
Is It Just Me? Quotes

Is It Just Me? by Miranda Hart

Is It Just Me? Quotes
"Life does have a tendency to throw up difficulties, depressions, moments of boredom, loneliness or grind."
"Life isn’t always about the big things, but the little things."
"I know it sounds boring, but you really don’t want a highly pressured job in your twenties."
"There’s usually a sort of road map for them. Traditions. Procedure."
"It’s the pushing back motion of the chair, with the slight bend in the leaning forwards . . .?"
"I might deal with it better these days . . . I admitted it, I laughed it off."
"It wasn’t even as though it was written down to have to ask; somebody had already introduced him as ‘Bob’: that’s how you pronounce it."
"You may say to me, ‘But, Miranda, each of your chosen subjects is an innocuous, trouble-free issue – there’s surely nothing to discuss?’"
"I told them about Jennifer Grey carrying the watermelon, and how much we loved that –"
"Overindulgence in boarding-school jollity made office life very hard for me at first."
"The job was low pressure but interesting enough; you could switch off at the weekends."
"You spend your youth working eight hours a day so that when you become boss you have the privilege of working twenty hours a day."
"Remember, as the saying goes: ‘You spend your youth working eight hours a day so that when you become boss you have the privilege of working twenty hours a day.’"
"Email is an ‘electronic mail’. You type a letter on a computer, and it comes up on a computer screen."
"People are either going to like the look of me, or they’re not."
"There is no such thing as a FUN RUN as, even if you are dressed as an elephant, you still have to RUN."
"Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch."
"I think I want to become a nudist, but I’m not sure, so I want to try a bit of a halfway house."
"I love the sea. I love bobbing about on it, in it and lying around watching it."
"It’s now cooler to do Pilates and eat blueberries than get drunk of an evening."
"The last time I attempted this manoeuvre, the man woke up as I was directly facing him, in the mount position."
"Firstly, it’s called a surgery. Surgery. A grim, drawly word, I’m sure you’ll agree, thick with images of blood and scalpels and general sicky grimness."
"Everything in moderation I say. People lead long lives without popping supplements."
"The relationship between a woman and her dog is a rich and mysterious area, which I feel that you and I must make part of our little literary frolic together."
"If it weren’t for me, you’d probably be in a dog’s home."
"I am the language-speaking, money-earning human, and you’re just an over-eager, little dependent hairball."
"If you don’t know, then I’m not going to tell you."
"Anyone who is anyone has a child with an allergy."
"What’s wrong with fish fingers for lunch, flapjacks for tea, and lashings of Arctic Roll at weekends?"
"Never trust a man who’s trying to sell you a second-hand refrigerator."
"If there IS something good on the television and you DON’T want to do it, then you are well within your rights to JUST SAY NO."
"Once the breasts are in play, the whole game changes."
"If you learn only one thing from me, learn this: ‘Never trust a man who’s trying to sell you a second-hand refrigerator.’"
"If you kiss with tongues on the first date then you go on a ‘slag register’, and can’t get married in the Church of England."
"I wonder if maybe no one knows quite as much as they claim they do, about anything?"
"Art as a form of entertainment escapism is as high art as any."
"I hate to admit it, but what you’re saying does sort of make a little bit of sense."
"You need some basis of knowledge. It’s very important."
"It’s time for my weekly dose of VERY HIGH CULTURE. Who’d rather be at the opera? NOT MEEEEEE!"
"Dreams do come true, and I have the sweat-spattered shirt to prove it."
"Life may not be easy, but if you follow your dream, you heart’s desire, you will always be moving in the right direction."
"I feel happy and lucky and blessed to have had so many dream moments come true."
"Whether we hide it with arrogance, shyness, modesty; everyone struggles."