his perch and stepped towards me, wrapping me in his arms."
"I wish I could take it back, every word I said. Because I was wrong."
"The taste of him, the cool scent of his skin, the heat of his flesh pressed against mine, fed the addiction and filled the void for the moment."
"I stared at the shiny silver container, taking a few more gulps of the numbing elixir."
"Words couldn’t be unspoken, and the damage they did was irreparable."
"I didn’t realize you and Emma knew each other."
"I’m not going to interfere, I just … was hoping to … get closure."
"I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was coming, I should have."
"You’re supposed to hate me! Why don’t you hate me, Evan?!"
"I think it’s easier to hate me. It’s easier than you think."
"You killed me with those cold, hateful words you said to me."
"I eventually made it back to Sara’s. She was freaking out, thinking something awful had happened to me."
"You have only caused pain in the lives of everyone you’ve touched."
"I don't want to cry any more. It feels like all I've been doing is falling apart and crying."
"I don’t want to be that girl, drifting in the water, lost and alone, wishing the tide would pull her out to sea."
"I don’t want the past to define me any more."
"I miss them so much. All I ever wanted was for them to be happy."
"Cry. Scream if you have to, but don’t let it destroy you."
"I don’t want to look back to find out. I’d rather keep moving into the future, and be grateful that I have one."
"I didn’t want to be alone, and I had nowhere else to go."
"I’m not strong enough to read it, to listen to her blame me for the loss I caused her sons."
"Either you’re really good at reading my mind, or you already knew what you wanted to do."
"Living in the mistakes of your past isn’t going to do anything but destroy your future."
"You’ve worn guilt like an iron mask, welded to you, because you’re convinced that you’re to blame for what happens to everyone else."
"You can’t continue to carry that guilt any more. You can’t keep shutting everyone out. That’s not living, Emma."
"I wish I could’ve swum in that pool at least once."
"I don’t think I should sleep in here any more... It’s hard enough not to kiss you."
"It’s difficult. We’re still figuring everything out... this thing between us."
"She had me from the beginning. Her tenacity intrigued me, and I wanted to know everything about her."
"I’m not sure how to answer that. It’s been intense. A lot’s happened, and I’m just trying to figure things out."
"I couldn’t be tormented with images of my death when I was no longer afraid of dying."
"You’re like … speed chess. He has no idea what you’re going to do."
"I couldn’t understand why you kept something that horrible a secret."
"I despise him, Em. I honestly regret that you ever met him."
"She thinks she helped kill him. She thinks she’s an accomplice to his murder."
"I won’t let you quit on me. Because if you do, you’ll take me with you."
"I love him, but I would walk away before I’d ever let anything jeopardize his happiness."
"I chose to live. I chose to love. I chose to breathe."
"There isn’t a truer friend, or a more loving human being."