
Divine Evil Quotes

Divine Evil by Nora Roberts

Divine Evil Quotes
"Clouds, dark and secretive, danced over the pale moon."
"For a moment, there was only the murmur of the wind through the early spring leaves."
"It was May Day Eve, the Sabbat of Roodmas. On this night of high spring, both celebration and sacrifice would be given for the fertility of crops and for the power of men."
"The fact that she was a prostitute and far from pure disturbed some of them. Others simply relished her lush curves and generously spread thighs."
"The high priest, having donned his mask of the Goat of Mendes, began to chant in bastardized Latin."
"The lights from the greedy flames washed through it like blood."
"We, your faithful, demand fortune and pleasure."
"The rods of our sex grow hard, our blood hot. Let our women burn for us. Let them receive us lustfully."
"The voices of the men were a roaring buzz in her ears as she watched them throw the headless carcass of the goat into the fire pit."
"Now the stink of roasting flesh hung sickeningly in the air."
"Any sane, loving daughter would want her mother’s happiness."
"The sun was just coming up, giving the streets and sidewalks of downtown Manhattan an almost rosy hue."
"It was the confrontation with his own mortality he abhorred."
"Life moved slow and calm in Emmitsboro, Maryland."
"It was a quiet, tidy little town that had been settled in 1782 by Samuel Q. Emmit."
"In the winter it was a postcard, a scene from It’s a Wonderful Life, with snow banking the stone walls and Christmas lights burning for weeks."
"The occasional vandalism—kids soaping windows or breaking them—traffic violations, the weekly drunk-and-disorderly or domestic dispute."
"The truth was, he would have preferred to have been chasing a homicidal junkie down a dark alley."
"These people aren’t undead, they’re just dead."
"Kids, he thought with a shake of his head as the wind flapped a loose shingle of the roof of the old church."
"The next morning being Saturday, Cam drove into town and parked outside of Martha’s, a diner and long-standing gathering place in Emmitsboro."
"It wasn’t a thought that gave Cam, who’d been baptized at the font, right in front of the tall, serene statue of the Virgin, any comfort."
"It was a pretty night, a little chill, a little breezy, but the sky was diamond clear."
"But picking your way over decomposing bodies kind of knocked you over the head with your own ultimate destiny."
"An owl hooted, causing Deputy Bud Hewitt, who walked beside Cam, to jolt."
"The two teenagers who had chosen the cemetery to neck in gestured him along."
"The grave was that of John Robert Hardy, 1881–1882, an infant who had lived one brief year and been dead more than a hundred."
"I figured it was the least he could do for old times' sake—even though he'd only dated Clare once. On the night her father died."
"The only trouble with a motorcycle is there’s no radio to blast."
"Just who do you think would give a shit if I found you dead in this cell?"
"I’ve had no idea that one touch, one taste, would lead to a grinding need for more."
"You’ll always be your father’s child. You still miss him. I understand that. I miss him, too."
"A friend doesn’t turn his back because of hard times."
"Sometimes you can’t go back, however much you’d like to. Trying to go back can hurt more than it can heal."
"It’s stupid that we can say whatever we want about the living, but once someone’s dead, we have to say what a nice guy he was—even if he was a bastard."
"Death is a part of life. One you’ve got to face up to."
"But no one, no one had known the depth of her own grief."
"The kindness helped fill some of the empty spaces."
"She was pure energy in his arms, snapping and pulsing with life."
"Every few moments, she would stroke her fingers over the curve of wood in a form of communication he recognized but couldn’t understand."
"Tonight, finally, she had found a way to celebrate his life."
"He felt her tighten around him as she reached her peak."
"It reached him and clashed almost painfully with his own."
"Her body was bombarded by sensation after sensation."
"She looked fearless, rising above him, joined to him, filled with him."
"They took their seats and held their silence and thought their thoughts."
"The food had meant nothing, but the kindness helped fill some of the empty spaces."
"He swore ripely in French before turning a pasty face to the women."
"It must have been a stray dog that killed it and dragged it here."
"Christ, my father had a peace sign, that didn’t make him a Communist."
"Be careful of him. My grandmother said that one should be wary of those who choose the left-hand path."
"Two young Angus had been brutally butchered. Decapitated. Castrated."
"Into the silence, like a benediction, came a whippoorwill’s hopeful call."
"A baby’s grave disturbed, a man hideously murdered, calves mutilated."
"Drugs could creep down the interstate and sneak into town."
"I wanted a drink, badly wanted a drink, he refused to move."
"I don’t want to screw this up, Cam. I’m real good at screwing things up."
"The moon was nearly full, and the stars were brilliant."
"She could be attacked by a gang of mad rapists."
"She shuddered. A broken leg was much worse than mad rapists."
"There was nothing, nothing more important than dance in her life."
"She was smiling when she spotted the car pulled off the shoulder of the road."
"Salvation. Maybe there was a nice, clever man who could fiddle with her car."
"She screamed in pain and in terror as her hair was grabbed and ruthlessly wrenched."
"They seemed to melt out of the trees. Two shadowy figures, draped in black."
"She was dying. And she knew she would be fighting for her life."
"He was chanting. Dear God, was all she could think. He was chanting."
"She heard more now, as he dragged her over. Bodies crashing through the trees."
"Gagging, she struggled out from under him. She’d never known such pain."
"In a limping run, she raced through the trees, knowing there were others close behind."
"Sometimes people say awful things when they’re fighting that they’re sorry about later."
"When you really fall in love, you’ll see the difference."
"For the past twenty years, all you’ve done is work and worry."
"I like the idea of you meeting me at the door and heating up pizza."
"Right now I’d settle for company in the tub."
"Boy, do one good deed, and the guy expects a lifetime."
"My money goes into Swiss accounts—and land, of course."
"A man couldn’t ask for a more supportive wife."
"You can scream if you like. You won’t be heard."
"She might not survive a car crash. And she was determined to survive."
"One of our basic rules is not to involve our wives and daughters."
"It isn’t difficult to find men who want a different way."
"Every member of our group has what he wants, what he needs, and more."
"You won’t be using that burl now. It’s a pity."
"Don’t care too much equals don’t hurt too much."
"My religious beliefs don’t infringe on my dedication to medicine."
"I have opened myself to possibilities and renounced the so-called Christian church."
"I don’t know what he’ll do if we don’t find her."
"I had big hopes for Cameron, but he proved to be a disappointment."
"I’ve just been walking. Gosh Almighty, it’s a hot one."