
Fallen Crest High Quotes

Fallen Crest High by Tijan

Fallen Crest High Quotes
"Only my whole world had changed that afternoon."
"What's with the twenty questions? Yes. I had dinner. With my boyfriend. Who I have been dating for three years."
"Better than those two. Jessica Larsen's been jealous of you since sixth grade when Forrest Adams thought you were cute and Lydia Thompson doesn't have the backbone to be a good friend."
"Are you kidding me? You can have Jeff. I don't want him back."
"I haven't wanted Jeff for a couple years now."
"This is your life. This is your boyfriend. I don't want any part of it."
"He cheated on me for two years with my best friend."
"I was hoping for the best then. Now I'm preparing for the worst."
"I think not." I pulled away and remained at a safe distance.
"I wasn't afraid. I wasn't afraid of anything."
"That's probably cause he won't press charges. Your dad's nice like that, but I would if it were my car."
"She sighed as she popped open a beer. 'There goes my tanning today. Little rodents.'"
"It hadn't been my plan, but I'll take it. Decimator?"
"People are snakes, you just have to figure out their different colors, but they're all the same. Everybody wants something."
"I probably shouldn't say anything, but I'm sorry she bulldozed her way into your lives."
"I'm good without that, mom. I wouldn't want us to be fake and not talk about things."
"So that you can tread carefully from now on."
"There's a lot of history that you don't know about."
"You can't promise me anything. I'm the mother. I should be promiser one, but I'm not. I cand even do that for you. I've ruined it all, Sammy."
"David hates your father. He loathes him. He thinks he walked out on his daughter."
"I've all you got. David won't take you back. Are you kidding me?"
"He always liked to play the doting father type. Maybe he'll pick a son this time. The daughter he had ended up being a screw-up."
"You always picked the worst types, Sam. Jeff. Lydia. Jessica. They're your closest and they all screwed you."
"I wasn't going to get mixed up with her. I wasn't. I'm aware what kind of a woman she is."
"I hear the gossip, you know. I heard the Kade brothers have taken you under their wing."
"It was like an animal that was playing with its kill before they fully killed it. That's what he was doing with her."
"Just because you're lonely and had your heart broken by my mother doesn't mean you should get yourself mixed up with her."
"You don't care? About me? You don't care about me?"
"Don't torture yourself. You were honest just now."
"I'm not your whore. I'm not your stepsister. I'm not your anything."
"I'm pretty sure I can move back in with David until college."
"If your dad really loves her, he'll forgive her."
"Everyone thinks Fallen Crest Public High is so great, all because of them."
"She's one of ours and you declared open season on her."
"I'm not talking about those; I'm talking about the dudes. They're all over. Their pants are pressed so tight I keep expecting to smell aromatherapy."
"Just because they have a better football team, that's the only reason they picked public."
"I don't fight with words. I'm quite capable of handling Quinn all on my own."
"He's got nerve to show up on my territory. This is mine, Kade!"
"One swing, Kade. One swing. Isn't that what they say about you?"
"I'm not sure what to do with that. You want to get some food with me? There's a party tonight."
"Nope and if it does, I'll tie him down and do a drug test on him."
"I've given up on that, but I won't for your friendship. I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep your friendship."
"You think I want a parasite hanging around her because that's what you are."
"Yeah, it must take a special kind of guy to do that."
"I can handle anything you've got up your sleeve."
"People don't know what they're made of until they're tested."
"Cheaters are weak. They're selfish and they're cowards."
"You're my daughter, Sam. I raised you. It's never going to matter who your real dad is or what your mom says."
"The guys in there hate Mason and Logan. You were stupid to think this would work out."
"Being faithful was one thing I valued as I grew up."
"I don't care what you think I've done wrong in my parenting. I've been the one there for her all her life."