
Rogue Wave Quotes

Rogue Wave by Jennifer Donnelly

Rogue Wave Quotes
"There's no one more charming, or lovelier, more graceful, or wittier, or more captivating in every possible way than me."
"Strength, courage...and most of all, merls who have my back. That's enough. It's more than enough. It's everything."
"I don’t need bubble tea or a cushy bed, Ling. I lost everything I had, but I’m finding what I need."
"When my father finds out that I was here and you turned me away, you’ll be guarding the door to the broom closet!"
"You must fill out a form! That is the way things are done! That is the way things have always been done!"
"Who allowed this swashbuckler to come into the royal presence?" Khelefu, the grand vizier, thundered.
"Forms will have to be filled out," Khelefu said darkly. "Many forms. Remove her at once."
"Hush, Mata-ji. Let us not speak of it," Aran said, his voice husky. "She is here now."
"The situation is very…difficult. And very urgent. I’ll tell you about it over tea."
"I thought we would never see you again. I—I thought…you were…"
"Because you’re acting like one. Come along now. This uncooperative behavior is yet another symptom of your derangement," Suma said sagely.
"You are not well, my poor daughter. You must rest," Aran said, a pained expression on his face.
"No, priyā, not crazy. Your mother and I…we think you’ve had a terrible shock, that’s all," said Aran soothingly.
"It will be all right. You’ll see," Sananda told her daughter.
"No, cara, no. La tua sfaldamento!" She placed her hands at the sides of her enormous bosom and hiked it up. "Capito?"
"What you got, lumpsucker, was the royal flush."
"Not so fast, bella," he said. "I feel like hearing a siren’s song tonight."
"Take me out. You can kill the enemy. If that’s who you really think I am."
"Never. I never would have told that sea scum anything."
"What if it wasn’t you he tortured? What if it was Neela? What if he cut off her fingers and made you watch? Could you stay silent then?"
"I sing to you this spell of strength, To shore you up both breadth and length. My song your cracks and breaks will heal, And change your boards from wood to steel."
"Love wasn’t pretty words and easy promises. Love was hard. It challenged you and changed you."
"I’m changing, and not entirely for the better."
"Fierce Astrid battling Abbadon in the Incantarium with only her sword."
"I've lost my parents. I may lose Matali. I can't lose you, too."
"The few are fewer, Serafina. And in war, numbers are all that matter."
"He had love, Sera. So much love. For the sea and all of its creatures. I think that was his magic."
"A good ruler will never sacrifice the many for the few."
"We’ve managed to cut lava lines to the palace, release a lava flow that destroyed the kitchens, and let crabs loose in the food stores."
"Only the one listening to a conch could hear the sounds within it, and Sera was glad of that. Knowledge of the talismans was dangerous, and she didn’t want to put Fossegrim and the others at any additional risk."
"She was very brave, Baltazaar said, and examined all dangers with no regard for her personal safety, noting size, location, and description of each, so that she might warn her people away from them."
"This is totally hopeless, she thought, looking at the list. We couldn’t search all these places if we had a thousand years. I’ve wasted so much time."
"No way, Serafina thought. I can’t do it. I can’t waste any more time on this."
""Come on, Merrow, help me out here," she whispered. "Please. Where is Neria’s Stone?""
""Princess Neela? Can it be?" Kora said, speaking Mermish now. She swam over to her. A smile, broad and beautiful, spread across her face. She took Neela by her shoulders and kissed her cheeks."
""You ask a great deal. What are you willing to give in return?" the infanta said."
""I knew he would take it. And me with it." The infanta smoothed her skirts, then continued. "I vowed I would not be taken."
""I mocked him, telling him an octopus would wear my diamond now, but at least it would not be in his filthy robber’s hands."
"I faced death bravely, as a princess of Spain must."
"You have a strong heart, Principessa. And a brave spirit."
"No soul wanted to be bound. It raged against its fate."
"I’m totally envious! Nothing’s hotter than dragon scars."
"I’ll always treasure this armband. It’s totally invincible."
"We took the dragon treasure! We took the dragon treasure!"
"You’re in serious danger. If they find out…if they see you…"
"The people are fools. No one has any idea you were behind the invasion."
"You mustn’t lose your nerve. Not now. We’re almost there."
"It’s time we got to the safe house and got ourselves organized again."