
Without Fail Quotes

Without Fail by Lee Child

Without Fail Quotes
"He raised his hand and patted his hair. He did nothing else. He just kept on with his speech, unaware."
"It was like the bullet had never been fired at all."
"The universe could stop expanding and time could reverse."
"It’s just a security audit. Will you do it for me?"
"Anything could happen. A bolt of lightning could hit the building. A meteorite, even."
"Assassins aren’t necessarily going to be the gentlest people you’ll ever meet. And they’re the ones who make the rules here."
"I kind of warned you, I told you it couldn’t work if you were watching for me coming. You can’t expect assassins to call ahead with their plans."
"People as specialized as us, there’s not more than maybe ten thousand in the whole country."
"Keep the perimeters to a half-mile all around, keep the public away from him, and keep at least four agents literally within touching distance at all times. That’s all you can do."
"We certainly had enough time to set them up. We’d have put phosphorous grenades into the building with the M16s, simultaneously front and back, one each, ground floor."
"In the circumstances, we should consider a ninety-five percent success rate a triumph."
"I told her that to make up for missing the reception you’d probably invite her to the Inauguration Ball."
"He’s got to do all this visible stuff. We would never have dreamed of letting anybody do what Armstrong does. Never in a million years."
"The chosen method is way too complex for that. They’d be doing all the usual stuff instead. The easy stuff."
"This is a smart opponent. He’s bright and he’s confident. He’s in command."
"All we’ve got is nine words on a piece of paper. And your interpretation might be plain wrong."
"He broke up with me. It was his choice, not mine."
"You guys had a weird idea of family. That’s for damn sure."
"I'll take my chances. Nothing lasts forever."
"I’m sorry I disagreed with you. About the demonstration."
"It’s only going to be a demonstration. Designed to torment you."
"I loved him once. But you’re not him. You’re a separate person."
"But you’re working today. So get your ass out of bed."
"I’d have to concentrate hard to line them up. Not worth starting with that until we know if we’re staying on the job."
"Our job ends with the cleaners. And that’s a waste of time in itself."
"So what now?" Reacher said. Froelich shrugged. "Now we wait. That’s what this job is. It’s about waiting."
"That’s about fifty-four homicides every day," Reacher did the math in his head.
"You got five kids?" Gálvez nodded. "I’m a lucky man."
"He’s got to be told," Neagley said. "They’ve staged their demonstration. No place to go now except stage the real thing."
"I feel helpless," Froelich said. "I want to be more proactive."
"We’re not proactive. Something happens, we run away."
"We’ll sleep on the plane," Froelich said. "We’ll tell the pilot to fly slow."
"They’re real confident, aren’t they? They’re asking if he liked the demonstration three days before they staged it."
"I want to be more proactive," he asked. "Don’t like playing defense?"
"We should have secured it with a temporary lock of our own."
"In my experience something that gets found that easily is supposed to get found that easily."
"We’re looking for cohesion and trust and loyalty and camaraderie."
"I’d rather he erred on the side of caution. Don’t want to make him afraid to be vigilant."
"I’m genetically programmed to win, is all. Several consecutive generations."
"They’re looking for the brothers and the sisters and the parents they haven’t got anyplace else."
"And he’s got to call it in even if he can’t articulate exactly why afterward."
"She knew what she was doing. We’re all volunteers."
"We’re drowning in detail everywhere else, but not there."
"I’m not a superstitious guy, but I kind of feel I owe you now."
"I’m going to find these guys and impress on them the error of their ways in whatever manner my own talent allows."
"I think we’ve got the thumbprint exactly ass-backward."
"She knew the risks. We all know the risks. We’re here because we want to be."
"People have died. That's a hell of an accusation."
"I'm going to help you. Not that you deserve it in any way at all."
"The sight of him brings it all back. It's been festering."
"Normal people don't kidnap women and cut thumbs off and kill innocent bystanders."
"We need to talk to Armstrong. Just me and Neagley."
"Why would anybody just pass through Grace, Wyoming?"
"We can't find them. Not now. Not in time. They'll have to find us."
"Engines of destruction? What time does the sun set?"
"The silence closed in tighter. And the cold."
"I understand bodyguarding. And I understand collateral damage."
"I’m kind of tired. Long day. I really need a nap."
"I’ve been around. I’ve been in plenty of motels."