
Grouping Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Clustering: taking an automatic grouping of similar objects into sets."
"Rather than just specifically ranking these guys and having to give like a definitive answer of who is stronger than who, we can just group them into their own individual tiers."
"Parentheses act like a little sandwich bag, keeping everything together."
"It feels like it's wanting to put me a bit close to those guys as well."
"What do you call a group of walruses? A huddle."
"This is a newer feature and it allows you to create groups of customers and then if you'd like to email that group or do some other things with the group you can do that as a whole."
"Perform dissolve command to group geological units."
"Segments are used when you want to group people together who share a common attribute or common attributes."
"But basically, they rounded up the men and older boys in one group."
"That's where Group by comes in because guess what? We have ties. If I group these together, they'll show up as a single number."
"... we're going to select this whole thing and we are going to group it together."
"Classification is the science of putting things into groups based on their shared characteristics."
"...if you're like me at some point in the process you'll want to place related clips into their own group called a connected story line."
"With endpoint definition interfaces, we can ensure consistency in our endpoint grouping."
"You'll notice some names are together that really shouldn't be together but they're in the same tier, like for example I have Raider Clan and RCB in the same tier."
"So you can group the windows by what task you're doing."
"Clustering is a technique where similar objects are put together."
"I think that whenever you can do that, group similar items together, it really makes a statement."
"Things that change for the same reasons should be grouped together; things that change for different reasons should be separated."
"When galaxies group together in hundreds or even thousands, confined to a spherical space whose evolution is not yet complete, we speak of galactic clusters."
"The atoms are grouped so that where they appear on the chart, they have similar properties."
"People tend to organize elements into groups, seeing the relationships between them."
"Similarity occurs when objects look the same, and the viewer perceives them as a group."
"Unsupervised machine learning is like when you have a bunch of objects and what you're trying to do is put those into groups that are similar in some way."
"If you can get to the point where you can just tell that story and group things into acute AML, ALL, CML, CLL, and then tell the details of each one of these, you'll be perfect for the exam."
"When you group them together, they make quite a statement."
"Group by is another one of our key phrases in SQL that's going to let us group data."
"Items look better when grouped in threes."
"Proximity asserts that things that are close to one another tend to be grouped together."
"The reason the columns are called groups is that we group together things that have similar properties."
"They hang out in groups of about seven or eight together; that social bond is really important."
"We group things together, people together, but hopefully it allows people to make decisions more independently."
"Use items that are different sizes, shape, color, and texture, and group them together in groups of three."
"A struct is a structure that groups related variables under one name."
"If we can draw a circle or some kind of ellipsoid around a group of points and lasso those together, we can say these points all go together."
"Now this is great, but what I would like to do is to group these based on the continents that they are coming from."
"You can make use of clustering by grouping the places into four clusters."
"Cluster analysis is the process of forming groups of related variables for the purpose of drawing important conclusions based on the similarities within the group."
"Experimental design is how participants are put together in groups in the study."
"Elements located within the same area are perceived to be grouped together."
"Group by specific variable and then get the average and the count."
"Customizing views for the view include not just only filtering but also the ability to group."
"That's the tightest group so far there."
"The brain has a built-in mechanism to group similar or identical fragments from remote parts of the visual field."
"Select flight_id from passengers, GROUP BY flight_id HAVING COUNT star greater than 1."
"Your brain naturally groups data by color."
"Campaign hierarchy analyzes the health and performance of related campaigns grouped together by goal or initiative."
"You have a set of data and you want to group them into clusters."
"It's true in civilization as well as criminal litigation, you always want to group things together and solve the whole problem."
"We can group every other number with its unique multiplicative inverse."
"Structures are another mechanism in C to group together variables, possibly of different types."
"Parts of a regex are grouped by enclosing them in parentheses."
"The bell curve is a statistical concept that tells us how things tend to group up."
"We mix and remix groups on an ongoing basis in order to best meet children's needs at any given time."
"With clustering, we're looking to take our input variables and see if we can group our observations based on what they have in common."
"I'm gonna optimize this group based on its weight."
"Normalization is actually really really useful for grouping data."
"We group elements with similar properties together in the same group."
"Group by will go through an iterable and group values based on a certain key."
"All these transactions are grouped together into these bundles of records that are called blocks."
"We're going to show Asia versus everybody else, so we need to make a group."
"We're going to deal with boolean unions, merge, subtract, intersect, as well as grouping."
"Cluster analysis is the art of finding groups in data."
"Now, not only can I update all of my Observable Collections to Observable Range Collections, I can do things like handle grouping."
"I'm grouping the materials together; it's a more contemporary and more modern style of arranging."