
Smashed: Story Of A Drunken Girlhood Quotes

Smashed: Story Of A Drunken Girlhood by Koren Zailckas

Smashed: Story Of A Drunken Girlhood Quotes
"This is the kind of night that leaves a mark."
"I will not miss the memories that were carved out of me."
"Yet I will retain these lost hours, just as my forearms will hold the singes of stranger’s cigarettes."
"It’s strange the way the mind remembers forgetting."
"I grew up in the Northeast, a white, middle-class teenager among other white, middle-class teenagers."
"I drank throughout high school, but not every weekend, not even every other weekend."
"I drank through college, too, with an appetite that had me drinking rum by the half-liter bottle."
"I drank after college. I drank through my first real move, my first job as an executive assistant."
"And at age twenty-three, I gave up drinking altogether once I realized how much it had cost me."
"I am a girl who abused alcohol, meaning I drank for the explicit purpose of getting drunk."
"My alcohol abuse was a seed that fell at just the right time, in just the right place."
"TO THIS DAY, I can’t remember when I had my first kiss."
"But like most women, I remember my first drink in tender minutiae."
"I think my mother wants me to be like Billie Jankoff."
"By the time you graduate from high school at least two people in your class will be dead."
"The worst part about it is her threat is nameless."
"I can’t understand how my drinking is a betrayal of Margaret’s confidence."
"I can’t imagine a goody-goody world in which how closely a person adheres to rules is a measure for how well she lives."
"I don’t need any plans, aside from walking the culs-de-sac like two ghosts."
"I don’t want to stand out as a high-school girl, the type of baby who can’t keep up with buxom sorority girls from Southern universities."
"My entire personality will be off-color."
"As long as we keep our drinking out of sight, the administration won’t mind if we do it."
"What goes on behind closed doors is your business."
"Drinking, which was once a novelty, will become the usual."
"Without our dirty little accolades, we are the same sex, the same age, the same kind."
"My desire to drink—along with my desire to spend time with family and friends—sloshed out of my consciousness in one swell."
"Alcohol, the powers of which I once held as supernatural, was pushed to my mind's periphery."
"The inability to be defenseless is the thing that makes me homesick."
"If you hang out in a barber shop, sooner or later, you're bound to get a haircut."
"Anything that needs to be represented with a concept-word is almost always a crock of shit."
"It’s strange the things the university does to celebrate its own year-end windup."
"Kegs are proudly displayed on front stoops and street corners, the way plastic Santas are set out at Christmas."
"The night is warm and the beer is warm, and I feel starry-eyed."
"Normally, I keep track of how many drinks I have."
"Whether we’re passing or failing or just getting by, our fate seems sealed."
"Tomorrow, the city newspaper will tally the head count at over a thousand."
"Drunk, I take bigger chances, and therefore reap bigger rewards."
"I bring Hannah to the barbecue for moral support."
"The fraternity’s cook calls the boys in to eat potato skins."
"Throughout college, every time a buzz comes on like sweet music, a man will seem to sense it and grab for me."
"There are no stars, but I imagine I can sense them approaching, the way people can sense rain coming deep in their joints."
"I know it is more than the height that makes my heart leap into my throat."
"Drinking and drugging, Jody is a bigger wreck than I am."
"Alcohol is still the one elixir that can remedy my glum moods."
"In the quest for self-erasure, sleeping picks up where drinking leaves off."
"Like everyone else ordering 'Hot Sex' at the bar, the connection between drinking and dating has been hardwired into my system."
"I spend the rest of the semester drinking at a bar called Chubby’s with Elle."
"I am lying in the fetal position on a full-sized futon, under a patchwork quilt that looks like someone’s mother might have made."
"After a blackout, all you have to do is keep on not knowing."
"I decide that whatever happened with Skip meant nothing at all."
"The void will fall away and we will feel complete."
"It’s as though she knows my fear of omission motivates me to do just about everything."
"I drank to forget the spots in time when someone snickered when I stood up to speak."
"Drinking to quash the past won’t work anymore because the past has welled back up."
"Once I start reliquefying, I have an avenue through which to see Chris again."
"I’ve forgotten the way the smell of the smoke hovering in the light fixtures seeps into your hair."
"Before I turn the key in the ignition, he leans down to kiss me on the cheek and says, 'Sorry about the whole sex thing.'"
"Sometimes it flutters down so hard that the clouds buckle and split open with lightning."
"On TV, car commercials are set to the tune of 'Pomp and Circumstance.'"
"Taking a shot of vodka is like kissing a lover I’ve touched lips with for seven straight years."
"I no longer know whether I’m drinking to generate new stories or to forget old ones."
"It is the semesterly memo we have all come to live by."
"If ever the slogan 'I drink, therefore I am' was applicable, it is to describe me now."
"I have recurring dreams that I’ve stolen cars, robbed grocery stores."
"I can’t make the hike. My almost-daily drinking has brought me to new depths of sluggishness."
"Sometimes, my feet are muddy when I catch them poking out of the covers."
"The men who linger on the sidelines of nightclubs like vultures, watching for the girl who totters on her feet."
"I think back six months to college and try to remember some activity, aside from drinking, that Vanessa and I enjoyed doing together."
"I am hard pressed to find other twenty-two-year-olds who don’t drink."
"I think it’s time that we allow ourselves to experience real anger as women."
"Alcohol has been the first love of so many of us."
"I’ve learned that if my friendships have any hope of surviving, they can’t have their roots in commiseration."