
Reality Shift Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"It's a change of reality. It's a new reality."
"Did I pass out and wake up in a different Universe?"
"Experience the shift, experience the reality you want, shift your level of consciousness."
"We're moving from third density to fourth density, where reality becomes much more magical."
"The conspiracy theories of yesterday are becoming the realities of today."
"Change your personality, change your personal reality."
"As we do the inner transformation work... so will the outer reality begin to shift."
"Your reality is shifting in a much more positive direction."
"Shift Your Identity, Shift Your Reality: A Practical Guide."
"Act as if you are the greatest, act as if you are abundant, act as if and allow your reality to shift."
"Instant manifestation is when you click over to a reality based in abundance."
"Like when I got there was a dream, when I left it was a you reality."
"Be prepared to exit earth and enter reality."
"The unreal becomes the real, and the real becomes the unreal."
"This week, the collective consciousness is manifesting a new reality."
"This is what happens when a dark obsession crosses the threshold between fantasy and reality."
"Don't look at yourself as a victim... understand that you have the power to shift the reality."
"That little two percent change of that 95 is enough to change your reality."
"There is something far greater over this horizon, and it will shatter your reality."
"It completely changed our whole reality and our whole life, and you guys are part of that journey."
"Is it possible that my wife just shifted realities? If so, what happened to my original wife?"
"When they come into your life, your reality will completely shift to a more positive one."
"Your reality merely shifts to match your consciousness."
"Three most powerful steps to travel into another parallel reality."
"When you're ignoring your 3D reality, you're shifting your state of being and moving more and more into that wish fulfilled version of yourself."
"I love this concept of an urban explorer entering a building and coming back out to find that reality has completely shifted to something new."
"Being disconnected does not mean you are broken; it means you are ready to connect into another reality which includes a better version of yourself."
"It creates conditions for a different reality, a win-win reality for Jews and Arabs alike."
"In order to shift your personal reality, you have to shift your personality."
"It is not in the least alarming, but in the two minutes before you go to sleep it becomes very real."
"The once unthinkable now a miraculous reality."
"Everything depends on our overcoming theological talk about Christ, so that in all reality we can move forward to an understanding of him."
"Once you jump from a 3D to 5D reality, you're now able to really alter what you perceive as a very limited reach in your reality, and you can alter it real-time."
"It was like I'd gone from the real world to living in a snow globe."
"You're growing up but you're also outgrowing your whole reality."
"Now that we're out of the matrix, it's like this isn't our world."
"...the barenstein Bears phenomena... a sign that we possibly jumped into another reality."
"I felt as if the entire world had changed around me; nothing made sense anymore."
"All the world, all the real world, became a distant place to Gary standing on that stool beside the grinder table."
"It's been shifting my entire reality because I'm just bringing so much joy and love into just tiny little intimate moments."
"This is what ghost investigating is: a lot of just sitting for minutes, hours even, with nothing happening, and then you get that one moment when something happens that changes the way you perceive your reality."
"If any narrative can change the way we're thinking to a better way to think, then we can change our current reality."
"You're kind of like quantum leaping into that feeling and bringing it into this reality."
"No matter where you are, what's going on, or what your life has been before, you can always transport yourself to a reality where things are working out for you."
"When I arrive to my desired reality, I will smell a strong scent of cinnamon and open my eyes to arrive."
"Your reality is shifting because of the result of the thoughts that you have been telling yourself over and over again."
"I'm seeing a major metamorphosis happening, a major change, a major shift in your reality right now."
"Awareness shifts our reality where we place our focus."
"You're stepping into a time as well, what's changing is that you're going to change your reality, you're going to realize the power you have to change your reality."
"When the rhythm changes, the whole reality changes."