
Beachcombers Quotes

Beachcombers by Nancy Thayer

Beachcombers Quotes
"The universe is always speaking to us, sending us little messages, causing coincidences and serendipities, reminding us to stop, to look around, to believe in something else, something more."
"We're all part of a wonderful, mysterious game."
"You have to be willing to step away from what we consider normal life."
"The windowsills of each girl's bedroom were littered with ocean trophies."
"This is what we are in the universe. Think of it. How enormous the universe is. How tiny we are."
"I'm trying to take advantage of it, trying to enjoy the summer."
"I don't want to breathe. I don't want to live."
"Everything I've ever wanted is gone and there's no hope in hell of ever getting it back."
"I'm not going to kill myself. I wouldn't do that to you and Dad and Lily."
"You can float along on the surface of the world but I can't be like you."
"I feel like a piece of shark shit on the bottom of the ocean."
"We don't know what's on the other side. Mom might be happy where she is, and watching us."
"I'm not completely helpless. I can hop around. We did pretty well for breakfast and lunch. And there's always takeout."
"You have always been entirely too enchanted by the island."
"But it's an unreal world here in the summer, Lily. You know that. It's not balanced."
"I've been miserable about it. I am miserable about it. So it's a novel experience to laugh about it."
"You are beautiful, honey. And young. Enjoy it while you can."
"Sometimes it seems to go fast, and sometimes it seems to be absolutely stopped still."
"I think I miss my work as much as my ex-husband."
"You're really a jack of all trades, aren't you?"
"You've made me happy. But moving in with you--it's a complicated subject."
"Maybe it could be the beginning of a new life."
"I think Harry's aware of the tension between me and Sydney."
"We're young and strong, we're hard workers. I love you, Lily."
"What happened to us? Did we all just go mad this summer?"
"Sometimes it all got to be too much, and there was nothing hopeful in sight."
"It was the most amazing thing, to have a dream come true."
"You can't build a straight house out of crooked wood, but you can build a very cozy crooked house."
"I'm not putting a value judgment on anything, Lily."
"I'm afraid to get too excited. Eartha could be capricious."
"You're going to have to make a decision, won't you?"
"I may not be rich, Emma, but I think I'll be comfortable."
"I'm glad you came out here, Lily. I'm sorry I stormed out of the house; it was a childish thing to do."
"It was so satisfying, how perfectly an egg fit into her hand, how smooth it was, how real and comforting and nourishing, this simple thing."
"No, thanks, we just had pancakes," Abbie told her.
"I might be a little hungry, too," Harry announced hopefully.
"Just the right height," he said, pushing the chair close to the table.
"Maybe we're not the weirdest family in the world."
"It's okay, Abbie. You go on back to bed. You have school tomorrow. I'll be fine."
"But you were her doll. She made dress-up costumes for you, remember?"
"I officially declare the opening of the First Danielle Fox Memorial."
"She just lived in her bathing suits with a shirt of Dad's buttoned over them."
"The universe was full of tricks and clues and signs."
"The day was a message from nature, and who could say that it wasn't?"
"But do you, Abbie? Believe in something else?"