
Bachelor Nation: Inside The World Of America's Favorite Guilty Pleasure Quotes

Bachelor Nation: Inside The World Of America's Favorite Guilty Pleasure by Amy Kaufman

Bachelor Nation: Inside The World Of America's Favorite Guilty Pleasure Quotes
"I think this is a book about The Bachelor that the people at The Bachelor don't want published."
"There's something romantic about believing in the fairy tale."
"I wanted to tell you how this show is really made and explore why we keep tuning in, season after season."
"It's almost a given at this point that couples on The Bachelor will break up within a year of their televised engagement."
"The producers did talk to me about becoming the Bachelorette."
"I'm empathetic towards the women on the show who think they can't provide for themselves."
"A part of me wants to believe in the fantasy."
"No one takes a show about twenty-five women vying for one man seriously."
"My Twitter followers sent messages to show producers and network executives complaining that the ruling was unfair."
"Sometimes, I even daydream about what it would be like if I were on the show."
"It was the ’70s. Everybody was doing cocaine. They were smoking dope. There was free sex. It was a totally different time."
"The stuff I got away with, really, is astonishing. I couldn’t do any of that now."
"We might show you a five-minute segment of his video that looks very favorable, but the guy is a chauvinistic jerk and you don’t see that on the tape."
"My personal opinion is that if you go on that show and you genuinely think you’re going there to fall in love, you’re probably a little off."
"I’m not holding it down for you. I’m holding it down for me."
"You want the girl who’s like, ‘Oh, he was super cool and we would go fuck in his parents’ pool.’"
"If I want to have a shot with a cute, highly sought-after dude, and if I win, my confidence will skyrocket."
"I was hoping I wouldn’t come across as this really vain, egotistical guy who just has to be seen with his shirt off."
"The majority of girls on that show either don’t have a job, or they have a job where they can leave for six weeks."
"I’m aware of how forgettable we all are."
"I'm willing to let them do anything any twenty-five- to twenty-eight-year-old would do at a party with mixed company."
"Everyone has to be cognizant of what they’re doing—even when two people get really drunk and want to have sex, if they’re too gone, it’s like, ‘No. Put them to bed.’"
"There’s an ever-present need for drama, which is defined on the show as women crying, men fighting, women having catfights, women saying they’re going to die alone."
"I didn’t have a ton of time to get in the greatest shape, so I just kind of went how I tend to carry myself every day."
"You just have to really sit by yourself and think, ‘OK, what are my intentions here? Do I want to beat the other guys, or is there something here [with the Bachelorette]?"
"It’s almost like going to a bar—at the right time, the bar owner is going to cut you off and put you in a cab."
"If you’re Amy from Oklahoma, here’s what happens: Amy from Oklahoma comes on the show and she’s one of twenty-five chicks."
"And if you don’t get the first-impression rose, you need to get one at the rose ceremony a few minutes later."
"It was just that simple principle that something becomes so much more attractive when you suddenly fear you can’t have it."
"You have the strength to say no! They will call and come back as many times as you let them!"
"I am giving you permission to put you first."
"You need to invoke romance—not visions of arguments over the boardroom table!"
"It takes four seasons for crazy to come out."
"You’ve gotta have sex. Stop denying that you want sex as much as he does."
"Put your ass out there in the most unorthodox ways and get out there."
"You need to move where the men are that you want to date."
"Here’s to all the bastards you’re never gonna miss, and the hot guys you’re gonna kiss!"
"Quality of life is way more important to me. So maybe I won't make as much money, but I'll live a better life."
"It's a competition to win the crown, like Miss America. And you're drunk."
"That’s the money shot. The ratings prove you love it."
"I watched my parents suffer to make money to put me through college. They’re miserable, they get divorced at fifty."
"You can’t really understand the power of editing, and there are a lot of really smart people making these shows."
"It was realizing that what was happening on the show was having a real-life impact on the contestants."
"After eighteen years of your parents building your morality, the desperation of staying alive sinks in so quickly."
"Diamonds can hypnotize anyone. Sometimes, I’d have to transport them to the show, and I politically don’t believe in diamonds."
"To be a perfect contestant, you should be a lawyer that gives really awesome blow jobs and doesn’t really care about being a lawyer."
"I think we watch The Bachelor because we’re anxious about our own love lives, and the show gives us an outlet to express our fears."
"You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated."
"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."
"Whoever is happy will make others happy too."