
Hour Of Need Quotes

Hour Of Need by Melinda Leigh

Hour Of Need Quotes
"Anniversaries were a big deal, especially this one."
"The raw March wind whipped across the stucco facade of La Cusina."
"Sleep deprivation is an established form of psychological torture."
"Her high heels were sexy but precarious on the slippery spots."
"Lee’s chicken marsala took a quick spin in his gut."
"Kate wasn’t just his wife. She was his best friend."
"Despite her banter, Kate’s laugh sounded forced."
"The lawsuit could affect his chance for partnership."
"The patch of ice beneath his cheek should have been cold."
"Ellie smoothed joint compound over the patch in the drywall."
"But this was the first neighborhood she’d be sad to leave."
"Lee Barrett was also an attorney in the firm where Ellie worked."
"Lee and Kate Barrett were killed a few hours ago."
"Not mild-mannered, dependable Lee, whose idea of risky behavior was eating runny egg yolks."
"She couldn’t fall apart. The children needed her to function."
"He might miss the camaraderie of being part of a combat platoon."
"Grant didn’t breathe easy until the trucks rolled through the gates."
"Your brother Lee and his wife, Kate, were killed last night."
"Pain bored through Grant’s soul like a bullet."
"The temperature in his hometown of Scarlet Falls, New York, was similar to the aching cold he’d left behind."
"Lee and Kate’s old Victorian sat behind a long, narrow front lawn."
"He started the engine and checked his phone."
"The dreary vista was more depressing than the images in his memory."
"Nan’s gaze softened. She walked closer and took both his hands."
"You need to let it go and move on with your life."
"I’ve been involved with a man who wasn’t around. I’m not doing that again."
"Ellie sighed, the cold blowing right through her thin silk blouse."
"I’d like to talk to you later. I have a few questions."
"Roger Peyton Jr. emerged from behind his desk to shake Grant’s hand."
"If I find anything that belongs to the firm, you’ll be the first to hear."
"Grant drove out of town with sorrow clamping around his chest."
"The dog and man followed her into the house."
"The only one still making you pay for it is you."
"From what Hannah had told him, Julia had behaved like a hero."
"Abducting Ellie was one more reason for Grant to extract payback."
"His little hands ran over plastic chair backs and desk edges, as if he needed to ground himself physically in the police station to hold it together."
"Shooting came as easily to her as studying to Lee and sense of direction to Mac."
"The tattoos seemed small. How did the boy get a clear picture?"
"His childish innocence and vulnerability sent Grant's protective instincts rushing through him."
"I'm not enough of a freak, now I have to see a shrink, too."
"Making me miserable is their purpose in life."
"My life is humiliating enough without every single person in it constantly discussing my public shame."
"Because Lee and Kate were murdered, that's why."
"No one could possibly be fine under these circumstances."
"Bullshit. We might not have spent a lot of time together lately, but I know something is going on with you."
"Nobody goes into combat and comes out the same."
"I should have gotten another room. Then you could be sleeping, too."
"It's dawn, and I'm too keyed up to be still."
"I'm not going back. I'm leaving the military."
"I want to make sure my father is taken care of the best that I can."