
Ragdoll Quotes

Ragdoll by Daniel Cole

Ragdoll Quotes
"The absence of blood and lack of constriction of the blood vessels around the amputation wounds...we can be certain that the parts were removed post-mortem."
"Everything's not black and white. What Wolf did was wrong, but he did it in desperation for all the right reasons."
"Someone who doesn't leave a single drop of blood at a massacre doesn't leave a ring behind by accident."
"Even in this heat, this thing's only just beginning to stink, which means the killer either murdered all six victims last night, or he's had the bodies on ice."
"Never underestimate the power of public opinion and the eagerness of the people in charge to bow to it."
"If enough people keep telling you you're crazy and stuff you full of enough pills, in the end, you can't help but wonder."
"It would've been better for him if he had. The lawyers, saving face, pushed for the hospital order."
"There will be more. Someone who doesn't leave a single drop of blood at a massacre doesn't leave a ring behind by accident."
"Personally I’d take the Caribbean cruise over a dead body too."
"It’s amazing Fawkes—sorry, Wolf’s, back at all."
"I’m out there earning the money for us to survive! What else are we going to live off? Your hairdressing wage?"
"Marriage. Detective. Divorce. Ask anyone in this room."
"Why is my—" Wolf stopped himself. "Why me?" "You’ve just got one of those faces," smirked Finlay.
"I didn’t let her share my desk for six months when she was training," Wolf told Edmunds.
"I don’t think I’ve ever heard you speak before," said Finlay.
"It is far less common for a serial killer to single out an individual over the police force as a whole, but it does happen—and when it does, the reasons are always personal."
"You want to do good, but you can’t unless you’re in power."
"No idea what a ring like this would sell for?" "Three thousand pounds?" Edmunds confirmed.
"Wolf was positive that friends or relatives were sheltering Rana and his family."
"He rubbed his tired eyes and saw Simmons pacing around his tiny office."
"Another half hour passed uneventfully before Finlay suddenly shouted out, 'I’ve got something!'"
"Wolf lost the rock-paper-scissors and sheepishly interrupted Simmons’ phone conference."
"Wolf pulled on his damp coat and one of the officers held the reinforced door open for him."
"He sighed in relief as Finlay chuckled out in the corridor."
"Wolf was hovering beside the back door, waiting for Elizabeth."
"Wolf got to his feet and hung up on Elizabeth."
"Wolf watched Elizabeth turn the corner onto the high street."
"I know you have reservations, but we can do this," Rory enthused.
"It is," said Rory cheerfully. "It’s the bullets that aren’t."
"It’s totally legal," said Rory defensively. "I’ve got a licence. We know what we’re doing. It’s completely safe."
"Just to make myself perfectly clear," she started. "We are not going to fake your death. It is possibly the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard."
"I refuse to go without first putting a disgusting, slimy, dirty mollusc into my mouth."
"You two should . . . If you want to . . . You seem . . . He should be happy."
"What have you done?" she asked in horror, before turning back to Garland.
"You’re gonna be all right," she promised him.
"I will not be doing any more press conferences, listening to any more of your arse-covering politics."
"He’s coming Wolf. He’s coming to kill me!" said Ford.
"You literally can’t be trusted with anything," Baxter had told her.
"I might not be one of your big city know-it-alls but that doesn’t mean I’m thick either," he snapped.
"Think about it!" he yelled after her. "I’ll expect your answer, one way or another, by the weekend!"
"Unlike Garland’s threat to decline their input, Ford could not confidently be classed as 'of sound mind.'"
"It was a grey area at the best of times and they were, frankly, grasping at straws."
"Wolf felt a little guilty about how insolently he had acted towards the influential man."
"You were doing your job. What possible reason would you have had to let someone be beaten to death in front of you?"
"You can’t seriously be trying to tell me you think I did the right thing?"
"No. I’m telling you that you did the only thing you could do."
"A little girl died," said Ford with tears in his eyes."
"Aye. And a good man was spared," said Finlay.
"I don’t want anyone getting hurt for me," said Ford."
"Welcome back," read the message scrawled in the killer’s distinctive handwriting.
"Hey! I know, sorry. One of the patients was on it."
"Wolf IDs him . . . He approaches him . . . Leaks details of the case . . . No. No, but he doesn’t just do that because these are Wolf’s enemies—this is Wolf enlisting him."
"None of the relatives of Khalid’s victims are flagging up as the vigilante type."
"Good thing we didn’t get stuck in any of those."
"A touch of diplomacy goes a long way in situations such as this."
"We have to catch him. Some of those people didn’t deserve what happened to them."
"That there are no ‘good’ people. There are just those who haven’t been pushed far enough yet, and those that have."
"He cried out when the doctor jabbed the enormous needle deep into his left arm."
"Neither doctor or staff wish to take matter further. No cause for arrest or continued police involvement."
"Disinterested, he brought up the final photograph and felt a chill run up his spine."
"The refrigerator only contained a pint of milk and there was no bed, only a thin mat on the floor."
"She had chided a member of staff when he returned from his break two minutes late."
"She dropped her bag to the floor with a heavy thud and perched on the desk to listen."
"‘I didn’t mean it,’ ‘I need to go back on our arrangement,’ or my personal favourite: ‘I found God.’"