
The Holiday Swap Quotes

The Holiday Swap by Maggie Knox

The Holiday Swap Quotes
"Don’t let him get to you. He’s a jerk and you’re YOU."
"Normally she loved the smell of peppermint and all Christmas-related things. But this had been sabotage."
"This holiday special was also Charlie’s last chance to impress the network executives."
"Charlie had been "discovered" by the formidable television producer Sasha Torres."
"Charlie wanted the job, and she deserved it."
"Working with Austin had become mentally exhausting."
"Life in quaint Starlight Peak was so much simpler than city life."
"Starlight Peak, her hometown only a few hours north of Los Angeles, was so festive this time of year."
"Charlie opened her eyes and glanced down to see what Priya was doing."
"Cass’s grand plan was to run the bakery so well, especially during the hectic holiday season."
"Cass had finally taken matters into her own hands this year."
"The bakery was now closed for the day even if Cass’s work wasn’t done."
"Starlight Peak was actually a lot like a snow globe: all of them trapped inside the glass dome."
"Charlie marveled at how different her daily view was from Charlie’s."
"Charlie had to convince everyone she was Cass."
"Charlie took another big sip of the coffee because, even if she couldn’t taste it, she needed the caffeine."
"Charlie wasn’t used to seeing Starlight Peak once the sun came up."
"Fire Chief Matthews, whom Charlie had known since she was a girl, winked at her."
"Cass’s grand plan was to run the bakery so well."
"Charlie felt a touch better as she imagined throwing one of the whipped-cream-topped cranberry-cloud pies into his smug, gorgeous face."
"Cass tried to tell herself that Brett would feel as certain as she did that marriage was not the right path for them."
"But Cass hadn’t. She had stalled, asking him for time to think."
"Cass had reached the house, a Victorian set back from the street."
"The truly talented pastry chef is one who can master the basics and understand the fundamentals rather than all the razzle-dazzle."
"I think it’s time for a Web presence for the bakery."
"I don’t know how anyone lives in Starlight Peak past high school, to be honest."
"I need to make Sasha see Austin for who he really was, rather than him blaming everything on her."
"It’s kind of what I do, remember? Cats in trees are no big deal for firefighters."
"I’m happy not to have to make any more food-related decisions at all."
"Every one of Fabrizio’s dishes has a secret ingredient or special twist."
"No exaggeration, this is the best food I’ve ever had."
"Remember, they’ve got something special waiting for Charlie Goodwin, their guest of honor."
"I still get to surf, and read, and do yoga, and go out for dinner, and enjoy my life."
"I love what I do, but I’m not willing to give up everything for it, you know?"
"You were never getting the Bake My Day hosting job, Charlie."
"Basically what I’m saying is: you can take your offer and shove it."
"You’re my heart, you’re my soul. I don’t work without you."
"I think we’ve all made better choices, don’t you?"
"It’s Christmas, though. Magic happens at Christmas."
"We may not have patented any of our recipes, but I have it in writing now that you plan to steal them."
"You’d have to work pretty damn hard to tick me off, Charlie Goodwin. You just might be my weak spot."
"Miguel Rodriguez, how did I get so lucky to have met you?"
"Maybe we should just stay out here for a while longer?"
"I can’t think of anything I want more than to have your entire family here with us this Christmas."
"I believe that platter is missing one important element."