
Love The One You're With Quotes

Love The One You're With by Lauren Layne

Love The One You're With Quotes
"In hindsight, she should have taken the subway."
"Grace 2.0’s shoe choice really wasn’t suited for the New York subway system."
"The Brightons of Scarsdale, New York, didn’t do subways."
"Grace refused to let her smile slip when she saw the long line of people waiting for a cab."
"Grace 2.0 cleared her throat loudly. Right. Moping was sooo 1.0."
"The new Grace was all kick-ass confidence. Or something."
"Grace 1.0 was taunting here with memories about a former life."
"Grace 2.0 was reminding 1.0 that that routine had been before her tidy life had gone to hell."
"If only all of Greg’s 'love' had been reason enough for him to keep his dick in his pants."
"Grace purposely moved her eyes beyond him to look for another cab."
"She narrowed her eyes as though to ask, 'What’s the catch?'"
"This was not the way she’d envisioned Grace 2.0 starting out."
"Now some too-tall, perfect-haired stranger was about to take her cab."
"That smile will have you tucking your heart into your panties and handing the whole shebang over before he even buys you a drink."
"Grace 1.0 was wailing that he could be a perfectly nice man that deserved a chance."
"Grace 1.0 could shove it. Grace 1.0 and her dreamy, happy-endings-really-do-happen dogma was the reason Grace was twenty-nine and unexpectedly single instead of wedding-dress shopping."
"Grace 1.0 was the reason that she actually missed Greg instead of consigning his memory to her mental compost pile."
"Thinking about her wretched ex reminded Grace just how anti-man she was feeling these days."
"You’re sure you don’t mind? she asked, not making eye contact with the stranger."
"Apparently chivalry wasn’t entirely dead after all."
"He shrugged and turned back to his phone. 'Doesn’t bother me. Tribeca’s just an interesting neighborhood choice for someone who works in the Central Park West area.'"
"Then what the hell are you doing catching a cab all the way down here at eight in the morning?"
"She felt the stranger studying her, but she didn’t turn to meet his eyes."
"Well, Grace 1.0 could shove it. Grace 1.0 and her dreamy, happy-endings-really-do-happen dogma was the reason Grace was twenty-nine and unexpectedly single instead of wedding-dress shopping."
"It’s never occurred to you that a woman wouldn’t want to share her cab with you, and now you’ll spend the rest of the day wondering why I wasn’t fishing for a reason to give you my number."
"Then why do you live here? I don’t, he said simply. I live in midtown."
"And now? Now she was done with the denial. Done with the tears. The anger had set in."
"Operation Reclaim Dignity was officially on track."
"Especially not tall dark playboys who climbed into cabs with strange women and likely skipped underwear after one-night stands."
"You’re giving him entirely too much credit, Grace muttered."
"Engaged. Grace ignored the little twinge that word caused."
"It was just ... Grace had always imagined that she’d be the first of the Stiletto 'it girls' to take the marriage plunge."
"First day of her new life and all that. It was time to figure out who Grace Brighton really was."
"No relationships. No sex. No men. For six months, at least."
"Grace paused. You’ve come a long way. Just a few weeks ago you were alternating between causing a Manhattan Kleenex shortage and developing a strange obsession with chocolate."
"I’m not going to claim that there aren’t a few battle wounds."
"So you’re ready to move on, Julie said slowly."
"There’s a reason we didn’t volunteer you, you know. How is it that the woman who claims to be done with dating wants to write a story about dating?"
"Well, I’m not going to claim that there aren’t a few battle wounds."
"No. No setups. I’ve told you both a thousand times. This is the me period of my life. No men. No dating. No sex. Not for six months."
"I miss someone. I know this probably sounds like I'm single-handedly rolling back the women's movement, but I liked taking care of someone, you know? Being that other half?"
"I've never really understood at what point a woman stops becoming someone you're casually dating and actually becomes a girlfriend."
"You said I'd write five articles. I've only written two."
"You work fast. What can I say? A couple of things were fresh on my mind."
"We may be trying to trip each other up all over the place these past few weeks, but even though we both want to win, we know some things are sacred."
"I don't think it's like that. His text seemed straightforward. Genuine."
"I’ve already told you I’m not interested in dating anyone right now."
"This deeply romantic slow trot down the smelly office stairwell has been one of the best moments I've had in weeks."
"It's just coffee, Jake. I was in the mood for something sweet, and I was thinking about you while I was in Starbucks."
"I wish nobody's ever asked you to play hooky before, huh?"
"I want you to come back home with me." - Jake's invitation to Grace, signifying a personal and intimate request beyond their work arrangement.
"It’s just after nine, Mom. And it’s not even a school night." - Jake's response to his mother, showing his playful yet respectful nature towards family traditions.
"We just humped in a rental car." - Grace's candid admission, highlighting her evolving relationship with Jake and her departure from traditional norms.
"I don’t know that I want that." - Grace's realization about her relationship with Greg, indicating her growth and self-awareness.
"You deserve better than the backseat of a car, Grace." - Jake's acknowledgment of Grace's worth, despite the unconventional setting of their intimacy.
"I like you too." - Jake's simple yet profound admission to Grace, reflecting his genuine feelings amidst their complex situation.
"I want this." - Grace's assertion of her desires to Jake, signifying her agency and choice in their relationship.
"I just don’t want you to be nervous." - Jake's consideration for Grace's feelings, showing his care and sensitivity towards her.
"I thought I told you to lose the high heels." - Jake's playful comment to Grace, indicative of their comfortable and teasing dynamic.
"I’m not nervous," - Grace's response to Jake, demonstrating her confidence and readiness for their intimate moment.
"For a second there I’d forgotten I was in my late twenties and single."
"An all-out downpour that required an umbrella."
"He certainly knew Jake. Or, rather, knew of Jake’s women."
"Grace smiled in victory. 'Now what were you saying, Mr. Malone?'"
"I don’t like people I can’t figure out, and his very presence in a place where he doesn’t seem to belong is unsettling."
"It had been such an excellent distraction from all the depressing thoughts about her grandmother."
"The interiors were worse, the carpet grotty and the blond-wood-and-seashell theme of the decor begging for an update."
"All of it bound up together, indivisibly part of this place she loved more than any other."
"He didn’t walk so much as he loped, taking the circular pavers two at a time."
"His suit was so well behaved that it loped right along with him, too expensively tailored to look awkward for even a heartbeat."
"I’ll buy it from you, whatever you paid for it, I’ll double."
"She had to admire his economy. The mere flick of an eyebrow said it all."