
Furyborn Quotes

Furyborn by Claire Legrand

Furyborn Quotes
"Some say the Queen was frightened in her last moments. But I like to think that she was angry."
"The empirium lies within every living thing, and every living thing is of the empirium."
"This is how you hold your child. This is how you murder your husband."
"If it hadn’t been for Queen Rielle’s actions, maybe the Empire would never have risen."
"I would rather be dead than live as my father’s prisoner."
"We live in a world where good kings die and those foolish enough to hope for something better are killed where they stand."
"I have a warrior’s strength, but the heart of a coward."
"It’s getting worse out there. And I still have no answers."
"But all that matters right now is that you’re here, and so am I."
"She hoped she never found out why the adatrox could seem normal one moment—laughing, talking, yawning—and then, without warning, fall perfectly quiet and still."
"She placed the parcel on her bed and paused for a moment, readying herself."
"They often arrived folded between powdered fritters wrapped in thin paper, to remind Eliana of Remy—and how close he had been to this note and its messenger with the blank-slate eyes."
"Today, the job came tucked beneath folds of silk—a wine-colored whisper of a dress with long slits up each leg, shimmering as though it had been dipped in diamonds."
"The Wolf rides on the full moon. I want him alive. Glory to the Empire. Long live His Holy Majesty the Undying Emperor."
"She didn’t blame him. Unlike Quill, the Wolf was not some Red Crown lackey."
"Dread," he murmured, his breath caressing her cheek, "is only a feeling, easily squashed. But wolves, my dear, have teeth."
"The Wolf held a revolver, its muzzle pointed at her face. Everything went still."
"I will show you what I can do. I will show you who I truly am."
"If anything happened to him, if he died before she could tell him—"
"Sometimes I wish an army of earthshakers would come to Orline. Crack open the ground, let it swallow the city whole."
"They come from everywhere. Ventera. Meridian. Even from as far south as the Vespers if they have a strong enough boat."
"I no longer have a name. I relinquish my casting to its destruction and forsake the magic with which I was born."
"Indeed they could, if there were any left. And they’d have to be quite powerful, even then, to sink an entire country."
"Revolutions mean nothing if their soldiers forget to care for the people they’re fighting to save."
"Perhaps there is some wisdom to the prince’s suggestions. Whether or not the prophecy’s events are unfolding before us."
"Enough lies have been told, enough secrets kept. I had a part in that, and I don’t wish to any longer."
"If she fails, they will kill you. They might kill me and Tal as well."
"I’ve been taught well by my father and by Tal."
"Sweet saints, the air was glorious, pure and cold in her aching lungs."
"Unless you’re going to help me, leave me be."
"She couldn’t possibly find the focus to re-create her precious shell, so she resurfaced and dove."
"Her eyes were on fire from the salt; she could see nothing in this churning black water."
"Your friends are worried sick for you, Rielle. Especially that boy."
"I stabbed them. The jellyfish, not the waterworkers."
"You’re all right now. You’re all right. Sleep."
"I was taken captive by Red Crown soldiers and escaped."
"They will lift you higher and higher, dress you in jewels and crowns."
"I see the way he watches her when he thinks no one is looking."
"I don’t understand that urge. Power does not exist to be flaunted. It exists to be tamed."
"We are all of us dark creatures, but if we linger in those shadows, we’ll be lost."
"Sometimes, the hunter must not prowl, but rather wait. And watch."
"I would like, for things not to be that way between us. I would like us to be friends. For us to trust each other."
"If nothing else, what’s happened has taught you that there is more to life—and even to war—than simply staying alive."
"I’m inclined to agree. My father, however, is not."
"I do not bend or break. I cannot be silenced."
"I’ll accept your generous offer regarding the wind trial, my king."
"Please don’t make light of my father’s anger."
"I worry about Tal. I’ve always worried about him."
"I’m not afraid of you, Rielle. I trust you, and I want you."
"Then I would take you there, and not rest until you’d had your fill of me."
"The empirium has helped you today, but it may not always do so."
"Even if Ioseph, Rozen, and Remy Ferracora were not hers through blood, they were hers at heart, always."
"Simon sent that Invictus assassin limping off into the night."
"It’s all right. You don’t need to tell me, Dread."
"You sounded very regal just then, Eliana. Blood will out, as they say."
"You can’t ignore your destiny forever. Let it rise, let the anger come. Wake up."
"In these dark times, not even the light of the Sun Queen is as powerful as the light waiting inside our deepest hearts."
"Whatever tomorrow may bring, the world will remember this as the day Astavar stood its ground against a great evil."
"You’re an angel, she thought, suddenly and viciously angry. You lied to me."
"They’re gathering beside the ice in a line, one right after the other, their prows facing north."
"I don’t know, but we should take advantage of it and hurry."
"Just run," Simon shouted at her. "And don’t look back!"
"You have to stop it," Simon shouted over the wind.