
Last Sacrifice Quotes

Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead

Last Sacrifice Quotes
"I don't like cages. I don't even like going to zoos."
"But lately, life seemed to be throwing me a lot of things I'd never expected."
"Sometimes I even felt a little bad for criminals, condemned to life in a cell."
"The bars in the doorway felt cool against my skin, hard and unyielding."
"Fluorescent lighting made the metal gleam in a way that felt harsh and irritating to my eyes."
"Like I couldn't breathe. Like the sides of the cell would keep coming toward me until no space remained, pushing out all the air..."
"I've also done my fair share of rule (and even law) breaking."
"Cold-blooded murder, however, was not in my repertoire."
"The note's contents made me question what I'd known about Tatiana."
"Lissa was a Moroi, and we shared a psychic link."
"I don't need luck, Roza. I'll always find you."
"How long has it been since my people brought you anything?"
"I've heard all about it. All the Alchemists know about it."
"But steal a car, and you sound totally outraged."
"Traditional Russian patterns brought over and eventually fused with a typical Americana patchwork quilt form."
"You're Tainted because you joined the modern world and left behind their backward ways for your own messed up customs."
"The more vampires who stay off on their own in the woods, the better—even if their lifestyle is crazy."
"I'm exhausted. I'm not going to be able to follow anyone's crazy plans—yours or Abe's—if I don't get some sleep."
"The thing is, if Sarah's right, they could be due for an Alchemist visit."
"I'm as astonished by all of this as you are."
"You're the one who acts like you know everything."
"The monarch elections will start any day now, and Tatiana's murderer could have a hand in those."
"It's never enough, Roza. It'll never be enough."
"Remember what you said earlier? Back in Rubysville? Living is in the details."
"I keep thinking . . . maybe if I destroy enough Strigoi, the nightmares will go away."
"I can't get used to the weirdness of a Strigoi living in a place so . . . normal."
"That's only true if you let them make it true."
"You're the only one who understands. The only one who saw how I was."
"How you guys don't catch gangrene more often is beyond me."
"Magic, she realized. This weather is magical."
"All she had to do was make one call . . . one call, and she'd be out of this mess."
"This challenge was no longer about the Moroi throne or Tatiana's murder. It was a test she would take on for herself."
"I led a soft and sheltered life, letting others protect me."
"She wished Christian was with her. She would have welcomed the warmth of both his magic and his embrace."
"Don't give up, I wanted to say as I drew off more negativity."
"She felt a flash of bitterness, recalling the guardians saying magic was allowed in this test."
"Fire! Lissa straightened up from where she'd been huddled."
"You forget: Belikov was turned against his will. She wasn't."
"You need to listen to me, Rose. Very careful. A lot rests on you now."
"That . . . was that what it was like when Lissa changed me?"
"Something urged her toward the fog, and she walked toward it—alone."
"Lowering the guardian age isn't the way to protect us. We need to learn to protect ourselves too."
"I knew it. We were idiots to let a little girl on this Council. She has nothing useful to offer."
"I understand what you have to do. It's okay. Take me to Tarasov."
"They'll be able to take care of you in Tarasov."
"You're a part of their family. Lissa's sister. You're royalty."
"What we did... this is huge. You found Lissa's sister. Another Dragomir."
"Sometimes I don't either. Like I said, it's much easier said than done."
"What if your ‘soul mate' lives in Zimbabwe? What if he dies young?"
"I don't know much about bonds, but what you're doing—even if it's helping her—is very dangerous."
"Someone had tried to kill Lissa, and a group of guardians had just dragged off Eddie."
"I did," said Eddie. "I protected her. What difference does it make if the threat's Moroi or Strigoi?"
"Don't get so huffy," said Abe. "Ethan's a palace guard."
"If I hadn't killed him, he would have killed me."
"And none of you—none of you—know this Alchemist girl or have been in contact with her?"
"All you have to do is answer a question for me. Answer correctly, and you're through to the vote."
"What must a queen possess in order to truly rule her people?"
"I'm saying . . . I forgive myself. That doesn't make everything perfect, but it's a start."
"I'll do things that'll make you lose control within seconds."
"He's trying to bring Victor back! He'll be shadow-kissed!"
"I can't do this," she said, staring ahead at the building that held her fate. "I can't do this test."
"You don't understand," she said, with a sigh. "I've come up with no answers."
"For once he does," said Tasha. "You can do it. You have to do it."
"Tatiana might have been open to the idea of defense but only for certain people."
"A queen must possess nothing to rule because she has to give everything she has to her people. Even her life."
"I don't know about that. We all know I'm not a real candidate."
"Our safety must be our top priority," he proclaimed. "At all costs."
"My reaction was a little stronger than ‘crap,' Rose. Do you have any idea what you've done?"
"I'm so sick of hearing about her! She lived centuries ago, you know."
"I feel like... like I have the world at my fingertips, like I can do so much good."
"I'm not giving up on the rest of my life either."
"You mean, what will I do. It's my problem now, Rose."
"I'll always be there for you, you know. Anything you need."
"Well, I've been doing it for most of my life," said Lissa.
"We'll... we'll get to know each other. Things'll get better."