
The Shadow Sister Quotes

The Shadow Sister by Lucinda Riley

The Shadow Sister Quotes
"Anything of lasting value takes time to come to fruition."
"With the sun and the rain... and love, we have everything we need."
"A room without books is like a body without a soul."
"The thought of them simply being an adornment to a room – ignored and never read – is one I just cannot bear."
"Spring indeed." Flora chuckled as she turned to walk back up the hill towards the Hall, knowing she still had to change her wet skirts and sodden boots before making an appearance at the breakfast table.
"I may well die an old maid," she whispered to herself, as she mounted the wide mahogany staircase and hurried along the landing to her bedroom before Mama could spot her soaking skirts. "And neither do I care," she said defiantly as she entered the room.
"Despite Aurelia's kindness, it was hard not to feel she didn't belong."
"I’m beginning to think a spinster’s life would suit me well. I shall live in a cottage surrounded by my animals, who will all love me unconditionally. It seems far safer than ever loving a man."
"You have the most wonderful head of hair, I must say."
"Sometimes, there are circumstances which we may not be fully aware of, which affect others’ actions."
"You are a clever and perceptive young woman."
"I am sure you will write regularly to your mother, and I shall hear of your adventures."
"Goodness, they must be rich if even their ‘help’ lives in bedrooms like this."
"It was presented to me by my mother when I made my debut in London."
"I have held it dear for so long, but now it is time for you to have it."
"I am hoping that what I have to say to you will not come as too much of a shock."
"I will never marry for a title, you know that."
"It’s like mist, with no substance, that swiftly drifts on."
"Personally, I always feel that June weddings are rather vulgar and May is so much fresher."
"A human being without love is akin to a rosebud without water."
"There has been so much time wasted, which can now never be recovered."
"Every day that passes is another day lost to your future."
"I have missed you sorely, my darling sister. There has not been a day when I have not thought of you."
"The generosity it contained was somehow worse than the recriminations she felt she deserved."
"Sometimes I worry that you have closed yourself off from the outside world."
"The most important person in this whole sorry mess is my motherless child."
"Everyone deserves another chance, don’t they?"
"I made you feel like a caged tiger who couldn’t escape."
"I thought you’d be so happy when I bought that apartment for us."
"It’s like there’s a trip switch between who I am on the inside and what comes out on the outside."
"I could always be myself. And I thought you loved me for it."
"Being free. And the good news was, I supposed, that this was certainly going to be how I lived from now on."
"I liked nothing better than carrying my home on my back and the excitement of not knowing where I’d end up sleeping that night."
"I’ve understood. I made you feel like a caged tiger who couldn’t escape."