
A Place Called Freedom Quotes

A Place Called Freedom by Ken Follett

A Place Called Freedom Quotes
"The high mountainsides, the quiet mysterious woods and the laughing water formed a landscape familiar to his soul."
"John Locke and other philosophers said a government’s authority could come only from the consent of the people."
"As far back as he could remember he had longed to be free."
"How will you ever get a husband if you always act like a man?"
"I can get a husband whenever I like. The problem is finding one I can put up with for more than half an hour."
"You’re fortunate to have paid work. You should all be grateful."
"If we’re so fortunate, why do they need laws forbidding us to leave the village and seek other work?"
"The ceremony of arles has no foundation in English or Scottish law."
"I’ve spent all night trying to think of a way to make things right for you, and so far I haven’t succeeded. But don’t despair. Something will come up."
"I’d rather spend my days walking in High Glen than shopping in Bond Street."
"You’ve been very badly treated, if that’s any consolation."
"The same old thing, I’m afraid—my brother, Robert."
"Coal is a constant topic of conversation in our family—it’s where most of our money comes from."
"Women sometimes became hewers, but it was rare: when wielding the pick or hammer most women could not hit hard enough, and it took them too long to win the coal from the face."
"I swear, I’ll never allow coal to be mined on my land, as long as I live."
"Look no more with eyes of pity, see our victory. When we build that heavenly city, all men shall be free!"
"She could shoot better than anyone Jay knew, she had beaten him in a horse race, she was not afraid to go down a coal mine, she could disguise herself and fool everyone at a dinner table."
"I’m sorry," he mumbled. He turned away, bent to his bundle and drew out a sodden pair of tweed breeches.
"Now he had it. He was filled with elation as he thought of what he had done. He had got away."
"He was leaving the only home he had ever known, the place where he had been born and his parents had died."
"He loved the enticing smell of coffee from the scores of coffeehouses, although he could not afford to drink it."
"In order to get by they had to sublet Dermot’s workroom."
"Mack was too big and clumsy to carry trays and pour drinks into little cups."
"Mack worried about how long it could take him to save enough money to send for Esther."
"The women were of all kinds, young and old, ugly and beautiful."
"None of them tempted Mack, though there were many nights he thought wistfully of his lusty cousin Annie."
"The heat of the theater had made them thirsty, and they went inside for a drink."
"A pound for anyone who can knock down the Bermondsey Bruiser!"
"Dermot grabbed the dwarf by the arm and said: 'Hey, short-arse, here’s a customer for you.'"
"He was shaved bald, and his face and head bore the marks of many fights."
"Mack looked at the man on the floor and saw a ruined hulk, damaged and good for nothing."
"Mack was reluctant to waste his money on a theater ticket, but Dermot swore he would not regret it."
"Lizzie put her arms around Jay and kissed him hungrily."
"Jay laughed. 'I should think not! It’s no place for a lady.'"
"I’ve got debts of my own," Sir George admitted.
"Lizzie was pink with indignation, her eyes flashing, her bosom heaving."
"Jay’s heart missed a beat. What was the matter now?"
"Lizzie smiled and looked around, acknowledging the applause."
"She smiled. Tears came to her eyes and she could not speak."
"Jay realized he had won. He had got everything he wanted."
"Jay felt jubilant and apprehensive at the same time."
"Lizzie and Jay sat up in bed, surrounded by giggling relations and friends."
"When I worked in your father’s coal mine I used to start at two o'clock in the morning. Now I always wake early."
"I don’t need a woman to tell me how to manage my affairs!"
"Good God! She’s left me? And gone off with a convict?"
"You’ve been ruined by yourself. You’re lazy and foolish and weak."
"I’m not going to wait around while you find out you’re mistaken."
"No more," she said. "You have to get started."
"All the same he knew that if he could just keep going he would eventually get there."
"Before caution could weaken his resolve he broke into a run."
"He felt the impulse to beg for his life but he clamped his teeth together."
"The thought of not being able to breathe scared her."
"She could be hurt and unable to move, or trapped by a fallen timber, or just passed out from the fumes."