
A Dying Fall Quotes

A Dying Fall by Elly Griffiths

A Dying Fall Quotes
"The windows of her cottage rattle in the wind she likes it that way, thank you very much."
"I saw Janice’s daughter the other day, she’s a GP, ever so slim and attractive, and she’s got three children and they all play the violin. How’s the diet going?"
"She has her work but Caz, along with most of Ruth’s other classmates, long ago abandoned archaeology for a more lucrative career."
"It was grim, Ruth. Only a few people. His parents, Miriam, his ex-wife."
"I don’t know. I just love being with Louis. I’m so enjoying him."
"There’s a great web ordained before time began."
"‘What’s happened to him?’ she asks. ‘He’s dead,’ says Caz."
"Maybe you’ll have to come up to Pendle, do some research?"
"Old-style coppers are dying out. They’ve all got degrees now."
"Do you remember the old days? Drinking after hours in the Red Lion? Sid the Greek? Fat Bernie?"
"I’m on holiday. I wanted to spend some time with Mum. She’s getting on a bit."
"Every Tom, Dick and Harry’s a forensics expert these days. Put on a paper suit and you think you’re God."
"Just when you thought they were off your hands."
"We all are, cocker. I’m going to put in for early retirement in a few years."
"Emergency services called at one a.m., alerted by a neighbour."
"We’re definitely treating her mate’s death as suspicious."
"No burning crosses but offensive notes sent to black members of staff."
"He’s living back at home, driving Bev and me mad."
"My boys too. Don’t know why the hell they have to go to uni."
"It’s a bit sensitive. I wanted to make sure."
"The sun's not out anyway. It’s not the sun that gives you heatstroke."
"Our department isn’t that popular in the university."
"I’ve never seen a temple dedicated to a raven god but the Romans were good at this, taking a local religious cult and making it their own."
"The Romans banned ancient religions in 391 AD and Christianity became the established religion."
"There’s a tradition of Britishness about ravens; think of the legend that if the ravens leave the Tower of London, Britain will fall."
"There’s a legend that Arthur’s spirit left his body in the form of a raven."
"I don’t know, but I do know that someone wants to stop me looking at the bones, Arthur’s bones."
"The head of department’s a bit of a pain but the students are lovely and I get to do a few digs."
"Animals and birds are everywhere in language and mythology, something that probably started as soon as the first primitive man and dog decided to team up together."
"We all know about the far right, but they’re a load of nutters. No one takes them seriously."
"I’ve found him. I know it’s him. As soon as we moved that last stone and I saw his face, still with the gold circlet around his head, I knew."
"Sounds crazy, I know, but I am looking forward to going back and paying my homage to the Raven King."
"I want to sit quietly and read Dan’s diaries. The description of finding King Arthur’s body had moved her."
"His face is pouchy and almost comically mournful, like one of those cartoons of a smiley face turned upside down."
"Ruth wonders why she is famous to him, and while she normally likes people to use her title, on Sandy’s lips it has the effect of making her sound like a made-up character."
"‘What are you doing here?’ says Ruth, without thinking."
"‘I know that, love,’ says Sandy with menacing sweetness."
"‘It’s possible,’ says Tim, ‘that there was a virus inserted into the files.'"
"‘Sounds like a classic phishing exercise,’ he says."
"‘What a wonderful thing it is to be a child,’ he says. Ruth thinks he sounds very sad."
"‘Until then, I won’t tell anyone except’ - And there, maddeningly, the entry ended."
"‘I wish we still had the bones,’ says Ruth. ‘Then we’d know for sure.’"
"‘What’s that?’ asks Sandy. ‘But what’s it doing here?’"
"‘There’s something you should know…’ She gets out the memory stick."
"‘You shouldn’t have touched it,’ says Nelson angrily."
"Earth my body, Water my blood, Air my breath, Fire my spirit."
"It’d take more than a two-hundred-foot fall to kill Cathbad."
"I love Ruth. She’s such a warm, caring person."