
Berlin Game Quotes

Berlin Game by Len Deighton

Berlin Game Quotes
"It's always better when you're young, Werner."
"I can't stand by and let you defame la cuisine française in such a cavalier fashion, Silas."
"Every time I ask you questions, I find you asking me questions."
"Good port this," he said, raising his glass to see the colour against the light.
"The French have been brought up on odds and ends, chopped up and mixed up and disguised with flavoured sauces."
"They think he might have had some kind of mental breakdown."
"Don't get upset Tessa," Fiona told me.
"Life is cruel, Bernd, my sweetheart. You will discover it too: life is cruel."
"Your father was a prude, so prim and proper that he made lesser mortals, like me, sometimes feel inadequate."
"That's how I felt about Berlin every time I came back here."
"We are slow, but eventually we hear all the news."
"If Frank was recalled, do you think the Berlin office would start to use me again?"
"You'd have to say that, Bernard. Whatever it was like, you'd have to say it was rubbish."
"I'm not going anywhere, Lisl, this is just a holiday."
"You're still annoyed about young Dicky Cruyer getting the desk? Well, why wouldn't you be angry?"
"I'll tell you why they don't use you any more, Werner. You've become a gossip, and that's the worst thing that can happen to anyone in this business."
"I understand. When I first realized my wife had betrayed me, I couldn't say a civil word to anyone."
"You're hard on Frank," Bret said, but he didn't argue about it.
"It's not the role of the Bundesbank to support the government, or to help with the economy, get back to full employment or balance trade. The Bundesbank's primary role is to keep monetary stability."
"There's seldom any friction between Frankfurt and Bonn," said the man from the Bundesbank.
"I'd hate Trent to get wind of your intention," said Cruyer.
"Feast on cabbage and what do you become?" I said.
"I thought you'd already explained it to him," I said.
"I'll just drive around the block to see if there's any sort of backup. Then I'll go back there on foot."
"I can't think what you see in it. A filthy place bombed to nothing in the war."
"You're only saying that because I've got a gun," I said.
"You'd make sure you know all kinds of current matters that you don't bother to find out."
"I'll handle Bret. He'll be told only what he needs to be told."
"It can be anyone. You've said that yourself. It could be the D-G."
"We've got to trust each other. What do I have to do to make you trust me?"
"I'd want something in writing, Dicky. Something that I could produce just before they sentence me."
"There is a Moscow agent sitting right at the top of the Department."
"Suicide is no longer the rare tragedy it once was."
"Eight out of ten suicides speak of their intentions beforehand."
"It's not a crossword at all. You're making up questions."
"Jesus, I thought, suppose Bret turned out to be a Moscow man and was trying to recruit Fiona to his cause."
"You can't run the Soviet Union as though it were the Chelsea Flower Show."
"There's no evidence that anyone but Binder was involved."
"I really don't think it's necessary for us to go through this amazing rigmarole of meeting here in this squalid room."
"The thing I don't like about powdered coffee is the way it makes little islands of powder. They float."
"I didn't realize you wanted an answer. I thought you were just declaiming about the injustice of life."
"You imagine things. I do. That's what I'm paid to do: imagine things."
"The plainclothes cop is there because this is a safe house."
"I'm sixty-six years old, Bernd, and I'm still alive."
"The Russians manhandled a field-artillery piece down the entrance steps, along the platform, and onto the tracks. Then they fired along the tunnel here, and that was the end of the story."
"I put the gun and the scarf into the brown paper bag again. And I locked it into the desk where I kept unpaid bills, Fiona's jewellery, and letters from the bank about my overdraft."
"We Germans find reassurance in tyranny. That's always been our downfall."
"You wouldn't put yourself into a position where London Central could have a change of mind and you not be able to do much about it."
"It's difficult to get them now. All bread prices are controlled. None of these lazy swines of bakers want the extra work of making anything but ordinary bread."
"He's given his son everything. He's given him every penny he's earned from you. He's given him the life that was rightfully mine."
"It was a temporary job, due to finish the next week."
"Perhaps it was the job, rather than you, she was after."
"Everyone except the most naive realized that there were other plainclothes policemen who weren't so easy to spot."
"Live here? What do you think we are, squatters?"
"You'll go free. You'll go free this morning."
"Thinking about the children made it easier not to think about Fiona."