
Musical Interpretation Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"I think music is personal. You relate the song to the person if they're a great artist singing that song."
"You can read the words of the Doctrine and Covenants and they're great, but then once you watch the play, then you love the songs because you understand what was going on in the background."
"The beauty of this music is that you can actually interpret it one of many different kinds of ways and you can learn a lot from how different people interpret the same piece of music."
"It's called the resurrection symphony, and we could hear it as portraying resurrection."
"It's just such a fantastic metaphor because it can be used in any aspect. You can be as high on something, you know, and like a lot of our music has double entendres, like every line basically."
"It's masterfully sung, intuitively emotional, and rousing in its evasion of two lost souls finding their place in the world together at last."
"I think sometimes perfection in music is just that perfect, sincere interpretation and not like a pitch-perfect or perfectly mastered."
"This song is genius and details what I assume would have happened if Eminem got to the hospital later than he did."
"It's amazing how one song can inspire so many different interpretations as a music video."
"I think the word I would use to describe Keith's style of drumming is free rather than anarchic."
"Nobody is so cool they can tell everybody else how to interpret a record."
"A song that we thought John Lennon Only endured begrudgingly but no Yellow Submarine is as Lennon makani as a Dane alive."
"This is pretty much exactly what I see in my head when I think of that song."
"I think actually something similar happens with good music where the music reflects what the lyrics are conveying at its best."
"A lot of phases to this song, and obviously, given the title, some very political angles coming out of the lyrics too."
"This track is just beautiful in how it deals with insecurity and acceptance."
"I would rather play a simple piece beautifully than barely survive through a piece which was 30-second notes for 3 minutes."
"There's always this danger of playing notes on a page, and intrinsically that's not emotional. It's how you play them."
"You can tell by him in the music how delicate his hands look."
"You hear the mind of the musician behind every phrase."
"I think it just depends on the song, and I just because I'm actually the singer also, every singer has this whole different way of approaching a song and approaching, you know, performance of the song."
"That picture that he painted from the music, just like the aesthetic but how deep it was, like, I got that instantly."
"Always trying to arc the tune, always trying to serve the song."
"Let's push boundaries, is what I'm getting out of this song."
"It gives the piece an edge that's quite remarkable and quite different from any other version."
"It's inexhaustible; the music admits so many different interpretations, and so it can resonate on different levels, and it should be that way."
"All I can offer you is how I see the music that has been played before and what I see as important or significant in it."
"Klemperer... nobody did those opening thunderous Strokes that opens this Symphony the way Klemper does."
"Bernstein was perhaps the 20th Century's greatest Haydn conductor."
"The words will speak for themselves, and that's what happens in this performance."
"Each one able to be called a sermon in music because it expounded upon a text so well."
"Richter's version has an element of surprise; he's really playing this opening as a free fantasia out of strict time."
"What's the point really in playing the exact bass line note for note if you're covering the song? I think it's more musical to make these bass lines your own."
"I think I prefer Wendy Carlos's stuff, I think she had a deeper understanding of Bach."
"He loved the ease and the perfection and the musicality."
"Bluegrass is an improvisational genre, so learning these breaks note-for-note isn't really what this is about."
"Engage with teachers and musicians so you gain an understanding of how to interpret music notation, not just how to read it."
"The word 'solo' is what is translated 'making melody' in Ephesians chapter 5 and at verse 19, and that word literally means to twitch or to twang."
"In these seven minutes, without even writing any new lyrics, Buckley perfectly lends his voice to the mission statement of what would sadly be his entire career."
"The chart stays, that never changes, but what happens in between and how you interpret it and the improvisation is always growing."
"The moment we take our attention off of the notes and begin to focus on what happens between them, we begin to get closer to a real work of art."
"Blues Power is just a college course times a billion in how to play blues and what blues music is and what it's about."
"Dancing is supposed to be expression of your body through music."
"She showed a technique and she showed creativity as well with the musicality that she had."
"Nobody should have covered 'Georgia On My Mind,' but Willie Nelson nailed it."
"You must know the affect of music that you're playing; the mood influences how you play."
"Great music, in my opinion, has multiple layers of meanings that your brain enjoys finding."
"Lizzo's performance turned that song special into a gospel song."