
All-American Girl Quotes

All-American Girl by Meg Cabot

All-American Girl Quotes
"When you love something, you want to do it all the time, even if no one is paying you for it."
"If you wanted more attention from us, Sam, all you had to do was ask. Throwing yourself in the path of a speeding bullet really wasn’t necessary."
"I just didn’t have the strength to fight her."
"You’ve just got to find a way to fight this Susan Boone person."
"You have got to draw what is in your heart, Sam. Otherwise, what is the point?"
"I was merely enacting my rights of individual initiative by supplying the public... with a product for which I saw there was a demand."
"I mean, she is going out with an artist, and yet the two of them never discuss art?"
"I am not what most people would call a particularly brave person."
"I can’t just stand by and let you become the biggest freak of the entire school."
"But when you love something, you want to do it all the time, even if no one is paying you for it."
"I didn't mind the Hawaiian root extract, the apricot scrub, or the horse conditioner."
"You are going to dress like a normal person for once in your life, and you are going to like it."
"I wasn’t the bravest girl in the world. I was just a girl who’d happened to have the misfortune to be standing next to a guy who meant to assassinate the President."
"I don’t want to think about what could have happened if the Secret Service agents hadn’t disarmed him so quickly."
"That would be just my luck to cause a flood in the White House."
"I mean, all I did was save the President. It’s not like I have anything to say."
"Because where would the art world be if Picasso only drew what he saw?"
"That’s what best friends are for, after all."
"I mean, this woman had practically blackmailed me into coming back to her class and then, when I get there, she doesn’t even give me a white-coloured pencil."
"Before you can start trying to change the rules, you have to learn what the rules are."
"It’s absurd that at the age of fifteen you should settle down with just one guy."
"What’s it going to be today? Pineapple again? Or are you going to try for something a little more seasonal... squash, perhaps?"
"When you are drawing, you are in your own world, of your own creation."
"Instead of saying hi or whatever to David, I went, 'Doesn’t all that bother you?'"
"I had a lot of views about stuff—that was certainly true. What I did not have was a lot of confidence about expressing them to anyone but my family and friends."
"But there was one thing I knew I had to do. I had to get Maria’s painting into the From My Window show in New York."
"That painting—Maria’s painting—is of what one person sees, every day, from her window."
"I thought we were guaranteed freedom of speech."
"People in a romantic relationship just plain live longer than people who are single."
"I'm obviously too lacking in moral rectitude."
"I couldn’t tell her that it was impossible for me to be in love with David, since I’d been in love with her boyfriend."
"And how could I, Samantha Madison, who for so long had thought she’d known everything, have turned out to know so very, very little?"
"I had no choice but to follow her into her bright, sunshiny kitchen, the walls of which were painted blue—the same blue as her eyes."
"So now it said: David + Sam. Which, all things considered, is not a bad way to leave your mark on history."