
Ghosting Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"He literally moved out of town, ghosted me after like two weeks."
"Being ghosted has absolutely nothing to do with your value."
"Only ghost if you genuinely have zero intentions of coming back."
"Chasing someone is when a guy is ghosting you and you're begging him to come back."
"Ghosting is the most cowardly way to break up with someone."
"You should be thankful for being ghosted, and the sooner it happens in the relationship, the better. Would you really want to be with someone who behaves like that?"
"Ghosting is ineffective communication. It is a sign of weakness and cowardice."
"The dudes that are most memorable to them are the ones that they had tons of fun with and then the guy just instantly ghosted them and never gave them the closure or explained why they did that."
"I'm interested. How many men have you ghosted in your lifetime? Probably too many to count."
"I want to know what your thoughts are in this approach where if a woman ghosts you rather than having a no contact rule and wait for her to come back, you just end it with her."
"I'd start dating other women because that's just freaking rude. I don't mind ghosting when I'm seeing multiple women but if I'm exclusive I just feel like it's not worth the time and pain."
"I ghosted you because of my own insecurities."
"More so annoying I feel like a lot of you guys were maybe just dating this person or you were developing feelings for this person and they either ghosted or they let you down completely."
"When people ghost you, they're telling you that they don't have the communication skills necessary for a healthy relationship."
"I really need somebody to explain to me the whole thought process on how somebody can believe that ghosting is actually an okay thing to do."
"Ghosting... it's not a nice thing to do. It can be pretty manipulative, it can be pretty hurtful."
"He ghosted me... That's how you treat your good friend? You just ghost your good friend."
"Ghosting does severe emotional and psychological damage."
"When dating, stay in honesty and reality. Getting ghosted sometimes happens, but if it's a pattern, it's not about attracting them."
"If they did Ghost you... they knew they lost a good one with you."
"Ghosting is a blessing in disguise, they weren't worth your time."
"To see her she texted me that she was gonna go back to her place and then I never heard anything from her ever again."
"Stop [expletive] ghosting, this ghosting culture has gotten so out of hand, it's actually astronomical."
"The upside to this particular ghosting is that she finally saw him for the person he really was and was happy to do the hard work to step away."
"You were just a real one. They ran from you, ghosted you, only to run after the clout."
"What you ghosted somebody after they broke up with you? Yeah, that's okay, they broke me up. Well, you're like you're damaging me right now."
"I may I did I did I did so many future men a favor because I I put I said that's not cool to do you don't set a date with someone follow them on Instagram exchange numbers and all that stuff only to just flat out ghost them"
"Why did they ghost you? Pile number one, and then we also have the Six of Pentacles."
"If he gets ghosted by the girl, he's gonna try to get her back just so he could ghost her again, just to get that attention again for his reply."
"If you get ghosted, do not double text them and do not message them after you've been ghosted."
"Ghosting is nasty. It's not about you, it's about the other person being a loser."
"A person who ghosts is somebody who emotionally is compromised. They're basically underdeveloped emotionally, and they're exercising a form of emotional abuse."
"Ghosting is a gift and we should all use that gift and you should all respect others' ghosts especially in the dating world."
"Some of you are putting forth a lot of energy towards someone who may have ghosted you."
"Yo, when people leave so easily like that, you gotta thank God. Don't ever be sad that somebody ghosts you or something like that. Usually, it's a favor. It's a favor."
"If someone ghosts you, respect the dead and never disturb them again."
"The best form of communication is ghosting the parent."
"I think people ghost for themselves."
"You're going to want to make it as low commitment as possible for them. If you make it too high of a commitment level, you're going to get ghosted."
"Know you're chasing a man when you have to ask, 'How do I get him back after he ghosted me?'"
"It's not enough time to develop an emotional connection... There's something subconsciously... why they're ghosting you after they [expletive] you."
"If someone cares about you they're never just gonna ghost you."
"Ghosting is a gift better now than 6 months from now go find your man never settle."
"I'm the ghost because there's ghosting where you just stop talking to someone."
"You can ghost them at the same time they discard you."
"I think ghosting is better than just not wanting to be a dick, so to speak, and kind of just appeasing them constantly because you don't want to be mean."
"Ghosting is almost always the best way to handle a cheater."
"If a guy ghosts me, I'm letting him ghost me. We're done, and I'm moving on."
"If they wouldn't have died, it wouldn't have been this big love story. He would have ghosted her immediately."
"Somebody who has emotional empathy would not engage in ghosting."
"Ghosting... is actually far more serious than people realize."
"Ghosting is... it's shitty, especially because you can just be like, 'Hey, I don't think this is going to work,' and that's better than having somebody keep reaching out to you and you're just ignoring them."
"We live in a world where people get ghosted more than they get texted."
"Listen, we've all been there before, and yes, even I have been ghosted, and let me tell you, it sucks."
"I'm such a ghoster, I do believe in second chances to a point."
"Why the narcissist ghosts you... just because a person ghosts does not mean that they are a narcissist."
"Nothing stops it, just ghosts through them."
"Don't let this person ghosting you make you feel any less than yourself because you seem like a very great person."
"You've been ghosting so many people, you could run your own spiritualist church."
"The sigma showed the least amount of ghosting in our lens flare test."
"The definition of ghosting is the practice of ending a personal relationship without explanation, withdrawing from all communication."
"Maybe the person who ghosted you is learning a karmic lesson."
"It's interesting how we, the person that was ghosted, go directly to 'What happened to me? What's wrong with me?' And it's not always that. Most times it's about them."
"Stop ghosting; this ghosting culture has gotten so out of hand, it's actually astronomic."
"Ghosting is not immature; some people don't deserve communication."
"Ghosting usually causes more harm than good."
"Somebody regrets ghosting you or leaving you."