
An Evil Mind Quotes

An Evil Mind by Chris Carter

An Evil Mind Quotes
"I'm not the one the FBI wants. I didn’t do this. I’m just a delivery boy."
"Karen had gotten involved with some very bad people."
"From then on everything went downhill, and in a hurry."
"All the money I had went into supplying Karen’s habit and mine."
"I dropped out of Yale in my third year, and would do anything to get my daily fix."
"You could’ve still looked me up, Lucien. You knew where I was."
"Everything that happened to me was my own doing, my own fault, nobody else’s."
"I know that everyone needs a little help every once in a while. I just didn’t know how to ask for it."
"I should’ve been dead by now, and in many ways I really wish I were."
"Instead of learning from what happened to Karen and kicking the habit, I got deeper into it."
"Even though I was clean, I just wasn’t the person I once was anymore."
"That’s right, being a junkie, living life as 'scum' for as long as I did, puts you in contact with some very colorful folks."
"Despite his words, Hunter picked up no self-pity in Lucien’s tone of voice."
"The problem with getting involved with the kind of people I got involved with, is that they get their claws very deep into you right at the beginning."
"I guess I can say that I’m ashamed of most of my life, but I’m not a murderer."
"I didn’t ask for this. You came to me, remember? You threw me into this mix."
"Life is nothing but a big learning experience."
"The question should've addressed the main topic of why you're here."
"Patience is a virtue, but a pain in the ass to master."
"I can tell you the location of all the bodies that can be found."
"The streets of America are overflowing with the next Ted Bundy, the next John Wayne Gacy, the next Lucien Folter."
"I didn’t always dispose of my bodies in the same way."
"I was curious. I really wanted to understand what drives a person to kill without emotion or remorse."
"To try to understand it with your own mind. And when you do that, your emotions get in the way."
"What excited him was the act of murder, itself."
"Murder has become something that feels natural to me now."
"I was overwhelmed by intense feelings of guilt, as I expected I would be."
"Every victim, my guilt phase grew shorter and shorter."
"I didn’t want to overdo it. I knew people would see us together."
"I knew Karen would be the one. I’d known it from the day I met her."
"If you’re going to lie, then use as many true facts as you can."
"I wasn’t looking to do something I’d already done."
"I was as sure as I could be that I’d never do it again."
"I’ll tell you this, what happened to her body once I blasted it with liquid nitrogen was hell-scary, even for me."
"Every single day thousands, millions of people out there have murderous thoughts."
"With every human thought, there's always a risk that the thought might one day become much more than just a thought."
"I don’t think that I’m the one who’s delusional here, Agent Taylor."
"The list of people with murderous thoughts goes on and on."
"Every day there are people out there who in their own way consider killing."
"If you think I’m unique in the urges I have, then you’re unmistakably in the wrong profession."
"They are understandable, angry psychological reactions to a particular action."
"It might take a few days longer, but trust me, Lucien, in the end, you will talk."
"I'm sure the folks around here would be very impressed by them."
"Remember that every second counts for poor Madeleine."
"I sort of borrowed it from the guy who runs air traffic control here."
"You make any sudden movements, and I swear I’ll blow your kneecaps."
"My assumptions are always very accurate because they’re based on facts."
"Let's see, Agent Taylor, we can get a move on as soon as you and Robert take off your shirts and throw them out the window."
"Sonofabitch," Kennedy whispered between clenched teeth.
"If he wasn’t already here, Ghost would’ve made the trip from wherever he was to keep her from dying."
"You can do wonders with makeup and a little prosthetics if you know what you’re doing."