
Green Hills Of Africa Quotes

Green Hills Of Africa by Ernest Hemingway

Green Hills Of Africa Quotes
"I do not like to ask questions, and where I was brought up it was not polite."
"It's the riding in the damned cars that ruins us."
"Writers are forged in injustice as a sword is forged."
"The country was always better than the people."
"To work was the only thing, it was the one thing that always made you feel good."
"I have loved country all my life, the country was always better than the people."
"I would rather have him beat me. You know that. Truly. But why couldn't he just get a good one, two or three inches longer? Why did he have to get one that makes mine ridiculous? It just makes ours silly."
"I was hungry for more of it, the changes of the seasons, the rains with no need to travel, the discomforts that you paid to make it real."
"The only person I really cared about, except the children, was with me, and I had no wish to share this life with anyone who was not there, only to live it, being completely happy and quite tired."
"I was crazy about it. But don't let me start on it. Don't worry about how I feel about it. I can wake up and think about that any night."
"I felt it was perfectly fair to Pop to take it on as long as I had a chance to call the shot but what we were getting into now was bad."
"You cannot live on a plane of the sort of elation I had felt in the reeds and having killed, even when it is only a buffalo, you feel a little quiet inside."
"Since I still loved to hunt I resolved that I would only shoot as long as I could kill cleanly and as soon as I lost that ability I would stop."
"You exchange the pleasant, comforting stench of comrades for something you can never feel in any other way than by yourself."
"A thousand years makes economics silly and a work of art endures forever."
"Killing is not a feeling that you share and I took a drink of water and told P.O.M. I was sorry I was such a bastard about the camera."
"I expected, always, to be killed by one thing or another and I, truly, did not mind that any more."
"For a good way we would be on the heavily shaded game trail on the high bank above the stream."
"I guess the mountain shut off some if you were gone the other way trailing him. He's got a heavy beam and a big spread."
"Thanks," Karl said. "I hope you get a lot better one."
"Did you see the head?" P.O.M. asked. "Sure." "It's awful looking," she said.
"I'll bet he'll get the biggest one ever known, now," I said.
"I'm sending him down with Dan to the sable country," Pop said. "That was the agreement."
"What did you find out?" Pop asked. "They were all very different but there were some things you could co-ordinate."
"Most of the damned Safari books are most awful bloody bores."
"If I had not plucked the grass with the blood on it I might have held them."
"The only possible way was to quarter every foot of the high grass and trace every foot of the gullies."
"I was so sure sounding that they agreed to this and searched for a while but I could see they were losing belief in the bull."
"As I saw it, M'Cola saw it again too through the rising mist of the savage's unbelief in what he can no longer see."
"We could not find him. Whatever he was, we had lost him."
"The sun was terrific and as it was necessary to track with heads bent down and stooping, in spite of a handkerchief spread over my neck I had a pounding ache in my head."
"Every damned thing is your own fault if you're any good."
"When you put them side by side they looked all right. They really did. They all were big."
"I had accepted the big one now and was happy to see him and that Karl had him."
"We have very primitive emotions. It's impossible not to be competitive. Spoils everything, though."