
The Red Book Quotes

The Red Book by James Patterson

The Red Book Quotes
"Doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole, Harney."
"We should call ahead," Carla says from the passenger seat. "This could get us shot."
"It’s gonna be a fucking mess, Harney. Unless."
"We don’t call ahead because cops don’t call ahead. We show up when we want, where we want. We don’t ask permission."
"Then stop watching TV," Disco replies. "Stop reading the internet."
"Nobody will know it came from you," I say, stepping onto his back porch, passing a dingy gas grill, a hot tub covered with a tarp. "Just give me a lead."
"I'm going to find out what happened to Valerie. I don't care what it costs me."
"And don't forget Val's depression, Fern. That's documented. And for God's sake, she'd just lost her daughter. Of course it's suicide."
"The angle of the gunshot wound and the sporadic presence of gunshot residue on the decedent’s hand and forearm are not necessarily suggestive of suicide and could lead to a reasonable conclusion of homicide."
"Imagine, she thinks, if Billy had ever seen this preliminary version of the ME’s report."
"What if she wakes up today? And you’re not here?"
"We can’t save her, Billy. Don’t you dare pretend we can. Don’t you dare be that cruel—"
"She takes the other two and slips them into her shoe, tucked under her foot, money her pimp will never see."
"I have questions, Josef. If you answer them, you live."
"One thing you need to be clear on," Patti says after we’ve adiosed the scene, "The force isn’t going to back you up on this."
"You can be a good cop and be loyal to me. You can do both."
"Because you did good. Because you did something I normally would never, ever ask you to do."
"I don't call it in. It'll be too late. And I'll have to answer too many questions."
"I have plenty of questions of my own. But I may have an answer or two as well."
"It takes me a while, but I finally find the right camera."
"But I have their faces. Maybe not enough for facial recognition. But I have them."
"He was released three months ago. His location is unknown."
"We're not normal people," says Patti. "We are the police."
"Is anything impossible when it comes to the human brain?"
"I tried being Italian once, Sal. I felt an overwhelming desire to eat spaghetti and lose a war."
"What did you expect me to do? Open a dry cleaner that has salsa dancing?"
"That guy was gonna do me. Holy fuck, I thought I was gonna die."
"I mean, you fuck up with those pills, letting your partner find them."
"You have any idea how hard it is to sit there and listen to him speculate that Val might’ve been murdered and not say something? Not tell him?"
"So maybe this isn’t about Billy after all," says Dr. Almond. "This is about you."
"Everything," says Milton, his deputy, his coal-black eyes gleaming.
"I haven't asked my question yet, Colonel. Do you want to hear my question?"
"You wanted to show...what is the American word?...initiative."
"This shit is getting out of control," he thinks.
"No, he protects a rival group. A group that doesn't like competition."
"The fuck you sayin'? Said I did. Pleaded guilty."
"They can kill a cop's wife and make it look like suicide," he whispers.
"She should've been there," he said on the ride home from the hospital.
"A moment of quiet, the after-hum from the gunfire, nothing more."
"My only chance. I pry myself loose of Sergio and stumble backward, squinting through the harsh light at the door I just entered."
"I don’t reach for a new magazine for the Glock. I reach for the flashbang and toss it somewhere toward the center of the room."
"The wound is up by her left shoulder, high and wide of the heart, but still a threat to bleed out."
"She’s toughing it out, but she’s in excruciating pain, wincing with every bounce as I run as fast as I can with a hundred pounds in my arms."
"The first guy, who called himself Sergio, has been shot so many times he looks more like a broken piñata than a human being."
"You think, after you’ve been a cop for a long time, that nothing can affect you anymore."
"I won’t let anything happen to Samuel. That’s a promise."
"They sleep down here. They live down here. When they’re not cleaned and prettied up to perform sex acts for strangers, they live down here in a dirty, disgusting cave like animals."
"Don’t steal my punch lines," I say to her after, by the bar, when I get my free bourbon for the stand-up routine.
"This girl loves me more than I love myself. This girl is my family."
"I guess it’s better not to hide, huh? Kind of a life lesson."
"If I ever think you murdered someone, you’ll be the first to know."
"These automated license plate readers aren’t perfect, natch."
"Well, this is definitely a game of luck, not skill."
"We don’t need probable cause to follow it for a while. It’s a free country."
"Hope all those years of video games paid off."
"You saved my life," she whispers. "You…know that."
"We're always gonna stick together. You think I’m gonna let you off this easy? You and me, we’re gonna retire together."