
Dark Desires After Dusk Quotes

Dark Desires After Dusk by Kresley Cole

Dark Desires After Dusk Quotes
"...and those sentient creatures that are not human shall be united in one stratum, coexisting with, yet secret from, man’s."
"When a maiden warrior screams for courage as she dies in battle, Wóden and Freya heed her call."
"The demons are as varied as the bands of man…."
"The one who controls Tornin controls the kingdom…."
"…immortal possessors of magical talents, practitioners of good and evil."
"The dead robbed of eternal rest, forced to serve a dark master…"
"A treacherous and grueling scavenger hunt for magical talismans, amulets, and other mystical riches over the entire world."
"…corpse-eaters insatiable for flesh, ravenous for blood. They feed and feed, but can never be sated."
"And a time shall pass that all immortal beings in the Lore, from the Valkyrie, vampire, Lykae, and demon factions to the phantoms, shifters, fey, and sirens…must fight and destroy each other."
"A lot of people fear change. And traveling. And disarray. Sidewalk crack avoidance is more common than one would suspect."
"The first rule of being a mercenary? Find out what the client wants, then convince him that, a) you can get it for him, and, b) you’re the only one who can get it for him."
"If she had surgery, her body would simply 'heal' it."
"Second rule of being a mercenary: Lie through your teeth—but stick as close to the truth as possible."
"Most immortals can be killed only by an otherworldly fire or by beheading."
"Everything she’d ever learned about concealing her emotions she used now."
"Most times she endeavored to forget she had a body at all, much less one that could be sexy."
"Oh, God, this is too much, too much to take in."
"Nothing is more important than this to Rydstrom."
"How can I trust you? You said Valkyrie are docile."
"She’s avoided anything that could fire her Valkyrie tendencies—anything arousing or enraging."
"The last of the holdout rebels in your kingdom would be forced to recognize Rydstrom’s heir—under any circumstances."
"You’ve got to grin and bear it, till my next shower."
"You can take a vacation from your boring life, get all this craziness out of your system, then go back to normal."
"What happens with the demon, stays with the demon."
"Everybody's got something unusual about them."
"Never hesitate. If the instinct to strike is there, then do it."
"The supernatural's now the natural, halfling."
"If we bandy the subject, at least you know where I stand and you get a chance to persuade me to your way of thinking."
"Never block when you can evade. And remember, your surroundings are key."
"I'm a male—I'm going to watch whatever turns me on the most."
"You act as if we don't have control of ourselves."
"So hot and slick. Even more than I imagined."
"Every second of every day in the past, she’d fought not to think about the needs of her body."
"Lie back. I need to be in here. Because you’re about to kiss me."
"The early northlanders believed that when the Valkyrie rode from Valhalla to choose brave warriors for eternal reward, their armor cast a strange flickering light over the sky."
"If he gets hit…I feel it, too. Weird."
"Can never be because of your boyfriend? The one you couldn’t tell me you loved?"
"You have to understand that all I’ve ever wanted was a steady, dependable partner and a normal life."
"Species that can emit poisons are vulnerable to others."
"I’m going to ask my aunt to help me find one."
"They can’t be bribed or tortured for the information."
"I think fate made an excellent choice for me. The best."
"He’s rational, always looking at things logically, whereas I follow my gut more times than not."
"You told me you would bite me, to stun me during the claiming."
"My skin would darken, reddening. It’s supposed to be an attractant to females."
"I’d rather eat my emotions than confront them."
"We need to stick together, to keep the work together. We could be unstoppable."
"You know what, you fuckwit tosser—you can have that goddamned work."
"I’m on to something so much bigger. Something that’s going to rock our industry."
"I’ve never known how heavy and aching my sack could feel."
"I’d really hoped you would kill my brother, but now I see you can’t be controlled."
"This will only hurt for a little while. Just relax for me."
"Furies are predators. Valkyrie are warriors. I’m both."
"How would they like to be the prey for once?"
"I can keep moving, or I can sit in the dirty snow till I freeze."
"The old Holly would be screaming that this wasn’t rational. But she wasn’t the old Holly."
"Without thought, Holly ran headlong toward them, into the darkest wilds, with no other thought than to follow the lights…."
"You heard her. She’s already a creature with which one doesn’t fuck."
"If you knew what I went through to get to that goddamned thing, what I put my female through…"
"If I were evil, I couldn’t love you this much."