
Hate List Quotes

Hate List by Jennifer Brown

Hate List Quotes
"Even some of our veteran officers got pretty shaken up when they walked in there. It’s such a tragedy."
"She’s very lucky. She’s got a good chance of surviving, but we’re being really careful."
"I guess with moms, old habits die hard—if the snooze alarm doesn’t do the trick, you start pounding and yelling, whatever kind of morning it is."
"Was I the bad guy who set into motion the plan to mow down half my school, or the hero who sacrificed herself to end the killing?"
"I refused to go to the ceremony. Told Mom my leg was hurting too much and I needed some sleep and besides, it was a stupid idea anyway."
"The truth was most days I couldn’t feel grateful no matter how hard I tried."
"I wondered if she’d accidentally take the phone to work with her, thumb still poised over the 9."
"Sometimes, in my world where parents hated one another and school was a battleground, it sucked to be me."
"Maybe it never was easy to answer who you are."
"But now that it came down to putting my idea to practice, I wasn’t just afraid; I was terrified."
"Mom bowed her head and left the room, stooped."
"You’re going to have to face a lot of dragons."
"Because not having a clue who you are hurts way too much."
"It was just another thing that Nick had stolen from me, from all of us, that day."
"It’s not like I’d been to a lot of cotillions over the summer."
"Like my whole life was all a big, dumb dream."
"I can’t say that she smiled just then. She did something that was kind of like a smile, only it looked a little painful."
"It was more like a message from my brain to my body—danger: run away!"
"It’s so complicated, and thinking about it made my leg throb and my heart ache."
"People are people," she finally said, turning up her palms in a helpless, sad shrug.
"It was for the best, really. What would I have talked to them about anyway?"
"This is what you wanted, I told myself. You wanted to push Stacey away."
"I totally wasn’t hungry and I wished this day would just go away."
"It’s okay for someone to let you win sometimes, you know."
"I shouldn’t have to leave it any more than anyone else here."
"I’m okay. Really," I said. "I don’t even think about Nick anymore."
"I couldn’t help it—pretty soon I was giggling, too."
"You’re evil," I said at last, once we started catching our breath again. "I love it, but you’re evil."
"That’s why I’m here. I’m going to do some evaluations on you today so we can determine the best way we can help you get to a place of mental health."
"It felt like fiction, all of it. Shakespeare told stories of death. Poe told stories of death. Stephen flipping King told stories of death, and none of it meant a thing."
"How could I not see that Nick’s talk had gone from fiction to fact?"
"What I need is to go home. I can battle whatever urges at home."
"They’re going to have to take me up there dead, because there’s no way I’m going up there of my own power."
"I wondered how I survived those ten days in the hospital psychiatric wing."
"Dr. Dentley would surely consider silence a regression and suggest to my parents that I needed to stay longer."
"I didn’t feel like I belonged there. Most of the time I felt like everyone else was crazy—even Dr. Dentley—and I was the only sane one."
"I hid the anger that was welling up inside me. Anger at my parents for not being there for me."
"I said the things that would get me out. I mouthed the words they needed to hear."
"We’re releasing you to intensive outpatient care."
"My parents hate each other," I blurted out. "Does that count?"
"Mom dropped her hand from the doorknob. 'Have you ever dealt with anything like this before?'"
"‘Valerie didn’t shoot anybody.’ That didn’t describe any of my friends at all."
"‘First, you went through this, you got shot, you lost somebody you loved. It’s pretty well screwed up school, family, friendships.'"
"I was a volcano of questions and remorse and anger and Dr. Hieler stood strong under the hail of all of it."
"‘What are you doing here?’ I asked, changing the subject. ‘It’s not as if you like me either.’"
"‘Are you going to hurt them?’ Mom said. ‘Are you joining up with them so you can finish the job that Nick started?’"
"Is this a prison now? Are you wardens now?"
"‘I don’t need friends,’ I said. ‘I just want to get my schoolwork done and graduate.’"
"I couldn’t stop at that one line or the next splotch or the tree-like dots I made along one border."
"‘Angerson’s such an ass,’ she answered, and then laughed as I opened my notebook and drew a picture of a bare butt wearing a suit and tie."
"You may not have pulled the trigger, but you helped cause the tragedy."
"Sometimes I forget that you were also a hero that day."
"You either pull your shit together and start acting right or I'll have your ass out on the street."
"You've had a good goddamn life, you spoiled goddamn brat, and I'm sick of you ruining everyone else's life."
"It’s not like I’m some big gun expert or something. It could have been a fake. How would I know the difference?"
"I've been doing really good lately and you don’t even care."
"I just wanted him to stop shooting. You could have been anyone."
"I wasn’t crazy. At least I didn’t think I was. 'They’re just upset right now,' I said. 'They’ll get over it.'"
"I wanted to hug him. Console him. Tell him it wouldn’t be necessary because there was no way I was going to go to some stupid psych ward."
"Saying nothing seemed more humane than giving him all these reassurances."
"I wasn’t the only one who saw it. There was someone else. Someone else saw the good in Nick."
"Ginny could see the good in Chris, too. Which made her somehow better than me, because I never did."
"Being pretty isn’t everything, but sometimes being ugly is."
"I’d consider my future later, when Garvin High had slipped off me like a heavy coat in a hot room."
"We could do this all day. It’s stupid. It’s not going to bring anyone back."
"I looked down. 'Oh, Valerie, he’s one of them,' she breathed. 'He’s one of those Nick-types.'"
"I heard Frankie’s door squeak open a crack, but didn’t look up."
"I felt surrounded. I—God, how did this happen?—felt proud."
"I knew what she meant, and knew that she was right. That day did change everything."
"Our class will forever be defined by a date on the calendar. May second, 2008."
"People hate and are hated and carry grudges and want punishments."
"I thought about the train that I would catch in the morning—destination unknown."