
Whisper Me This Quotes

Whisper Me This by Kerry Anne King

Whisper Me This Quotes
"Rich in emotions and characters, Whisper Me This is a stunning tale of dark secrets, broken memories, and the resilience of the human spirit."
"Moving and emotionally taut, Whisper Me This is a gut-wrenching story of a family fractured by abuse and lies."
"Kerry Anne King writes with such insight and compassion for human nature."
"Laugh, cry, get angry, but most of all care in this wild ride of emotions delivered by Kerry Anne King."
"Depicting the depth of human frailty yet framing it within a picture of hope, I Wish You Happy pulls you in."
"Kerry Anne King’s Rae is a woman caught between the safety of her animal rescue projects and the messy, sometimes terrifying reality of human relationships."
"A compelling and heartfelt tale. A must-read that is rich in relatable characters and emotions."
"With social media conferring blistering fame and paparazzi exhibiting the tenacity often required to get a clear picture of our lives, King has created a high-stakes, public stage for her tale of complicated grief."
"Closer Home is a story as memorable and meaningful as your favorite song, with a cast of characters so true to life you’ll be sorry to let them go."
"Kerry Anne King’s tale of regret, loss, and love pulled me in, from its intriguing beginning to its oh-so-satisfying conclusion."
"I don’t care about what anybody else thinks I should do."
"I want to put my fingers in my ears and hum, the way I did when I was a defiant little girl."
"Dr. Margoni includes her in the conversation as if she has every right to be involved."
"And there I’m stuck. That’s a call I’m not able to make."
"We really do need a decision," Dr. Margoni says.
"I’m about to object. I need to check on Mom."
"The mental health guy did a mini mental status exam on him already."
"It wouldn’t be a bad idea. For right now, though, you and your daughter need to get some rest."
"My heart is in my throat, interfering with my breathing."
"I’m not asking you to be glued to the phone."
"I’m not ready to let her go. Not yet, not like this."
"Don’t let her die. Bring on all the tubes, all the machines, all the treatments."
"The most logical spot is the four-drawer cabinet."
"The picture of a young girl wearing my mother’s face, holding two babies wrapped in pink blankets, is missing."
"What makes it stand out from all the other beige folders on the face of the planet is my name."
"For a fraction of an instant, I think he isn’t breathing."
"What does passed even mean? Some sort of entrance exam to the next life?"
"We need food and shelter first, before we need anything else, because without those things we will die."
"The very thought of loud music and laughter sends a full-body cringe running through me."
"I can’t begin to understand what happened here. How my over-responsible, zealous, helicopter parent of a mother could have somehow forgotten a child."
"We need to pick a day—next Saturday, we were thinking, if that’s okay with you. You are having the funeral in the church, of course."
"I’ve always known about you, from Grandma and from Dad. You were always my mother’s favorite. Spoiled and cosseted."
"And now you know. What were you expecting? Some sort of happy family reunion?"
"I’ve got a lifetime of questions. Ask your mother. What do you think I can tell you?"
"Greg wants halvsies, and I’m not sure I want to share."
"Every other day he asks about the wedding, the one he’s been talking about since high school."
"My love is a pale thing compared to the love he expresses for me."
"Whatever I give him, it never seems to be enough."
"Mom wants me to marry him, and she doesn’t even know about the baby."
"I have no good reason to put it off, and yet I do."
"But now there is a baby, or at least the promise of one, and that changes everything."
"I open my mouth on the words that want to choke me."
"The first time that he hit me, I was six months pregnant."
"I don’t know that there’s time for a viewing now."
"She wants me to marry him because he’s solid, whereas I am flighty."
"All my life my mother has made my decisions for me."
"What I should do and what I will do are two different chickens, and I’m pretty sure Dad knows it."
"I’m dressed." Maybe if he’d called ahead, I would have changed. Maybe I wouldn’t have. To be fair, Elle knows where the key is hidden under the mat, and I know she opened the door for both of them."
"This is Leah’s house," Dad says. "All her things are here."
"It’s not true," he says. "Don’t you listen to him, Marley. Don’t you believe a word he says. These people are trying to poison you against me."
"There’s money," he says. "Don’t tell Greg. You can live here. I’ll give you full access to all the bank accounts."
"If you insist on revisiting that night, let’s just put it in perspective, shall we? You were pregnant. With our baby. I wanted to do the right thing and get married. You were completely delusional and incapable of rational thought."
"It wasn’t my fault that he hit me. His anger is not my fault. I am not responsible for his behavior, then or now."
"All the reasons," he says. "Greg being one of them."
"You always were precise with words. You didn’t use the word argument. You didn’t say disagreement or falling-out. A fight. That’s what you said and what you meant. He hit you. We could have known. Should have known."
"I don’t want to go," Elle says. "Mom needs me."
"The blood is loud in my ears. His breath keeps catching in his throat. His knees are even a little wobbly, and he wishes he’d opted to sit down."
"It’s time we had a little talk about your father. Well past time, really."
"My sleep problems are my own business. Please. I know you all mean well, but this isn’t going to help me."
"I was too broken to talk to you right after. I sent you to the counselor to do what I should have done myself. I am sorry for that."
"You’re a crazy girl. But in his heart, he begins to think that maybe, possibly, he might do exactly that."
"One day flows into another, and we flow with them."
"I’m sitting on the front porch with my journal, breathing in afternoon sunshine that still smells of last night’s frost."
"It’s just—I thought Grandma should know. That we found Aunt Marley. And that you’re with Tony."
"Through many dangers, toils, and snares I have already come."
"Whisper me truth, whisper me lies. All the things you did wrong, you did exactly right."