
Caring Nature Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Nancy was a wonderful person who put everyone over herself."
"I feel like they want to be closer to you or have you in their life and yeah I feel like this person knows that you know how to be caring to others and they find that your energy is very exciting."
"Josh was the most caring, the absolute most selfless person I've ever met."
"Margaret: a good person that cares for her loved ones."
"He had some outstanding ethics and he was very, very caring."
"Dating a Sagittarius is always a good idea... they are giving, loving, and caring people."
"Sagittarius are those sweet, caring, considerate people... that just make you feel so special."
"You genuinely want the people in your life to be happy, to feel supported, and you do an excellent job of making people feel heard, loved, and really, honestly, just seen."
"Aries really really really care about people like they care a little bit so much sometimes."
"Your future spouse is so caring, they want to see the inside of you."
"People miss your stability, your caring nature, your selflessness."
"She would always put others' needs before her own."
"He genuinely cares about everybody around him."
"He insisted that he genuinely cared for her."
"I'd rather have an oliver anxious mum than one that wasn't really bothered just know the baby's going to be well and truly loved and looked after."
"For me, that's actually the most important in life: to be kind, loving, and caring."
"He's a really sweet dude, so if he arrives to a frat party late and he sees somebody that's way too drunk, he's like 'Bro, let me drive you home.'"
"I'm just a human being who loves us and cares about us and tells it like it is."
"All you did was care for others. You would spend any amount of time or drop anything you were doing just to listen and be there. I couldn't have asked for a better friend."
"When you love someone, it's not a burden to take care."
"I think you'll really look out for the people around you in a really lovely way..."
"Men adore your empathy and caring nature, you provide emotional shelter for them."
"She's everything you'd want her to be, somebody who's so kind and caring."
"Her desire to heal and to help shows how much she cares."
"I commend her, she's also so caring and protective."
"You're too caring, and that's a compliment."
"We still care about the little things."
"Chad was just a caring, loving person that if you needed somebody to talk to, he would take the time to talk to you."
"She's a good girl that takes care of everyone."
"You're so caring. We would make a good couple."
"He showed me he cared, that is who he was."
"Children of Oshun are very caring, I myself as a child of Oshun am a very proud person."
"He knows how to treat people and he cares."
"You've cared for everyone in this hospital, that's a very admirable quality."
"She was the sweetest, most caring, gentle person one could meet."
"Acceptance of love, your person really feels and thinks and views you as someone who is very loving, very giving, very caring."
"Sarah's the kind of person that would change your diapers when you're an old person. That's why she's my bestie, because she's got a heart of gold."
"We all care, that's why we're comedians. We care about what people think in an extreme amount."
"She's the most caring, nurturing, selfless person."
"She was a very caring young girl who thought of others."
"A Scorpio with Cancer moon is a very loving, caretaking, creative, and compassionate type person."
"ENTPs get a bad rap, we're told that we're like these big [people] that don't really care etc, that's not really true, we actually do care."
"She was described as someone who was kind-hearted, vibrant, caring, and empathetic."
"He's the first one who will go up to someone when you're walking with him and say, 'Is your son okay? How's your daughter doing in college?'"
"What makes us distinct as Christians is that we take on the character of God, the most caring being in the entire universe."
"There's definitely like a side to you guys that is caring and empathetic for others."
"I care about people intensely; I want them to be better."
"He was a gentleman, kind and caring."
"He knows the right pace; He gently leads those who are with young."
"She was kind to everyone and always went out of her way to make those closest to her feel loved."
"As long as there are people in my life that I care for, I have to be something else to protect them."
"She was like a loving, caring person, and she always looked out for others before self."
"Because I'm caring, I'm trusting, I'm loyal."
"My favorite quality in you is probably that you're extremely caring, like you just have a really good heart."
"I know my intention, I care about people, I want the best for everybody."
"I'm very caring, very loving... I want the best for people, and so I see the best in people."
"You care and will continue to care, for you are a compassionate loving being."
"He's a really good character because his social link shows that he does care about you."
"I just care so much about people, I'm a people pleaser."
"This person just likes to be 10 steps ahead to know what they can do to make you happy."
"You're most likely a very caring and nurturing person."
"You were caring, you were being kind and compassionate."
"They see you as very loving, caring, nurturing."
"You're passionate, you're caring, and when you fall for someone, you do everything for them."