
Broader Perspective Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"A systematic issue, not just happening to Trump."
"Life is precious, and there's so much more to life than your block or your ops."
"Keep being awesome and enjoy the big picture."
"Their relationship helps him grow to see a bigger picture."
"Life's design is far more complex, far more exciting, and far more valuable than any academic institution will ever allow you to see."
"Money, was really a very, very narrow part of what I was really setting out to do."
"The point is much much bigger than a crypto off-ramp... We have to do the cleanup work."
"You can't be selfish for your city, you can't be selfish for your country, there's this bigger picture."
"There's something so much bigger than party and country, and it's Christ."
"Switch off and tune in to the greater perspective."
"I'm still a gang member, but my gang is no longer just a certain demographic... I'm batting for humanity."
"It made me nervous, and that was the moment that I had realized that there was more to this world than what we see."
"It's a good reminder though that the stock market isn't the only measure of the health of our economy."
"There's a much bigger picture of what's really going on here."
"There's a much bigger story going on than just what Biden did or what Trump did."
"The reason I read history, I like books like this, it's giving me insight, it's zooming out, it's the 10,000-foot view."
"Art broadens your whole viewpoint; it truly makes life so much better."
"I hope y'all don't take like you know my commentary on this and be like oh I actually sell out blah blah blah bro like again at the end of the day there's a bigger picture to this."
"Reinforces that there's more going on than just the initial people you see."
"We live in a time now where that veil is coming off and people are starting to wake up and see more of that picture."
"Every time I find a new piece of life's puzzle it opens my eyes a bit more."
"We've got to sort of see the whole game and how it's being played."
"Shift your focus for the greater perspective."
"We may never know exactly what happened to Alexi Nal, but there is no doubt that this is Vladimir Putin's fault."
"God is always working in such bigger ways than you could ever see."
"Americans think about the wars their own country has fought in, they often think of just the big ones: World War two, Vietnam, the Civil War... But there's so much more."
"Nobody likes to get old, but there's one thing good about getting old. You have more viewpoint to look at the world from."
"All becomes clear when viewed from a higher perspective."
"They're going to be exposed one by one but when you see the bigger picture you'll understand why."
"There's something a little bit bigger going on around here than my ego."
"These issues are not isolated to the Mormon experience."
"Dare to dream, this is about thinking bigger, this is about seeing the bigger picture."
"You might be about that life, but life ain't about that. It's so much more."
"We've kind of evolved our thinking away from just RS into the whole gut health arena."
"Taking your snapshot at one moment in time is, you know, you don't see the whole movie."
"There's a bigger picture in our health journey."
"It's hard to navigate self-identity... But we have to recognize that there's just so much more out there."
"You are not just the sum of all your chess moves, you are more than that."
"Put yourself in something bigger than just who you are."
"Sometimes it takes personal struggle to open up people's eyes to the larger things."
"I saw for certain that everything we see and experience is not all there is, there's something else."
"Look at the bigger picture, don't just look at what you're being told here. How is this going to impact things moving forward?"
"It's about the larger outcomes... and appreciate how it isn't just about the event itself."
"We need to understand what violence means to our communities beyond a hate crime discourse."
"There's a much wider universe out there than just superheroes."
"When in doubt, zoom out and you realize we're doing just fine."
"It allowed me to have a greater appreciation for life in general."
"There's more to the world that we're living in."
"Look at the bigger picture, prosperity lies ahead."
"Nobody wants to look at it from the bigger picture."
"Intelligence is much broader than IQ."
"There's much more to human intelligence than that. In fact, the greater part of human intelligence is richer and goes beyond the rather strict confines of academic work."
"It's got to be bigger than that. If it's just about you, you know how narrow-minded it is for something in its totality to be all about you."
"Religion can be a much broader idea. It's not just about accepting a bunch of propositions."
"Yes, it's important that we talk about the technical things on how to build models and algorithms, but at the same time, in order to get anything out of them in terms of its value for improving care, we have to think a bit broader."
"It captures so much more of high school than just the day-to-day."
"There's a bigger fight as well, you know?"
"There's a bigger story that many people need to pay attention to."
"Liberalism... it's not necessarily the conservative versus a liberal thing; we're really talking about the bigger picture."
"We need to shift our focus toward things outside of food so that we don't get lost in analysis paralysis."
"While these scandals have marred the reputation of the papacy, it is crucial to remember that they do not represent the entirety of the Catholic Church or its teachings."
"...there's so much more to what this project that is being portrayed."
"You can't just care about me. You have to care about other people. You have to care about the broader us."
"It really is about the big picture."
"At a certain point, a mountain of lower quality evidence that nevertheless all shows the same result combines to create a larger picture."
"It wasn't just about my personal goals, but I also considered my family."
"There's more to life than business."
"Sometimes life is bigger than just the moment."
"You should be thinking about the bigger picture."
"The broader perspective... is about how you're going to do good for cooperation and the stakeholders in the corporation."
"When you are reborn, you are reborn knowing that there is more to the world than this, there is more to life than this."
"Sometimes it's the things you can't see that make it bigger."
"The ecology is not just the air that we breathe or the earth that we walk on."
"The environment doesn't have to just be restricted to climate change."
"How do we broaden our lens to look at alternative forms of capital?"
"There's a bigger picture you cannot compete with."
"There are way, way more important things."
"Try to keep the broader picture in mind."
"I think the first thing we should do is stop fighting each other, stop debating the topics they will have us debate, and look at the bigger picture."
"The universe has a greater view of where you're going... sometimes you need to be able to take your hands off the wheel and let go of control."