
Busman's Honeymoon Quotes

Busman's Honeymoon by Dorothy L. Sayers

Busman's Honeymoon Quotes
"Honestly, as one frank old woman to the other, how do you feel about it?"
"Peter wants more than a devoted admirer to hold his hand and recite verses to him."
"Do you suppose they intend to have any children?"
"I am always telling Jerry that his uncle means more to him than his own parents."
"I'm sure I'm very pleased to see you, miss, looking so well, but if you and the gentleman was wanting Mr. Noakes—"
"I wish I could have married Bunter. I do love him so."
"Apologize if you dare—and embrace me at your peril. I am as black as Belloc's scorpion."
"For God’s sake get yourself some grub and make Mrs. Ruddle fix you up something to sleep on."
"Let not this day, then, but this night be thine; Thy day was but the eve to this, O Valentine."
"I have dismissed Mrs. Ruddle, after enlisting her services for tomorrow, subject to her ladyship’s approval."
"The worst I know of her is that she doesn’t like my face, but that will hurt her more than it will me."
"To obey orders in this family has been my privilege for the last twenty years."
"I have seldom heard an after-dinner speech more remarkable for brevity and propriety."
"Any man is rich in friends who has a good wife and a good servant."
"We are here. Laugh, lover, laugh. This is the end of the journey and the beginning of all delight."
"One never values a thing till one’s earned it, does one?"
"In the course of a misspent life I have learned that it is a gentleman’s first duty to remember in the morning who it was he took to bed with him."
"You can’t be too careful where you puts your money. Pick it up where you finds it and put it away careful."
"Take courage, Miss Twitterton. Things mayn’t be as bad as they seem."
"They also serve who only serve writs, you know."
"The female of the species is deadlier than the male."
"Wring ’em or string ’em up—it’s the sharp jerk does it."
"There, as the poet ungrammatically observes, there let them lay, like the goose with the golden egg."
"Kind hearts are more than coronets; him as said that lived to wear a coronet himself."
"He didn’t think he’d had any special reason for going to Blackraven Wood—he’d only wandered about."
"I’m ready to listen to anything the Superintendent has to tell me."
"The gentleman appealed to Caesar; unto Caesar thou shalt go."
"I was trying to make some sort of commonplace rejoinder to Mrs. Sellon."
"That was all very fine, but where’s his bike?"
"A gentleman was thrown out of a chaise, and fell upon his head with such violence as to stun him."
"You don’t suppose he’s gone off somewhere, do you?"
"No cutting or stealing keys or hiding blunt instruments or telling lies—nothing at all but a plain accident and everybody telling the truth."
"I’ve always felt absolutely certain it was good—if only one could get it straightened out. I’ve hated almost everything that ever happened to me, but I knew all the time it was just things that were wrong, not everything."
"It’s only a theory, after all. We haven’t proved a word of it."
"We shall always laugh when we ought to cry and love when we ought to work, and make ourselves a scandal and a hissing."
"I have served his lordship twenty years, and never a harsh word nor an unjust action in all my knowledge of him."
"I can enjoy practically everything that comes along—while it’s happening. Only I have to keep on doing things, because, if I once stop, it all seems a lot of rot and I don’t care a damn if I go west tomorrow."
"I am always trying to say something too silly to be believed; but I never manage it."
"His lordship and myself, we are accustomed to corpses."
"I will have my pot back if I die for it. We will present the village with a handsome stone pillar in its place."
"I’d give anything. But there you are, you see, it’s the same thing over again."
"You couldn’t do anything so unutterably and divinely right by accident."
"I know quite well how to address people of rank."
"Everything seems to have gone wrong. But you know, you never dreamt, any more than I did."
"I suppose you’ve been blabbing about all over the place as we were only waiting for vicar to put up the banns."
"You’ve done for me, all right. Made me a laughingstock and got me into a blasted mess."
"I thought you’d bought me with yer uncle’s money, didn’t you?"
"We can only give and hazard all we have."
"Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if ye can find a man, if there be any that executeth judgment."
"Wherefore a lion out of the forest shall slay them, and a wolf of the evenings shall spoil them, a leopard shall watch over their cities."
"For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men."
"You might not believe it, but when I was up at Oxford I once put one on the Martyr’s Memorial."
"The struggle passed from his face, leaving it empty as a mask."
"If Noakes had kept his chimneys swept, his murderer might have been safe."
"My people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?"