
The Lost And The Chosen Quotes

The Lost And The Chosen by Ivy Asher

The Lost And The Chosen Quotes
"I’m careful to keep it in check. If I welcome in too much, it will flood me and turn me into the human version of a Fourth of July sparkler."
"He had long hair the first time I met him. The blond locks danced in the wind, and ocean blue eyes stared up at me."
"I don’t know what it says about me, but I find the pungent scent of this room comforting."
"The mysterious spark of ability stretches out inside of me like a languid cat."
"I swear, every gym I’ve ever worked out in, and every locker room I’ve ever used has this same citrusy smell."
"If I let my guard down, I could turn into the human version of a Fourth of July sparkler."
"I’m thankful every day for everything he’s done for me."
"The roar of the crowd reaches us through the thick walls of the room, cocooning me in their aggression."
"In the world of shady underground deals and cold brutality, where Talon and I live, pretty thoughts and indulgent memories have no place."
"I’m not some choreographed dance, and he knows it."
"I'm not sure what time it is since I don’t currently have a phone or own a watch."
"You just eat what you like and leave what you don’t, okay?"
"This is the best thing I’ve ever eaten," I confess.
"I like to be comfortable and casual most of the time, but I’m not afraid to peacock when it’s time to show off."
"Bring your money. I’m going to get a bank account set up for you," he shouts.
"I’m glad you’re here, Vinna," Evrin tells me.
"I am sorry about what happened after the beacon spell," Silva tells me.
"Hello, beautiful. You and I will be getting acquainted, very soon," I promise the tub.
"Vinna, do you have any brands or styles of clothing that you gravitate towards?"
"I just think you don’t really know what you’re getting into."
"Is that why you’ve taken on the role of Captain Cockblock?"
"You have no idea about how our world works or where you’ll fit into it."
"If that’s really the issue then enlighten me, Sabin."
"And again, I ask, who the hell are you to make that decision for me, or for them?"
"I’m not the villain here. I know you don’t know me, and clearly don’t like me, but I’m not trying to fuck with your coven, or hurt anyone."
"Oh yeah, you’re just overflowing with acceptance and support."
"I’ll stay the fuck away from all of you, now get the fuck out of my room."
"He’s a dick, but he’s right, I don’t know anything, not really."
"It's good to know your spell affects males of all species and not just casters."
"We were just discussing with the elders that their presence is unnecessary, and we’ll be sure to update them as soon as the reading is concluded."
"Just to confirm I have this correctly, you can: mimic most anything you see, increase your speed and strength, increase your hearing, land and avoid sustaining injury when you jump from great heights, siphon and alter another caster’s magic, and you have an innate ability to fight and defend yourself."
"If any of you would pull your head out of your asses long enough to know anything about me, you’d know that I’m not some heartless, bloodthirsty monster."
"I’m in awe of everything we’ve discovered here today."
"I’m sure you’re aware of how unusual your circumstances are. It’s safe to say; we’re all curious about your reading and what it will show."
"We have no idea what’s going to happen. We didn’t want to risk it."
"I’ll have to do some additional research, but from memory, I’d say your experience is rare."
"No, only paladin covens are built that way. Outside of the paladin, casters can build covens however they want to."
"I’m not going to lie, the thought of having sex with all of you at the same time scares the shit out of me, so is that up for discussion or is it mandatory?"
"I’m a Sentinel. The last in a line of hunted and murdered magic users."
"Fuck. I never thought I’d see the day when being an unwanted, homeless teenager that fights for a living seemed like a simpler way of life."
"I wondered when you’d resurface," he teases."
"I’m just realizing that I’ve kissed most of you, and forced all of you into a permanent bond with me, but this is the first time I’ve been in anyone’s room."
"You already knew how I felt about things. I’m in. I want you, and I’m fucking excited for the new abilities and magic."
"It’s already done, Squeaks, and there’s nothing you can do about it," he taunts me."
"Nothing I wouldn’t have endured a thousand times to keep them away from you."
"That’s for Talon," I declare and turn looking for the next threat."
"You fuckers are the reason she was out there unprotected. Back off and let us in."