
The House At The End Of The World Quotes

The House At The End Of The World by Dean Koontz

The House At The End Of The World Quotes
"Katie lives alone on the island. She lives less for herself than for the dead."
"Having found peace in isolation, she won’t put it at risk."
"If she asks questions of others, they will surely ask questions of her. By sharing her past, she cuts herself with sharp memories."
"Isolation is a wall against fear and despair. Only nature, quiet, and time for reflection can heal her."
"That fight was a draw, but only because Mr. Conklin, a teacher, broke it up."
"She is no longer distracted by the dripping faucet because it doesn’t drip."
"In spite of what Katie has seen, it must not be what it seems to have been. She lacks crucial information."
"An artist is a mathematician who knows the formulas of the soul."
"Her dislike for the work of all nihilists further limits her reading list."
"If worse comes to worst, the element of surprise will then be hers."
"Their behavior suggests that they have no reason to suspect her, which can only mean there is no fugitive to whom she might have given shelter."
"I want justice, but they won’t give me that."
"If you find a law firm naive enough to represent you, I expect you’ll have a fatal accident before you ever get into a courtroom."
"You think you’ve hit bottom. Believe me, you still have a long way to fall, a very long way."
"The truth of things can never be assumed. It must be confirmed by action and inquiry."
"She knows how to sweep a house and ensure that it’s safe."
"Hampton Rice is still on her island. And for the time being, they don’t want her to know it."
"If they wanted to take her out with a bullet, they could have done so outside—or been waiting for her in the house."
"The sound that before seemed like distant thunder now comes a third time."
"Libby is suddenly embarrassed to be studying her reflection for signs of future greatness."
"Francesca and Raleigh think Libby doesn’t know what work they have undertaken on Ringrock for the past seven years."
"Every girl of a certain age has some Nancy Drew in her; any girl that doesn’t is pathetic."
"She feels like a self-absorbed doofus in one of those teen-themed TV movies that make her want to barf an ocean."
"The weirdness of the recent tumult at Ringrock has knotted her nerves."
"The geometry of the windows repeatedly prints on the room as the sky is fractured by lightning."
"Libby’s skull has not exploded. Acquiring national security secrets required the successful completion of two tasks."
"It’s funny, though not ha-ha funny, how you think you can’t live with some newly discovered terror."
"As time passes, it becomes just another horrific possibility."
"Trust is often answered with deceit. Such is the nature of the world in its long unbecoming."
"Just when you think it’s over for you, it isn’t."
"Considering the mysterious nature of this world, Katie wonders if it might be possible that this girl is the spiritual cognate of one of her daughters."
"To die rather than kill a child is not a failure to keep the Promise, but an honoring of it."
"Although it seems to be a predator and conqueror, the entity’s purpose might be something else entirely."
"The nature of this entity is so beyond our comprehension that catastrophe is assured if the project continues."
"The past is heavy on her, and if the future isn’t a war for survival, it also won’t be an idyllic life."
"We can’t give in to evil, to those who do such things, because what they want is us to go still and quiet and never speak back to them."
"When you give up on the truth, you become one of them."
"Fear is useful when it’s on a leash, but it’s always a bad dog when you let it run free in your mind."
"One-way caring is the virtue of virtues, honey. It’s why we’re on this world."
"We’ve got this. We can do this. Let’s go do this."
"We’re most vulnerable when we stop, right? People get a closer look at you and have longer to register you’re in a black Range Rover."
"What’s the point, anyway? Crying doesn’t change anything."
"The last thing I’d ever want to be is twenty again, but if I was, I’d drive out to Hollywood and find that beautiful man and make him honest."
"He makes no eye contact, but stares at a fixed point above their heads."
"It’s a big country, and the ISA can have no idea where she’s headed."
"Freedom is called oppression, mindless violence is called justice, and science bends to the demands of culture."
"The world has changed so fast, shaped by the powerful with reckless indifference to the lessons of history."
"These aren’t the kind of supplies you’d be loading up for a long drive, like all the way to Mexico."
"Leave the girl alone. I’ll tell you where we’re headed, who we expect to take us in, hide us. I’ll tell you everything."
"You killed him, kid, by just coming in here."
"We can’t have him gassing off about your girlfriend and you being taken into custody."