
The Darkest Minds Quotes

The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken

The Darkest Minds Quotes
"People were slow to piece it all together—or, at least, they had figured out the right way to keep us in the dark long after kids started dying."
"I was still stuck in my own world of sunshine, ponies, and my race car collection."
"Even big things like when my dad, a cop, started working longer hours and could barely stand to look at me when he finally did come home."
"My parents were both only children. I didn’t have any dead cousins to send up red flags."
"My mom’s refusal to let my dad install a 'soul-sucking vortex of trash and mindless entertainment' meant that no scary news broadcasts rocked my world."
"Looking back, I couldn’t believe how naive I was, just how many clues I missed."
"Grace let out a small sigh, not even strong enough to blow away the strands of brown hair stuck to her lips."
"A week or two before, Josh Preston had passed out on the playground because, as Mrs. Port explained, he didn’t have enough sugar in his system—something stupid like that."
"I just sat, surrounded by abandoned lunches, staring at the cup of Jell-O and letting terror crawl through me until my arms and legs felt like they would be frozen to the table forever."
"Grace is dead, I was thinking. Grace is dead? Grace is dead."
"The air at Thurmond was so coated in fear that you could taste it like vomit at the back of your throat."
"Hatred and terror came in circles, and they fed off each other."
"The most important thing you ever did was learn how to survive."
"You matter to me, you matter to the League, and you matter to the future."
"Once you destroy a life, that's it. You never get that person back."
"People lost their jobs, and then they lost their homes because they could no longer pay for them."
"There are a thousand ways to tell if someone is lying to you."
"You'd be surprised how little voice you have when you lose everything."
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed."
"The only one that needs beauty sleep is Chubs."
"That's in Orange," I interrupted. "We're nowhere near that."
"All of this acid he's throwing your way? It's coming from a good place."
"Just keep your eyes open and let me know if you see anyone or anything acting suspect."
"The reward for turning in a kid is ten thousand dollars."
"I'm not sure what else can be said about this book that hasn’t already been said. I’m out of clever things to say, I’m afraid."
"The truth was, when I looked at my reflection in the window, I couldn’t see any bit of the Ruby that had lived in a little white house at the end of a lane."
"But I couldn’t. This was a private conversation, just like her memory had been private."
"You’re up early. I usually have to drag Chubs into the shower and blast him with cold water to get him going."
"I had the strangest feeling—like I had lost something without ever really having it in the first place."
"I wanted to leave. This was not a safe place."
"The sensation made me feel hollow down to my bones."
"The ash trees lining the lonely one-lane back road were just coming into their lovely young skin."
"We passed what I thought must have been a black wrought iron fence, but it was almost impossible to see."
"It’s as good of a lead as any, though I wish the area was a little smaller."
"I braced a hand on the shelf to keep from doubling over."
"It’s not so much that others can’t hear the noise, it’s that their brains translate the sounds differently than ours do."
"If you can hear this, you’re one of us. If you’re one of us, you can find us. Lake Prince. Virginia."
"I hugged him without any kind of fear or self-consciousness, fiercely, with a rush of emotion that almost brought tears to my eyes."
"I’m sure you’re right. Can you put this back in the glove box?"
"It wasn’t like they were just given the paper and pens."
"It’s personal! It’s none of your business what it says."
"No, this is serious. We don’t read each other’s letters!"
"All I want is to help more kids break out of Caledonia—out of every single camp, one by one."
"Rabbits need dignity and, above all, the will to accept their fate."
"Black is the absence of all colors. We don’t segregate by color here."
"Electricity—I remembered Greg mentioning something about the Yellows rigging the system to work."
"Everyone under thirteen has to sit through lessons."
"School stuff, I guess. Math, a little science, some reading—depends on whatever books we were able to scrounge."
"What’s the matter with you? Can’t you see you’re upsetting her?"
"You of all people should know they can’t reform shit at Thurmond, Ruby."
"Let’s go upstairs. He should be done meeting with the security team by now."
"The fire popped and hissed, buckling under a steady stream of water from a nearby hose."
"I don’t know that anyone has gone in to clean it since they left, though, so I apologize if it’s a mess."
"This isn’t an equation. You can’t solve it in three easy steps."
"No one will be able to hurt you or change you if you can fight them off."
"The darkest minds tend to hide behind the most unlikely faces."
"You’re what shrinks call ‘overly empathetic.’ You won’t do anything if it means hurting others."
"Rabbits need to accept their fate, rabbits need dignity and above all the will to accept their fate."
"The only thing I care about is what’s going to happen to Lee—you know, the one that put everything on the line to get us out in the first place?"
"Did you know…you make me so happy that sometimes I actually forget to breathe?"
"Nothing’s going to be worse than being apart."
"You’re too valuable to be screwing around with him."
"You need to accept the fact that you’re Orange and that you’re always going to be alone because of it."
"I’m scared to death of you, but for a completely different reason."
"It’s insane, isn’t it? What am I going to do without him telling me how dangerous it is to open canned food the wrong way?"
"Keep my legs below my chest, Lee, don't lift them so high, not for chest wounds, breathing difficult—"
"Don't let them take me. Keep...pressure on it."
"Don't close your eyes—talk to me, keep talking to me, tell me what to do!"
"Take me home," Chubs begged. "Ruby, make him take me home."
"You’re going—you’ll be fine," I told him, leaning over so he could see my eyes.
"If you get him help, we’ll go with you," I heard Liam tell Cate. "We’ll go with you. We’ll do whatever you want."
"You cannot die. You have to take calculus and go to football games and go to prom and apply to colleges and you absolutely cannot die."