
Dispute Resolution Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"If you're not factually, factually it's right."
"We need somebody of authority to take the responsibility for settling this dispute."
"You could make the argument that you were defrauded, right?"
"If anyone out there did get a Content ID claim from - Media Group - tech tips any of its affiliated whatever unless you're actually just reloading our videos which you're not supposed to do, I would say just dispute it."
"It's a quarter, just let him do it, whatever."
"Clearly you did receive this money to do X and there's no evidence that you did that so we're gonna give Alice her refund."
"Arbitration means it goes to a binding non-lawsuit process that is a more private process where a generally a retired judge but it can be another type of attorney that is the arbitrator or mediator will help you resolve the dispute."
"They refused to acknowledge my side with evidence unprofessionally dismissing my concerns."
"Karen: 'I'm just gonna dispute everything with my bank!' Me: 'Best of luck with that.'"
"Personal conflicts should stay off the internet unless there's no other solution."
"There's a lot of good reasons to settle the case."
"Small claims court specifically for housing disputes."
"The condo board has more or less agreed that they are in the wrong and will be pursuing other alternatives."
"These fights, if you will, these mini-fights behind the litigation, really go to show what claimants, defendants, plaintiffs, defendants have to go through."
"All our disputes be settled by this entity if that's not a real entity then you've obviously got problems."
"You don't prove anything at all by fighting."
"The undisputed facts are vital to lawyers and to judges because they assist you in resolving the disputed facts."
"My neighbor's main argument to the judge was that I maliciously installed a table to allow my dog to jump high enough to catch his drone."
"Your honor, today's case is White versus Brown."
"There's no earthly authority that can settle disputes about natural law."
"The galactic council is not just about maintaining peace," she explained. "It's a place where laws are made, disputes are settled, and voices from across the Galaxy are heard."
"There is no objective criteria by which we can settle our disputes... every one of them becomes a crisis then we are really going to get the Siddhis trap."
"The perfect solution to solve any dispute."
"This was being set up as a response to the need for better dispute resolution. It would also be an official point of contact for colonists who had been subjected to the normal run-of-the-mill crap that most communities have to deal with when they get bigger."
"He was due his money. I never disputed that. If you or someone you know has a dispute, don't take the law into your own hands. Let Judge Faith rule on it for you."
"Litigation benefits only the lawyers."
"eBay has some really good customer service, and in any dispute, they almost always side with the buyer."
"You can sue up to $12,000 in small claims courts, no lawyer needed."
"If he did restrict your access to the property it gives a weight to your argument that he took it upon himself to cause this problem for you, making him personally liable for the situation."
"The resolution management conference is a non-evidentiary hearing in front of a judge to talk about the case."
"If you've got copyright claims or strikes on your channel and you've tried to dispute it and you're still not having any luck then you can actually connect with YouTube themselves."
"The French are legendary for the use of duels to settle their disagreements."
"The thing about disputing online is that this can definitely give you a quicker result like if you were to call them on the phone."
"Our mission is to independently resolve administrative disputes between citizens and state agencies through accessible, fair, prompt processes and issue sound decisions."
"The Judgment of this court is that the painting is awarded to Mr. Hopkins."
"If we want a zero trust egalitarian way of settling our property disputes, then physical power competitions is the only way nature is no substitute."
"Using a court or a similar institution to settle a dispute is adjudication."
"Polk resolved the dispute with the United Kingdom over the Oregon Territory."
"What's the difference between mediation and arbitration? Arbitration is binding upon the parties, where mediation is not."
"Texts are critical in court and when you are in a dispute what you text can make or break your case."
"Do it without grumbling or disputing."
"We're also seeing systems that can help predict the outcome of disputes."
"Standards changed and dueling was no longer viewed as an acceptable way of settling disputes."
"The Articles of Confederation government can settle disputes between states."
"Settling the claims at the conference can be a positive way for both the worker and the employer to leave the dispute behind them without the need to go to a hearing."
"It's not uncommon for the parties to agree that if there's a dispute, it will get referred to an independent third party."
"Adjudication was introduced to be a speedy mechanism for settling disputes."
"Grievance arbitration is a means by which a third party settles disputes arising from difficult or conflicting interpretations of a labor contract."
"Businesses often need to have their disputes resolved sooner rather than later; they need that because they need legal certainty."
"Arbitration isn't supposed to be charging you with anything or finding you guilty or not guilty; it's just resolving a dispute between two parties."
"What we have been doing is actually providing avenues, options for parties to use as a framework to resolve their disputes and sometimes even prevent them all together."
"We're really looking beyond just arbitration or just typical dispute resolution but again we want companies to use and lawyers of course to use all tools in the toolbox."
"Arbitration is intended to be less formal, more efficient, more practical, and more aimed at getting to the substance of the party's dispute."
"All disputes shall be finally resolved by arbitration."
"As a member of the ICJ, Judge Donahue helps resolve disputes between sovereign states."
"The ABC proceedings were a remarkable dispute resolution process."
"The essential rule of party autonomy is that parties have the freedom to choose how they want their disputes to be resolved."
"The WTO, or the World Trade Organization, would settle a dispute among banana producing countries of the Caribbean and Central America over potential agreements with the European Union."
"Your generation will redefine what resolving disputes will be."
"Mediation is typically the first step in a dispute resolution process."
"Arbitration... the arbitrator then makes a binding decision that is imposed on the parties."
"If you have a problem, a dispute, and it goes to court, I would be the one to handle that."
"We revised the old custom of looking toward one man or one supreme leader for advice in the settling of disputes; we replaced leadership by one man with leadership by committee."
"Our civil legal system is designed to solve disputes, resolve them without gunfire."
"The WTO plays the role to solve disputes."
"The WTO maintains a dispute settlement process which can hear cases brought by WTO member states against other member states for violation of WTO rules."
"It's an argument, a fight, a bickering, a clearing up of misunderstanding to put an end to sadness and regret."