
The Calling Of The Grave Quotes

The Calling Of The Grave by Simon Beckett

The Calling Of The Grave Quotes
"Anticipation and curiosity had overcome any inclination to stop en route."
"Everyone's always thought that's where he got rid of his victims."
"My work was often grim but always necessary, and I took pride in both my skill and my growing reputation."
"Remarkable things, aren't they? Lumbricus terrestris."
"The victim's female, probably in her late teens or early twenties, judging by her clothes."
"The last time we'd seen them had been shortly before their move."
"Do you know, I've been racking my brains trying to remember."
"There's no point standing round here arguing. Let's get the cadaver dog to check it out."
"Unless you're absolutely certain there's nothing here?"
"And I really don't want to spend any more of your first night back talking about Terry Connors."
"You don't have to answer that if you don't want to."
"For all I know I could have just slipped and banged my head."
"Such a lovely phrase for such a cruel thing, I always think."
"Then please do. He can be quite lucid sometimes, especially about things that happened in the past."
"Sophie gave a weak smile. 'I'm full of hidden talents,' she said."
"The archaeologist's deterioration was pitiable, but there were worse places to end one's days."
"Despite her protests, I made her sit down while I prepared something to eat."
"She gave me a nervous smile. 'Besides, you promised Maria.'"
"Behind me I heard the door creak in protest as she forced it shut."
"This was twenty-four hours ago and I'm only just hearing about it? God Almighty!_"
"There's nothing wrong with a beer or two, I'm the first to admit that."
"But some people can handle it and some can't."
"Negotiating the rockfall in the dark wouldn't be easy, but once I was back in the mine my chances of making it to the surface would be much better."
"I tried my phone again, hoping some residual charge would light the screen for a few seconds."
"Huddled and shivering, I strained to hear anything that might indicate help was on its way."
"Feeling as useless as I'd ever been in my life, I closed my eyes and tried to rest."
"That was when I heard the noise. It sounded like the far-off skitter of a falling rock."
"Monk never so much as glanced round, though he must have heard me."
"I'd been trailing behind him, sloshing ankle-deep through water that ran down the sides of a narrow, upward-sloping passage."
"Then the passage kinked in a sharp dog-leg, and I saw a glow up ahead."
"Sophie glanced nervously across at him. 'He ... he says he can't remember killing those girls.'"
"I had to push myself to keep up, knowing that if I didn't I'd be left stranded."
"Monk didn't cause the haematoma. You did, when you forced your way into her house looking for the diary."
"It's a contrecoup injury from where she hit her head on the bathroom floor when she fell."
"She was terrified, but she still protected you!"
"You think you're going to make me feel guilty about her? Forget it, she brought it on herself!"
"But his eyes were bright and full of malice as he tried to drag himself to his feet."
"Agony burst through me, and as I crashed to the floor Terry stepped up and whipped his foot into my stomach."
"You know what, Hunter? I'm glad you didn't go when you'd got the chance."
"He'd died alone in the dark, far away from daylight or human contact."
"The cause of death was heart failure and pneumonia after a cocaine overdose."
"I knew from the updates I received from Naysmith that it wasn't for lack of trying."
"It was possible he'd known for years, and elected to keep quiet to protect his reputation."
"I'd been so sure of myself, so confident in my abilities, that I hadn't thought to second-guess my findings."
"I waited till her breathing showed she was asleep, then gently disengaged my hand."
"It wasn't as if she'd actually committed a crime."
"I couldn't face going back to her house again so I booked into a nearby hotel."
"I didn't want to believe it was Terry. I kept telling myself Monk really had killed them."
"I thought at least if I could do that much it might make up for . . . for . . ."